ESPN article on Wegher with Ferentz Quotes

I just don't get the whole situation. He was successful last year & seemed to be having fun doing it. All I know is that when a young guy goes through high school & "is the big man on campus" then attends college where there is equal or better talent, many times it is difficult for them to adjust. They have been told their whole lives that they are the best. I feel it comes down to two things.

1) There is some kind of personal or health problem. In that case, I feel for him & he needs to do what is best for him.

2) He may feel that he is getting pushed down the depth chart & having trouble adjusting to that. Or, may be asked to perform on kick or punt coverage which he may view as an degradation.

If this is the case, what BW must realize is that college teams or NFL teams for that matter use a RB by committee anymore many times with 2-4 RB's. Long gone are the days with teams going predominantly with one guy. It's just too physical. Also, he would be just one RB injury away from substantial playing time. The likelihood of Iowa or any team going thru the whole yr without an injury to a RB or RB's where games are missed is very low.

And my last point. If is sec to #2, why wouldn't a guy want to be part of a team that could have a very special season? I don't get it. Everyone knows this year could be one of ages & I have a hard time fathoming why someone would not want to be a part of it. This only comes along once in a lifetime. Sometimes young guys don't realize this.
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There is a big difference between giving up on football just because things got hard (meaning falling on the depth chart, stuff that's on the field), and taking time off to deal with something that's more important (and being distracted by it when he tried to gut it out). He's got tons of heart. It's just being put into something more important than football right now.

Lets just say the rumors are true. It is not an "Oh my God, my life is over" type thing. Whats done is done. Everyone is different and handles adversity in a different manner. If your heart is not into it, walk away, with no regrets and let someone else enjoy the bennies of a full ride. If there are regrets, he still has 3 years left to play, weather its at Iowa or elsewhere, and Im sure KF would give him the opportunity to earn his way back on the team. IMO, if everything being said is accurate, this year is pretty much a wash for him or its getting dangerously close to it. One thing I am sure of, Im glad Im not the one that has to make the decision of when its time to pull the free ride for him if he not at least at practice.
Im guessing you missed a comment made by the Captain himself.

“He came back and practiced a couple days and his heart wasn’t into it,” "

Nope, sure didn't- the poster sounded like he questioned BW's "heart". KF said that his heart wasn't into it re: playing football.

You can certainly still have "heart", even if your heart isn't into football right now. Maybe you take that differently, to each their own.
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Lets just say the rumors are true. It is not an "Oh my God, my life is over" type thing. Whats done is done. Everyone is different and handles adversity in a different manner. If your heart is not into it, walk away, with no regrets and let someone else enjoy the bennies of a full ride. If there are regrets, he still has 3 years left to play, weather its at Iowa or elsewhere, and Im sure KF would give him the opportunity to earn his way back on the team. IMO, if everything being said is accurate, this year is pretty much a wash for him or its getting dangerously close to it. One thing I am sure of, Im glad Im not the one that has to make the decision of when its time to pull the free ride for him if he not at least at practice.

I'll put it this way. This will seem like a really random question, but I want to see your response to it before I make my point (and I promise there is a point). Were you a fan of Derek Pagel?
Lance Tillison left the team all together because either his heart was not in being a Hawkeye or he thought he was buried on the depth chart. He came back a couple of years later and is still buried on the depth chart. Wegher could contribute to the team in other positions besides RB, but I do not see anything in his play and numbers he accumulated last year that would indicate that he would not have been in the mix at RB. If he sucked, KF would not be holding the door open for him, and we would not be having this discussion. How many other players have left the team this year? How many of them have 5 page threads about them multiple times on multiple sites?
Lance Tillison left the team all together because either his heart was not in being a Hawkeye or he thought he was buried on the depth chart. He came back a couple of years later and is still buried on the depth chart. Wegher could contribute to the team in other positions besides RB, but I do not see anything in his play and numbers he accumulated last year that would indicate that he would not have been in the mix at RB. If he sucked, KF would not be holding the door open for him, and we would not be having this discussion. How many other players have left the team this year? How many of them have 5 page threads about them multiple times on multiple sites?

Kirk Ferentz experienced a season in 2004 where we lost 5 or 6 of our running backs. I don't think it takes a genius to understand why Kirk Ferentz is holding the door open for him. Robinson and Hampton could both be injured before Big 10 play starts for all we know...

No one said Wegher sucked either, he definitely does not suck. We don't really know how good Rogers, Johnson, and Coker are. I have a feeling Wegher would have fallen 3rd to 5th on the depth chart this year depending on the talent level of those three unknowns. I think it was pretty clear who #1 and #2 were going to be this year.
Kirk Ferentz experienced a season in 2004 where we lost 5 or 6 of our running backs. I don't think it takes a genius to understand why Kirk Ferentz is holding the door open for him. Robinson and Hampton could both be injured before Big 10 play starts for all we know...

No one said Wegher sucked either, he definitely does not suck. We don't really know how good Rogers, Johnson, and Coker are. I have a feeling Wegher would have fallen 3rd to 5th on the depth chart this year depending on the talent level of those three unknowns. I think it was pretty clear who #1 and #2 were going to be this year.

If that's the case I certainly don't get it. Of the three RBs, two have been bitten by the injury bug and only one was available when the game was on the line in the Orange Bowl and made some pretty big plays to keep drives alive and scored the "insurance" TD in the final minutes.

I was impressed with the way BW took the hits, kept possession and had enough speed to get into the backfield last year. He's a solid player; Iowa is not as good without him as it would be with him. Iowa's experience at this position suggests his absence will become more noticeable by midway through the season.
If Iowa goes 7-5, it won't be because BW didn't play. (double negative sentence, but everyone gets my point.) Now if Rieff or Clayborn get hurt, then its a huge difference.

IMO, I agree with the posters who think he will end up redshirting.

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