Fans, please dont boo and throw stuff at the players

I attended the Iowa/PSU game with a good friend who grew up in the shadows of the PSU stadium in Happy Valley. We have gone to games together in Iowa City and Happy Valley when Iowa and PSU play each other. He has endured watching PSU get beaten up by the Hawks on numerous occasions. He loves Kinnick stadium, Iowa City (espec. Pagliais' Pizza), and most importantly, how he is treated by Iowa fans even when he decks out in his PSU gear!

Here are two quotes from my friend:

"I have never seen a stadium empty out prior to the end of the game like the fans did at Kinnick tonight."

"I have never hear fans boo the players at a PSU, or any other college football game."

Shame on us. Just, Shame on us.
I attended the Iowa/PSU game with a good friend who grew up in the shadows of the PSU stadium in Happy Valley. We have gone to games together in Iowa City and Happy Valley when Iowa and PSU play each other. He has endured watching PSU get beaten up by the Hawks on numerous occasions. He loves Kinnick stadium, Iowa City (espec. Pagliais' Pizza), and most importantly, how he is treated by Iowa fans even when he decks out in his PSU gear!

Here are two quotes from my friend:

"I have never seen a stadium empty out prior to the end of the game like the fans did at Kinnick tonight."

"I have never hear fans boo the players at a PSU, or any other college football game."

Shame on us. Just, Shame on us.

The overwhelming majority of fans were booing the coaches. They are tired of these stick-in-the-mud offenses that Kirk Ferentz trots out each year.

That said, booing is not a good thing, but it does show passion. Iowa fans want Iowa Football to compete at a higher level, and considering what has been put out on the field this year, there is nowhere to go but up!

Next year will be better.
I have a few quotes from me that I want to share with you.

"I have never seen an Iowa team play as poorly as they played last night"

"I have never seen a coach so emotionless on the sideline"

"I have never seen a coach stick with a quarterback when he has thrown for 2 touchdowns and 4 ints. Not even that Clown coach."

"If you don't like the booing maybe you should find a new school to cheer for. The players are men and they can handle it."
Where have you been, man?

I guess living under a rock! You know what someone with access to a calculator should do? Someone should divide his salary by the # of wins we currently have - that is how much we are paying PER WIN! That would make a really profound point, I think.
That comment makes absolutely no sense. Stop doing drugs before getting online. have that completely backwards. If you are browsing HN at this juncture & you're NOT on drugs, you are taking serious risks with your mental well being. Yes on Amendment 64, baby! HN - Purple Haze Edition! :p

JD should do soundoff "under the influence" sometime. I would tune in.

"I'll hang up and let you guys comment"
(Zabel) "Thanks caller - see the thi--"
(JD - interrupting, mouth partially full of maid rite) "You know what's a weird word, Z? Vandenberg. Vaaaaaan-den-buuuuuuurg. Hahhahahaha" (imagine bits of maid rite hitting mic for effect)
Where have you been, man?

I guess living under a rock! You know what someone with access to a calculator should do? Someone should divide his salary by the # of wins we currently have - that is how much we are paying PER WIN! That would make a really profound point, I think.

Waaaaaaaaiting! Come on! Someone - Start -> Run -> calc. Do the math for us! We deserve to know the truth - how much per win?!?!? I NEED TO TAILOR MY OUTRAGE ACCORDINGLY!!!!1!!
I attended the Iowa/PSU game with a good friend who grew up in the shadows of the PSU stadium in Happy Valley. We have gone to games together in Iowa City and Happy Valley when Iowa and PSU play each other. He has endured watching PSU get beaten up by the Hawks on numerous occasions. He loves Kinnick stadium, Iowa City (espec. Pagliais' Pizza), and most importantly, how he is treated by Iowa fans even when he decks out in his PSU gear!

Here are two quotes from my friend:

"I have never seen a stadium empty out prior to the end of the game like the fans did at Kinnick tonight."

"I have never hear fans boo the players at a PSU, or any other college football game."

Shame on us. Just, Shame on us.

Ohhhh shut up...Shame on kirk. This isnt because of one game.
Far from worst coach ever. Equally far from best coach ever. I'd just say a pretty crappy coach and reject the hyperbole.
What's worse, a packed stadium of booing fans, or a half empty stadium that is quiet?

For me, I have more respect for a fan that stays in the bleachers and shows their passion by booing, rather than walking out of the stadium and leaving the game early.
What's worse, a packed stadium of booing fans, or a half empty stadium that is quiet?

For me, I have more respect for a fan that stays in the bleachers and shows their passion by booing, rather than walking out of the stadium and leaving the game early.

I stayed until the end. It was a very poor performance by our team. I sincerely believe that most of the fans booing were booing the coaches, not the players. Again, I repeat, I understand their frustration.

It was a very puzzling performance by our team. It happens. The question now is how this team responds. I would like to hope that they will respond in a favorable way and play well in Evanston. We'll see.
I disagree with the OP I loved being booed when I was the away team. Nothing got me more pumped than that. Therefore I don't boo opposing teams in Kinnick.
I attended the Iowa/PSU game with a good friend who grew up in the shadows of the PSU stadium in Happy Valley. We have gone to games together in Iowa City and Happy Valley when Iowa and PSU play each other. He has endured watching PSU get beaten up by the Hawks on numerous occasions. He loves Kinnick stadium, Iowa City (espec. Pagliais' Pizza), and most importantly, how he is treated by Iowa fans even when he decks out in his PSU gear!

Here are two quotes from my friend:

"I have never seen a stadium empty out prior to the end of the game like the fans did at Kinnick tonight."

"I have never hear fans boo the players at a PSU, or any other college football game."

Shame on us. Just, Shame on us.

Good post, Doc.....

These are the guys we boo......

Here are two quotes from my friend:

"I have never seen a stadium empty out prior to the end of the game like the fans did at Kinnick tonight."

"I have never hear fans boo the players at a PSU, or any other college football game."

Shame on us. Just, Shame on us.

Holy cow--either you've got to be kidding us with those quotes, or your friend hasn't been to very many college football games outside of Happy Valley.

Stadiums empty during blowout losses and fans boo--all the time, pretty much everywhere. You don't even have to look outside the conference to know this: Ohio State fans hated Steve Bellisari so much that they may very well have booed him while he was making his dessert selection in the dorm food line, and Illinois fans are generally making their way to the turnstiles right around the 5 minute mark of the second quarter of their latest embarrassing loss.

Say what you will about the booing and early exits last night, but Iowa fans are far from unique in this regard.
Waaaaaaaaiting! Come on! Someone - Start -> Run -> calc. Do the math for us! We deserve to know the truth - how much per win?!?!? I NEED TO TAILOR MY OUTRAGE ACCORDINGLY!!!!1!!

OK, my Sarcastometer 4000 was apparently on the fritz earlier, but it's working again and I can start to sense the sarcasm now. But just for fun, I will entertain your question by saying he makes $7.23 a minute. Take that number and multiply it however you want and you can have some real fun with that. For example, in the average time it takes a person to go number two, Kirk Ferentz has made over $50.
Ok, after thinking a bit, I decided that it's ok to throw things at the long as it's cash. Hopefully the players can collect enough to buy out Ferentz's contract at the end of the year.

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