Don’t forget, nearly 50 recruits saw that

Iowa averaged over 7 yards a play on offense - they averaged 4.8 per rush and 11.1 per pass. Those are winning #'s for Iowa. I get that we want to blame the OC because of who he is, but there's a more telling stat that I am unsure why it's not the first thing people mention.
I don't blame the offense or defense. You take away those two special teams plays and there is ZERO chance we lose this game. In fact, I think we win by 3 scores.
Lack of ability to beat the team that controls the division is exactly what is put on almost all coaches. I still think we get alot of wins this year. Will it be a disappointment? Yes, every year is a disappointment once a loss comes. It could still be a great season once we all get over the sting of reality. Enjoy the kids man they will be all new guys in 2 years. Then this offseason we can allow thoughts of grandeur to fill our heads. We can start the rollercoaster all over again with what for all indications will be a strong team.
I don't think we'll have another great team under KF. He's not held accountable for his short comings. His staff is below average, outside of 2 coaches. It's hard for me, as a competitor and a coach, to accept that. That's why I don't spend my money to watch it in person. I'll wait until Gutless Gary is gone and then see what direction it's headed. I'll easily outlive that guy. I do enjoy watching certain players perform. I enjoy watching players improve. It is what it is, at this point and it isn't changing for the next 8-10 years. I can wait.
I don't think we'll have another great team under KF. He's not held accountable for his short comings. His staff is below average, outside of 2 coaches. It's hard for me, as a competitor and a coach, to accept that. That's why I don't spend my money to watch it in person. I'll wait until Gutless Gary is gone and then see what direction it's headed. I'll easily outlive that guy. I do enjoy watching certain players perform. I enjoy watching players improve. It is what it is, at this point and it isn't changing for the next 8-10 years. I can wait.

As a coach you would think you might respect the struggle to manage 60% wins over such a long period of time. I've said it before and I will say it again. Kirk has been here a long time and averaged above average win percentage. Our ceiling under Kirk is probably right below Championship contender. I have no problem with fans wanting more. I have no problem with people for whom Kirk ball has grown stale. What I don't like is bashing the guy for sticking to his script. Especially one that has served him pretty well over the years.

Shoot for the moon sure I get it. Big risk big reward. Some people prefer those choices. It's not exactly Kirk's fault that his bosses approve of his results. Its irrational to get mad at Kirk for still being here and doing what he has always done. It's downright unhinged to develop contempt for a good man who has managed to maintain us on the pulses edge of national relevance. All because you're pissed that that he's still around and we aren't winning championships.

All I'm saying is if you're mad that Kirk is still the coach at least be mad at the party that controls that. I believe our AD has quite a few things to consider him unworthy.

We will never be better than we are now if we have no appreciation for where we are actually at and how we got there. We are extremely far from a basement dweller and breaking through the ceiling from our fringe top 25 average into the elite class is about the most difficult jump to take. Failure is only 300% more likely.

Also please stop with the nonsense that Kirk doesn't want to win and doesn't care. The man practically cries after every victory. It's just a hot garbage idea that he is indifferent about winning vs losing.

Not all of these takes are aimed particularly at you and are more of an all encompassing response where I just chose your post to reply from.
As a coach you would think you might respect the struggle to manage 60% wins over such a long period of time. I've said it before and I will say it again. Kirk has been here a long time and averaged above average win percentage. Our ceiling under Kirk is probably right below Championship contender. I have no problem with fans wanting more. I have no problem with people for whom Kirk ball has grown stale. What I don't like is bashing the guy for sticking to his script. Especially one that has served him pretty well over the years.

Shoot for the moon sure I get it. Big risk big reward. Some people prefer those choices. It's not exactly Kirk's fault that his bosses approve of his results. Its irrational to get mad at Kirk for still being here and doing what he has always done. It's downright unhinged to develop contempt for a good man who has managed to maintain us on the pulses edge of national relevance. All because you're pissed that that he's still around and we aren't winning championships.

