Explosive players..


Well-Known Member
Colin Cowherd doesn't think Iowa has enough explosive players to get to a National Championship game...

What does everyone think?

I think Iowa will open up some eyes this season on O-fense. They have more talent coming back this season then at least 2002 and maybe before. I think the hopes of playing in the NC game hinge on Stanzi and his ability to cut down on interceptions.

I think he can pull this off. I you remember, he had a major problem with fumbling in 2008 and he fixed that over an off season.
What I think is I don't give a rat's patootie what Cowherd's opinion is - on any subject. He's a ratings whore thats will say anything to inflame anyone unfortunate enough to be listening to him.
I think he is probably right. We don't have the type of talent that can play average or below average and still win. We need to execute to win. And when you have to execute every single game the potential for slip-up is greater. I agree that Stanzi is the key, along with the offensive line.
What I think is I don't give a rat's patootie what Cowherd's opinion is - on any subject. He's a ratings whore thats will say anything to inflame anyone unfortunate enough to be listening to him.

I really don't care what people think of Cowherd. I thought that his comment brought up an interesting question, and I was wondering what everyone thought.
Colin Cowherd doesn't think Iowa has enough explosive players to get to a National Championship game...

What does everyone think?

I think Iowa will open up some eyes this season on O-fense. They have more talent coming back this season then at least 2002 and maybe before. I think the hopes of playing in the NC game hinge on Stanzi and his ability to cut down on interceptions.

I think he can pull this off. I you remember, he had a major problem with fumbling in 2008 and he fixed that over an off season.

This season, I'm more concerned with our OL than our 'explosive players'.

If we'd have had Shonn Greene last year, and/or if Stanzi doesn't go down v. NW, I think we could have had a pretty good chance at the NC game last year. Lots of buts and ifs, but those are only two players, and I would call neither one of them 'explosive'. And that's not saying either one aren't great players.
They may be more explosive than they have been in years with DJK and McNutt and Davis. McNutt is that big wide out that everybody wishes for, good speed and athletic. McNutt is the kind of guy you love on the goal line. Stanzi can throw the ball up and Marvin can go get it with his big hands. DJK gives you the deep threat. Hampton, Robinson and Wegher give you a great combo, Wegher and Hampton can take it to the house, both have good speed. Coker might be in the mix if needed, he looks to be Shonne Green like. Tight end looks pretty good, I think CJ gives you that Meaoki type athlete. Plus we don't know exactly what Keenan Davis can do but he sure is athletic and big, Sandeman is a nice 3rd receiver as well. Chaney also gives you some real track speed at times, they used a bit more it seemed last year until he got hurt.
They may be more explosive than they have been in years with DJK and McNutt and Davis. McNutt is that big wide out that everybody wishes for, good speed and athletic. McNutt is the kind of guy you love on the goal line. Stanzi can throw the ball up and Marvin can go get it with his big hands. DJK gives you the deep threat. Hampton, Robinson and Wegher give you a great combo, Wegher and Hampton can take it to the house, both have good speed. Coker might be in the mix if needed, he looks to be Shonne Green like. Tight end looks pretty good, I think CJ gives you that Meaoki type athlete. Plus we don't know exactly what Keenan Davis can do but he sure is athletic and big, Sandeman is a nice 3rd receiver as well. Chaney also gives you some real track speed at times, they used a bit more it seemed last year until he got hurt.

I think of DJK as more of an Ed Hinkel type. Ed had a knack (or at least it seemed that way) make a lot of big catches when the team needed pick up a big first down or get out of a hole, and DJK seems to be in that same mold.
I think of DJK as more of an Ed Hinkel type. Ed had a knack (or at least it seemed that way) make a lot of big catches when the team needed pick up a big first down or get out of a hole, and DJK seems to be in that same mold.

He's a good possession receiver, but he is a deep threat. A lot of his big catches are big plays downfield. Hinkel was an excellent chain-mover, but he'd get more of the big first downs by a yard or two. DJK can get them by 20 yards.

Plus, while I love DJK, Hinkel was a much more complete player for our system. He never lost focus, was one of the toughest players I've ever seen at Iowa, and was a MUCH more willing blocker.
The Hawks have always won/lost with line play. I don't think we have enough on the offensive line to be championship caliber. We've got a lot of guys who can make plays, but I don't see us as having big time playmakers on the offensive side of the ball. If not for the defensive line I'd label our pass defense as suspect at this point.

I expect us to be very good, but a lot has to break in our favor for us to be Rose Bowl or better. There's a fever running rampant on the internet and visions of national championships are appearing for many. This delusions will no doubt pass and I hope the fan base isn't so caught up in it's own hype that they can't enjoy what's going to be a very good season.
DJK is also a lot better at getting open than Hinkel, a key skill for a WR. DJK is a NFL caliber WR and is deceptively quick, gets out breaks, and has very good acceleration.
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This season, I'm more concerned with our OL than our 'explosive players'.

If we'd have had Shonn Greene last year, and/or if Stanzi doesn't go down v. NW, I think we could have had a pretty good chance at the NC game last year. Lots of buts and ifs, but those are only two players, and I would call neither one of them 'explosive'. And that's not saying either one aren't great players.

Sorry but even if we win against NU and OSU we don't go to the NC game. Not a chance we break into the texas / alabama dance.
Sorry but even if we win against NU and OSU we don't go to the NC game. Not a chance we break into the texas / alabama dance.

Not so sure... if you're talking about Stanzi going down, I agree. If it's the addition of Greene to last year's team, I really think we would have had a chance. The two frosh rbs did great, but Greene could have had a huge year. Some of those "lucky" wins, as the pundits viewed them, could have been big wins. It'd have been a completely different story.
Not so sure... if you're talking about Stanzi going down, I agree. If it's the addition of Greene to last year's team, I really think we would have had a chance. The two frosh rbs did great, but Greene could have had a huge year. Some of those "lucky" wins, as the pundits viewed them, could have been big wins. It'd have been a completely different story.

With or without Greene, if Iowa goes against Northwestern and wins, then goes to Columbus and wins. They get to #4 in the polls. Couple that with their high BCS ranking, They would have jumped over Texas, maybe even Florida in the BCS due to the fact Iowa actually played somebody worth a poop at that point last year.
What would have happened next is Iowa would have been moved back down the polls to ensure that it was the vastly overrated but bigger named Texas getting their butts handed to them by either Florida or Alabama.
With or without Greene, if Iowa goes against Northwestern and wins, then goes to Columbus and wins. They get to #4 in the polls. Couple that with their high BCS ranking, They would have jumped over Texas, maybe even Florida in the BCS due to the fact Iowa actually played somebody worth a poop at that point last year.
What would have happened next is Iowa would have been moved back down the polls to ensure that it was the vastly overrated but bigger named Texas getting their butts handed to them by either Florida or Alabama.

How was TX "vastly overrated"????

Sorry, but even with your mythical win over Northwestern and tOSU, you still almost had a disaster against UNI. Nobody who has to do what Iowa did to beat UNI belongs in a championship game. Period.
coming from a guy who's team lost to ISU. what?

that is relevant how? I'm not the one on here posting about how if we just won these other two games then we should have had a shot at the NC game--while also calling one of the teams that made it "vastly overrated".

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