ESPN: Woodbury to crack Top 50, possibly Top 25

Our women's program attendance is better than 7,100. The ISU men's program averaged 12,500, thats 26th in the country and 3rd in the big 12 behind kansas and texas. I'm very comfortable with the quality of the ISU fan and plan on the numbers going up with Coach Hoiberg in charge.
Make sure your numbers are comparing apples to apples... as in, tickets sold vs. actual attendance and then re-post.
Our women's program attendance is better than 7,100. The ISU men's program averaged 12,500, thats 26th in the country and 3rd in the big 12 behind kansas and texas. I'm very comfortable with the quality of the ISU fan and plan on the numbers going up with Coach Hoiberg in charge.

there is no chance in hell that ISU averaged 12,500 scanned tickets at the door.
Whether Woodbury picks Iowa or not,it says nothing about his character. That's nonsense.

Wrong. If he chooses another school there is nothing wrong with his character and nobody could blame him. If he chooses Iowa he has exceptional character for picking a team he's purportedly been a fan of since he was a kid and who have recruited him from the get-go when his stock wasn't nearly as high.
Wrong. If he chooses another school there is nothing wrong with his character and nobody could blame him. If he chooses Iowa he has exceptional character for picking a team he's purportedly been a fan of since he was a kid and who have recruited him from the get-go when his stock wasn't nearly as high.

I wish all Iowa fans had the same outlook/attitude as this.
Good stuff!
Wrong. If he chooses another school there is nothing wrong with his character and nobody could blame him. If he chooses Iowa he has exceptional character for picking a team he's purportedly been a fan of since he was a kid and who have recruited him from the get-go when his stock wasn't nearly as high.

This is just absurd.

It is like saying that there is nothing wrong with picking Iowa, but he shows real character if he skips the low pressure, hometown gig, and goes to a place where he will be facing top competition and expect to win a title.
This is just absurd.

It is like saying that there is nothing wrong with picking Iowa, but he shows real character if he skips the low pressure, hometown gig, and goes to a place where he will be facing top competition and expect to win a title.

Do not repsond to this poster. He is not a fan and just likes to antogonize people. If you attempt to discuss anything you will get nothing of substance because he will just keep arguing. That is what don't feed the troll means.
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What tournament/camp is gessell and woodbury playing in tonight in illnois? i see fran is there tonight to watch them.
It is a big AAU tourny in Elmhurst,Ill. Looks like a lot of good midwest clubs are participating.
Typical Clone reaction to Woodbury: (1) He's way too good for Iowa and will sign with one of the big boys, and (2) If he does sign with Iowa it won't mean a thing as he's not that good.
I'd have a difficult time turning down North Carolina or Duke. Why wouldn't you go there? Or Harvard for that matter. A chance for a free ride at Harvard with the possibility of graduating as one of the greatest players ever from that program? Couldn't you argue it'd say even more about his character if he turned down an offer from the popular in-state school, knowing the criticism he'd face from the locals, and went completely out of his comfort zone by attending school half way across the country where he'd be challenged more either a). academically or b). athletically?

If he decides he wants to go to Iowa, great. But it's not like he is the second coming of Christ. He's some kid who played well at one or two camps and thus is shooting up the overvalued and somewhat arbitrary rankings.

Fran will find talented kids who will do well at Iowa, many of whom will be "ranked" lower than Woodbury. Ultimately, some will likely have better college careers than him, too.
Our women's program attendance is better than 7,100. The ISU men's program averaged 12,500, thats 26th in the country and 3rd in the big 12 behind kansas and texas. I'm very comfortable with the quality of the ISU fan and plan on the numbers going up with Coach Hoiberg in charge.

I call BS. The earlier posts about Iowa were talking about butts in seats, you're referring to tickets sold. Guess what, in tickets sold, ISU was 28th at 12,100 and Iowa was 31st at 11,635. Wow, a whole 465 more.
There is no question about Adam's character whether or not he goes to Iowa. It is his decision to make. If he does choose the Hawks it would boost his character factor tenfold.
