Due to possible NCAA violation, Iowa should...

WHO CARES! Nothing to see here Crabs...

just adding a little insight. I do agree that it is a non issue and the worst that will come of it is the negative press that Iowa is currently getting. any punishment will be a slap on the wrist, as it should be.

you getting nervous yet about the profile pic? I'm thinking I'll let you go old school, maybe todd blythe's one handed catch? or a gif image of seneca's run against Ttech?
I get to choose the pic, it just cant be negative or defaced.

From the DI: Kutcher, Moore part of UI recruiting violations - The Daily Iowan
“We anticipate the NCAA will determine each [violation] to be unintentional secondary violations,” Barta said in a statement. “In each case, staff of the UI thoroughly investigated the activity and has already educated all involved on what was not done correctly or completely.”

Barta classified secondary violations as “not uncommon.”

According to the NCAA, a secondary violation is “an isolated or inadvertent violation that provides or intends to provide only minimal recruiting, competitive, or other advantages.”
sportstalkmatt is going to do whatever he can to attempt to make it so iowa cannot recruit Woodbury or Gesell. he is a creighton fan who wants to eliminate their recruiting competition. yesterday he sounded like a little tattletale on twitter while trying to get the national media to pick up on the fact that wooody and gesell were there too.
I agree that in the real world this is no big deal, but in the CBB recruiting world this is bad. It makes me think the coaches don't know what they are doing.
Good grief, this program cannot buy a break. It should not be a big deal, but why do I see someone like Ill-annoy or Wisky behind bringing this to the NCAA's attention immediately? Bo "The Vulture" Ryan in particular.
just adding a little insight. I do agree that it is a non issue and the worst that will come of it is the negative press that Iowa is currently getting. any punishment will be a slap on the wrist, as it should be.

you getting nervous yet about the profile pic? I'm thinking I'll let you go old school, maybe todd blythe's one handed catch? or a gif image of seneca's run against Ttech?

Is this really negative press though? When was the last time Iowa basketball has been featured on any national story. We've basically been out of people's minds for the last four years, now being on the front page of ESPN and yahoo for two big recruits getting to meet movie stars doesn't seem like such a bad thing to me.
Is this really negative press though? When was the last time Iowa basketball has been featured on any national story. We've basically been out of people's minds for the last four years, now being on the front page of ESPN and yahoo for two big recruits getting to meet movie stars doesn't seem like such a bad thing to me.

I was thinking the same thing...TMZ style
Here is what ESPN is reporting this morning:

"One of the involved recruits, Josh Oglesby, gave his verbal to Iowa already, making him the top player in McCaffery's current 2011 class. If the NCAA rules against Iowa in this case, and the program loses Oglesby, it could be a severe blow to the rebuilding process."
Matt, I know you want a conspiracy so you have something to talk about, but come on...

You know the drill. When you are talented in radio you go out and do a solid radio show until someone notices and you get a shot at the big time.

When you aren't talented you get stuck in small-major markets and have to resort to throwing incindiary crap at the wall in the hopes that enough sticks to draw a small audience that can't stand you so you can generate enough ratings to keep you employed.
You know the drill. When you are talented in radio you go out and do a solid radio show until someone notices and you get a shot at the big time.

When you aren't talented you get stuck in small-major markets and have to resort to throwing incindiary crap at the wall in the hopes that enough sticks to draw a small audience that can't stand you so you can generate enough ratings to keep you employed.

there aren't too many posts on this board that i can say I completely agree with, but this is definitely one of them. duffman, I feel like we just E-spooned. congrats on being my "big" for the day!

Perrault has to resort to message board trolling and any other completely unprofessional sad little way he can in hopes of drawing in an audience. I guess when you're getting killed by Marty in your timeslot, you have to resort to desperate measures. it's sad really. I feel bad for Ken Miller for having to work with this amateur clown
I may take some heat for this, but i think Matt has come a long way in the last year. I couldn't stand him the first 4-6 months, now i don't mind him.
Curious how schools like USC avoid this problem?! Maybe USC isn't the best example right now with everything going on....but on any given Saturday they have to have a dozen celebritiy type people on the sideline....do you tell your recruits to keep their heads down when walking past them? Pleas don't make eye contact?! This story makes it sound like Ashton/Demi were escorted by the coaches to the recruiting section to help convince them to come to Iowa....the NCAA rules are so bad. So many loop holes and yet they are trying to crack down on Iowa for this!?


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