Well-Known Member
AIRBHG's demon spawn AIOLHG and AIDLHG are here full of bad intentions and voracious appetites.
if nothing else, just strap the football helmet on!
I don't expect a moped ban, but Kirk needs to require a helmet. Five other UI athletic teams require helmets.
I've got a better idea. Why don't we give all football players a designated parking pass somewhere centrally located on campus (maybe near the library) or even at Kinnick for their CARS. Take 85 spots away from some low level professors like the guy last week complaining about the pink locker room.
Now that's a surefire way to get pulled over by ICPD if I ever heard one. Might as well just drive up and to them an assume the position.
Right, giving parking spots to football players over professors surely makes sense. That would be nothing like loss of institutional control.