Eli Carter Blurb

The hubris of Iowa fans always amazes me. The difference between Iowa and Pittsburgh in terms of their basketball programs is measured in light years at this point. Dixon has that team rocking, a proven track record of getting talent, coaching it well, and sending it to the next level, and is far closer to this kids home. Iowa is in the catch 22 phase of the game, where they need players to improve, but also need to improve to get the players. Fran will be beating the bushes for players for the first few years. It is the time to be patient.

The idiocy of some Iowa State fans always amazes me. I have seen a number of your posts on that other site so I am not surprised you are such a moron, but let's take a look at your post shall we. You took the post you quoted as though that fan was comparing Iowa to Pittsburgh. Actually reading his post would show you that he was saying he wishes/can't wait for the day that Iowa doesn't have to beg recruits to come to Iowa City, and that they want to come before we even offer. By saying that he is clearly saying, without actually saying, that Iowa is in a bad spot right now and is obviously on the wrong end of the basketball spectrum. At no point was he comparing Iowa to a basketball power, nor did he give even the slightest of indications that he thinks Iowa should get big recruits to come here right now. You are clearly a dunce Brett, and next time try some reading comprehension before you prove your idiocy to everyone.
Teams listed to watch open gym at Brewster this week: A ton of the top programs but not Iowa.

Might not be a bad idea to not spend time at Brewster...this is a tweet last night from the Brewster Academy's Official Twitter page:

RT @BrewsterHoops: @EliCart3r Everyone knows #Brewster guys go to #IOWASTATE- not #IOWA! Right, @CBRACKINS_33 @M3llyM3I ?

one @ is at Eli Carter, the other is at former Cyclone Craig Brackins, and the last is at current Cyclone Melvin Ejim

Interesting stuff coming from an AAU program.
Might not be a bad idea to not spend time at Brewster...this is a tweet last night from the Brewster Academy's Official Twitter page:

RT @BrewsterHoops: @EliCart3r Everyone knows #Brewster guys go to #IOWASTATE- not #IOWA! Right, @CBRACKINS_33 @M3llyM3I ?

one @ is at Eli Carter, the other is at former Cyclone Craig Brackins, and the last is at current Cyclone Melvin Ejim

Interesting stuff coming from an AAU program.

It's more interesting considering its coming from the prep school's Twitter account.
That is weird. ISU's gotten two out of how many D1 players out of Brewster? I wonder who's tweeting that because Brewster kids end up all over the country.
Its funny how little we know about college basketball recruiting. Carter and Stokes didn't even have offers and were hot topic for how long.
Per some leaked 'premium' content on TOS Carter and Stokes are not going to happen. (See "What time?" thread). Oh well. Here is to hoping that our Thursday visitor and Hubbard became best of bud's and want to play together.
Per some leaked 'premium' content on TOS Carter and Stokes are not going to happen. (See "What time?" thread). Oh well. Here is to hoping that our Thursday visitor and Hubbard became best of bud's and want to play together.

Hubbard coming back this week?

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