Now I'm curious as to other reporters working for DMR.I noticed this too. Im sure the DMR sent out a warning not to post anything.
Now I'm curious as to other reporters working for DMR.I noticed this too. Im sure the DMR sent out a warning not to post anything.
Uh, media is giving lip-service to Trudeau and Beto doing "brown face". They're just methodically digging for ANY indication that Pres. Trump, and the 26 degrees thereto, did it so the REAL crucifixion can begin.
As long as you're a Left-y, you're free to roam about the internet.
very true. You're better off going to work, do your job and don't create any ill-will, or you could be next, or have a suit filed against you. I have a young woman in my office and she looks for any and all opportunities to go after people that disagree with her. She has a sophomore in high schools and she still holds his hand. Helicopter parent doesn't seem right. More like crazy bitch (oops, did I just say that?) SHHHHHBottom line .... a "gotcha" or "i'm gong to nail you" culture has taken over.
LOL...Wait are you serious? I'm not too political, but would you like me to rattle off the investigations the Republicans ran against the Clintons over the years? It's mind boggling. Benghazi, Whitewater, Email servers, Clinton meeting the AG on a was one long slog of investigations over the years. They impeached him for lying under oath about having sex with an intern...nothing to do with corruption. Bill Clinton was the first married man to lie about having an affair. Don't get me wrong...Clinton was a scumbag of the highest order. But to compare lying about playing with cigars with an Trump's obstruction of justice and working to get a foreign country to investigate a political rival is comical.
The only difference is that nothing was ever found that could be prosecuted with the Clintons (other than the Lewinski thing)...much different that the current administration where they are getting a deal on orange jumpsuits due to the quantity purchase.
It's so funny...Trump can lie through his teeth, change his story day to day, say he didn't say something that is on film, and the ducks stay in line. It's amazing.
Shit, that meat tray looks greatOopsie daisies....
ABInbev better cut ties with....uhm. Themselves?
TAKE THIS SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSELOL...Wait are you serious? I'm not too political, but would you like me to rattle off the investigations the Republicans ran against the Clintons over the years? It's mind boggling. Benghazi, Whitewater, Email servers, Clinton meeting the AG on a was one long slog of investigations over the years. They impeached him for lying under oath about having sex with an intern...nothing to do with corruption. Bill Clinton was the first married man to lie about having an affair. Don't get me wrong...Clinton was a scumbag of the highest order. But to compare lying about playing with cigars with an Trump's obstruction of justice and working to get a foreign country to investigate a political rival is comical.
The only difference is that nothing was ever found that could be prosecuted with the Clintons (other than the Lewinski thing)...much different that the current administration where they are getting a deal on orange jumpsuits due to the quantity purchase.
It's so funny...Trump can lie through his teeth, change his story day to day, say he didn't say something that is on film, and the ducks stay in line. It's amazing.
No one will believe this, but I'm actually glad I can't afford AAU for my kid.
The amount of money I see parent's blow trying to relive and compensate for their own failed childhoods by running their kids through the AAU and USSSA ringers is mind-blowing.
For you AAU/USSSA parents out there, your kid is not as good as you think he/she is, and becoming part of that culture makes you a worse person.
I know you don't want to hear that let alone accept it and I'm sure most of you are really good people, but it's unequivocally true for all amateur youth sports groupies (i.e. parents). If you're offended I'm sorry, but I won't retract it. You're driving your kid to some degree for your own fulfillment (some more, some less) and even if it's unconscious that part of it is still there. Think about that the next time you get your son or daughter out of bed at 3AM to drive to the airport or get in your Suburban to go yell at children because they missed a ball or shot that you yourself couldn't make given ten chances. Think about it when your player complains about losing every weekend and you swipe your card at the Comfort Inn for $475. I've seen it from the team side and the parent side for years and I have more than enough time in it to make that conclusion.
Are you doing this because your child needs it somehow, or because some part of you wants to try and live through your kid and keep up with the Jonses down the street? Be brutally honest with yourself (no one is watching), and I bet if you really are honest the answer might upset you.
Ok...I didn't realize you were the moderator. I was just making a point to another post. Sorry if I offended you.TAKE THIS SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE
I got rid of my Face Book profile because of this, and I'm so sick of people fighting about politics.Bottom line .... a "gotcha" or "i'm gong to nail you" culture has taken over.
I'm not a moderator.Ok...I didn't realize you were the moderator. I was just making a point to another post. Sorry if I offended you.
My kid is in AAU basketball...I'm not arguing with the costs you bear for can get extensive and expensive. There is an entirely different objective though than what you discuss above. It's not about me reliving the glory days through my's about him achieving and competing at something he loves. It's worth it for me to give him that opportunity. My kid didn't start on his sophomore team...but the growth has been incredible over the past two years. He's learned the value of hard work, perseverance, and that he can accomplish what he sets out to do if he's committed.
He's a bright kid who now has the opportunity to play at some high academic colleges. That was the goal for is going to help him get into schools where he would have been borderline from a grades perspective...some of the best schools academically in the country. This is our NBA...and the job he gets when he gets out of school.
I'm not a moderator.
You've been here long enough to know that politics is verboten.
Arguing whether my or anyone else's dick should swing to the left, middle, or right is less civilized than shitting in the street. No one here cares even a little bit about what criminal in charge you, I, or anybody else here supports. This is a board where hopefully people can get away from garbage like that.
You wanna argue with literally millions of other @hawkeyebob62 's?
Here you go. Knock yourself out and take him with you.
You can debate which one lies the least with all the other un-evolved knuckleheads.
Border line grades and sports don't go well together. High academics like Duke or Coe?
Many small schools you are paying 40 k per year to play BB.
Where they will be long term is the key.
I am guessing the Des Moines Register does not have a PR department.
As I say to my kids, Both of you, just stop it!
Just a few minutes ago, I had to show my wife how to send a picture via text on her phone..
Wonderful, smart woman but totally averse to anything more than talk & text.
So you're bringing me into this now?LOL...I'm calm. It was kind of a point/counterpoint moment. I could have started it with "Hawkeyebob you ignorant slut."