ESPN article on Wegher with Ferentz Quotes

It has to be one of these reasons:

1. Something very personal happened that is making it very difficult for him playing football.

2. He saw the writing on the wall and didn't like it.

My guess is that if this is not a personal reason, I don't think it is to far-fetched what Brian is saying. With Jewel Hampton coming back, somebody was going to lose reps. But, I got to be honest, even after reviewing some of his runs in the Orange Bowl, he does not have the break away speed that some of other backs have (Yes, he did have that break away run for a score, but still). The coaches maybe noticed that too. But, I would rather have BW on the sideline than not have him. He did not fumble the ball and was still a tough runner last year.

Looking at some of the practice footage, Hampton looks like he has much quicker feet. But, we will find out soon enough.

What does that mean, "still?" He outran four or five guys from 35 yards out. He did the same thing against Indiana, and had a 60+ yard touchdown run called back against NW on a bogus holding call. He might not be as physical as Robinson, but he's definitely faster.

What other running backs had better breakaway speed than he did?
The thought that BW is "Not a B10 level talent" is likely the most rediculous things I've ever heard. As is the "buried on the depth chart argument".

You don't play as a true freshman, average 4 yards a carry, score 8 touchdowns, rush for over 100 yards in a bowl game, if you aren't a B10 talent.

You can make the argument that he is the 3rd best back we have this year and I understand that but that doesnt mean he isn't a B10 quality back, and his big play potential would guarantee him PT somewhere on the field even if he wasn't the starting RB.

Let's compare BW to some other RB's in recent memory...

Anthony Young Feshman
27 Carries 92 Yards 3.4 YPC

Damien Simms Freshman
17 Carries 45 Yards 2.6 YPC

Ladell Betts (Redshirt Freshman)
188 Carries 679 Yards 3.6 YPC

Brandon Wegher
162 Carries 641 Yards 4.0 YPC

Hmmm I guess if BW isn't a B10 talent at RB none of those guys are either. Kinda makes the guy trying to make that argument look a bit silly doesn't it.
someone called out brandon weghers heart and that bothered me. the kid has a massive heart and played in games when he was probably 60-70% healthy(possible broken rib?). how is that not having heart?

you retracted it a bit by using the captains quote "his heart wasn't in it". that doesn't mean he doesn't have heart. the captain knows things happen and some thing are more important than football. if anything, i commend him for giving up something he loves to take care of the issues he's having, whatever those issues are.

good luck in anything you do, brandon. and i hope to see you in the black and gold #3 again sometime
The better question may be do you take him back if you are Kirk? Is it fair to the rest of the team if he gets a year off (or even gets to skip spring training and alot of practice)?

I don't agree about welcoming him back with open arms. If he comes back I say let him but he goes to the back of the line and needs to work his butt off to get some carries again.

If he truly wants to be a Hawk then hell do it and Im sure well see him on the field again, if not then....

Please re-read the thread a few posts after I posted that. I meant to say exactly what the other posters said about him not being very elusive and having good cut-back ability on the fly.

However, I think Jewel is going to be quicker straight ahead than what BW could have provided this year anyway. That said, I still wish he was on the team this year.
Im guessing you missed a comment made by the Captain himself.

“He came back and practiced a couple days and his heart wasn’t into it,â€￾ "


IMO, if his heart is not in it, its time to move on. Give up the scholly to someone whos heart is in it. Take Lance Tillison for example. If I remember right, he left for personal reasons. Gave up the schooly. Returned as a walk on. Maybee Im just old fashioned but if you dont want to put in the hard work everyone else is, your not going to indulge in all the bennies of a full ride. Sorry, but Im not joining any pitty party that someone wants to throw for him. (Please do not mistake that as he is throwing one for himself)

There is a big difference between giving up on football just because things got hard (meaning falling on the depth chart, stuff that's on the field), and taking time off to deal with something that's more important (and being distracted by it when he tried to gut it out). He's got tons of heart. It's just being put into something more important than football right now.
He's done. He wanted to quit last year but his father wouldn't let him. His heart just isn't in to football anymore, and he's not attending classes.
There is a big difference between giving up on football just because things got hard (meaning falling on the depth chart, stuff that's on the field), and taking time off to deal with something that's more important (and being distracted by it when he tried to gut it out). He's got tons of heart. It's just being put into something more important than football right now.

I agree 100%, there are alot of thing more important then football. But the flip side is the world waits for no man. He can't expect for the team to wait around for him and let him come back like nothign happened.
then you should know that if your'e going to say stuff like that, then you need to source it. otherwise you're just adding to the rumors
He's done. He wanted to quit last year but his father wouldn't let him. His heart just isn't in to football anymore, and he's not attending classes.

Not only is the last part of this post factually wrong, it appears that K-Berg has found someone to agree with him.
I agree 100%, there are alot of thing more important then football. But the flip side is the world waits for no man. He can't expect for the team to wait around for him and let him come back like nothign happened.

That's true, and I agree. I fully expected him to have to earn his spot back, whenever/if he returns to the team. The coaches won't just hand it back to him. But I've got nothing but fond memories of Wegher, and I don't hold a single thing against him here.
Shada, this guy is actually right about the classes. Well, not really. But Ferentz was unable to confirm that Wegher was attending classes, all he knew was that Wegher was enrolled as a student. So we don't KNOW one way or the other.
He's done. He wanted to quit last year but his father wouldn't let him. His heart just isn't in to football anymore, and he's not attending classes.

Maybe he is burnt out on is hard to reconcile with his reputation during HS of being a workout fanatic.
Maybe he is one of those guys who did it because he felt he had to follow in his Dad's footstep(not saying his dad forced him to,just internal pressure he might have put on himself to live up to a legacy).
If the joy of the game is truly gone, then I guess it makes some sense, I just wonder if he will regret it down the road. You only have this kind of opportunity once in life,and he is extremely gifted.
Either way, I appreciate his efforts last year and hope the best for him.
Shada, this guy is actually right about the classes. Well, not really. But Ferentz was unable to confirm that Wegher was attending classes, all he knew was that Wegher was enrolled as a student. So we don't KNOW one way or the other.

Well, I think it would be pretty dumb of him to enroll for this semester and then not go.
Well, I think it would be pretty dumb of him to enroll for this semester and then not go.

It happens all the time though. You can get just about all of your money back if you drop out within the next couple weeks.

If I were not sure what to do, but going to school was one of my options, I'd probably get myself enrolled just in case I decide to go back. Otherwise you're stuck on the outside.

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