Dump the Des Moines Register!!!

I was trying to help Hawkeyebob...I fear he has lost his ability to reason. I thought my response was balance...I called Bill Clinton a Scumbag and all. I rarely post political stuff unless it's to balance a point of view already expressed. I agree...let's leave politics out of this.
POINTS DON'T NEED BALANCED BECAUSE THEY ONLY SEEM BALANCED TO YOURSELF, FOR F'S SAKE!!! How do you not get that??? One guy spews what he thinks is a balanced viewpoint, then the next guy goes, "Well, that wasn't very balanced; I think I'm going to make a point to balance his point, by god!" And then it's an endless ridiculous cycle of this shit that never goes anywhere but down the toilet.

You appear to be a college educated fella but you still hit yourself in the dong with a hammer and expect it not to hurt for some reason. Jesus, man.

No one has ever in history changed anyone's mind by mouthbreathing political positions/viewpoints at other people.


Never has anyone said, "Gee, that political spewage made sense. I think I'll change my mind because that was reasonable." So that leaves the question as to why one would do it...

Because political people love to hear their own pissed off voices in a vacuum chamber. Only sound doesn't travel in a vacuum so they scream louder. And louder and louder. All to no avail. For those folks, go vote how you want to vote and leave everyone else alone with that garbage because nobody wants to hear it.
POINTS DON'T NEED BALANCED BECAUSE THEY ONLY SEEM BALANCED TO YOURSELF, FOR F'S SAKE!!! How do you not get that??? One guy spews what he thinks is a balanced viewpoint, then the next guy goes, "Well, that wasn't very balanced; I think I'm going to make a point to balance his point, by god!" And then it's an endless ridiculous cycle of this shit that never goes anywhere but down the toilet.

You appear to be a college educated fella but you still hit yourself in the dong with a hammer and expect it not to hurt for some reason. Jesus, man.

No one has ever in history changed anyone's mind by mouthbreathing political positions/viewpoints at other people.


Never has anyone said, "Gee, that political spewage made sense. I think I'll change my mind because that was reasonable." So that leaves the question as to why one would do it...

Because political people love to hear their own pissed off voices in a vacuum chamber. Only sound doesn't travel in a vacuum so they scream louder. And louder and louder. All to no avail. For those folks, go vote how you want to vote and leave everyone else alone with that garbage because nobody wants to hear it.

That's where I found it. Their FB page is getting hammered. Sonya Heitsusan's even posting data showing AB was a prime sponsor of Tosh.0 during the years the kid retweeted the jokes.

I mean, the irony. It's so thick you couldn't cut it with a knife. You'd need a chainsaw. A chainsaw made from dragonglass.
great GOT reference
Sonya Heitsusan's even posting data showing AB was a prime sponsor of Tosh.0 during the years the kid retweeted the jokes..
Carson King will be okay through this whole deal, so as far as I'm concerned I hope this whole thing keeps burning to the ground and taking dummies like Calvin, Busch, and the DMR with it.

This is seriously more fun than watching a fireworks factory go up in flames.
I noticed this too. Im sure the DMR sent out a warning not to post anything.

Chad needs to bolt. I really enjoy his writing, but I’m not paying for any of it from the register. I think he’s second only to morehouse
Chad needs to bolt. I really enjoy his writing, but I’m not paying for any of it from the register. I think he’s second only to morehouse
This is probably going to be a big shakeup.

The writing was already on the wall when Liestikow had to do those vids to get people to pay for his articles, I'd bet money the DMR wanted to fold HawkeyeReport and he and Emmert were given one more chance in the form of trying to pimp some subscribers.

My guess is that this will be what finally sinks the HR ship.
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In your opinion, how will the University of Iowa react? If I am not mistaken, he was going to be honored at the football game this Saturday. Others please jump in with your thoughts..
Carson King should be honored for deciding ON HIS OWN to donate (what was legally given to him) - to give all that to the children's hospital.
He did this as a genuine Iowan, not as a fan of one school or the other.
Honestly, how many people of his age have that level of character??
Hope the hospital puts up a plaque in his honor!
Carson King will be okay through this whole deal, so as far as I'm concerned I hope this whole thing keeps burning to the ground and taking dummies like Calvin, Busch, and the DMR with it.

This is seriously more fun than watching a fireworks factory go up in flames.

S'what I'm saying. I'm just hoping it exposes the cancel culture, grievance issue, SJW community for what it is.

I'm starting to feel most sorry for the reporter. He's just doing his job. The job he was taught and expected to do by archaic media companies that have decided to go head-to-head with technology entities instead of trying to reinvent themselves and still be relevant. And frankly, the Register has to fire him. Which sucks. He doesn't deserve to be. But they really have no moral standing to cancel the cancel culture at this point. Only way they can regain that is by nuking the bulk of their editorial staff.

For years, newspapers have looked like Blockbuster laughing at Netflix, refusing to believe that they need to radically alter their model into something new, and thinking they can somehow compete head on with entities arising from new technologies.
S'what I'm saying. I'm just hoping it exposes the cancel culture, grievance issue, SJW community for what it is.

I'm starting to feel most sorry for the reporter. He's just doing his job. The job he was taught and expected to do by archaic media companies that have decided to go head-to-head with technology entities instead of trying to reinvent themselves and still be relevant. And frankly, the Register has to fire him. Which sucks. He doesn't deserve to be. But they really have no moral standing to cancel the cancel culture at this point. Only way they can regain that is by nuking the bulk of their editorial staff.

For years, newspapers have looked like Blockbuster laughing at Netflix, refusing to believe that they need to radically alter their model into something new, and thinking they can somehow compete head on with entities arising from new technologies.
I don’t feel bad for the guy.

I wouldn’t be able to sleep with myself if I found those tweets and used it against Carson King. Regarding just doing his job, 1) I wouldn’t take a job that expected me to be a shit human being, and 2) if my boss told me to do something to F up another person’s life who didn’t deserve it, I’d walk out the door.

The DMR thought they had a scoop that’d get them some clicks and it backfired, and then the backfire backfired when the dipshit reporter guy did worse than what he called out King for.

If that ain’t just desserts I do t know what is.

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