All I'm saying is if you're mad that Kirk is still the coach at least be mad at the party that controls that. I believe our AD has quite a few things to consider him unworthy.

We will never be better than we are now if we have no appreciation for where we are actually at and how we got there. We are extremely far from a basement dweller and breaking through the ceiling from our fringe top 25 average into the elite class is about the most difficult jump to take. Failure is only 300% more likely.

Also please stop with the nonsense that Kirk doesn't want to win and doesn't care. The man practically cries after every victory. It's just a hot garbage idea that he is indifferent about winning vs losing.

Not all of these takes are aimed particularly at you and are more of an all encompassing response where I just chose your post to reply from.
I understand that the competitor in me always strives for the best. If you honestly believe that the staff under KF is THE BEST that he can do, then your argument stands. I don't believe that's true. Not even remotely close to being true.
The fact that his Gutless boss approves of his results, is not germane to how I feel about the man.
I have no contempt for the man. I find him lacking competitive courage. Lacking the courage it takes to make hard decisions regarding his staff and his children.
Kirk cares as much as he has to to win the requisite number of games that allows him to keep his job, without having to go out and hire the best staff he can find. He has struck the right balance for HIM to keep his job. Kudos to him for that. I don't support him in that balance. But I don't have to. I stopped supporting him years ago and he still has his job.
What would turn them away is that we are second fiddle choke artists.

And you are a second rate hack internet troll. I mean it took all of 24 hours to prove your stupid ass wrong. We got Miamen over several Blue Blood schools right after you promised this loss would insure we wouldn’t get recruits.
I understand that the competitor in me always strives for the best. If you honestly believe that the staff under KF is THE BEST that he can do, then your argument stands. I don't believe that's true. Not even remotely close to being true.
The fact that his Gutless boss approves of his results, is not germane to how I feel about the man.
I have no contempt for the man. I find him lacking competitive courage. Lacking the courage it takes to make hard decisions regarding his staff and his children.
Kirk cares as much as he has to to win the requisite number of games that allows him to keep his job, without having to go out and hire the best staff he can find. He has struck the right balance for HIM to keep his job. Kudos to him for that. I don't support him in that balance. But I don't have to. I stopped supporting him years ago and he still has his job.
Lol. Kirk is Iowa Football whether you "choose" to support him or not. You're here, you care. It's the ultimate tease hanging on the fringe of the top 25.. I get it. But there's something to be said about a guy who can consistently win. And to say he's not giving his all by not finding an elite staff is absolutely ridiculous. Can't say a damn word about the guys on the defense so that rules out half of the staff. The offense? KOK? The NFL thinks pretty highly of him (and I'm sure you wanted him canned too because wHy NoT). BF is no scrub (NE) it's his second year of actually calling it, if it's the same after next year alright I understand. Derrick Foster? guy is killing it in recruiting down south & the RBs look good?? Copeland hold the jury on him as well, WR looked vastly improved the last two saturdays, B. Smith is coming around if you havent noticed. And maybe Wisconsin is better because they have a bigger population and not another power 5 team in their own state. Iowa State is getting better if you havent noticed either ;)
Lol. Kirk is Iowa Football whether you "choose" to support him or not. You're here, you care. It's the ultimate tease hanging on the fringe of the top 25.. I get it. But there's something to be said about a guy who can consistently win. And to say he's not giving his all by not finding an elite staff is absolutely ridiculous. Can't say a damn word about the guys on the defense so that rules out half of the staff. The offense? KOK? The NFL thinks pretty highly of him (and I'm sure you wanted him canned too because wHy NoT). BF is no scrub (NE) it's his second year of actually calling it, if it's the same after next year alright I understand. Derrick Foster? guy is killing it in recruiting down south & the RBs look good?? Copeland hold the jury on him as well, WR looked vastly improved the last two saturdays, B. Smith is coming around if you havent noticed. And maybe Wisconsin is better because they have a bigger population and not another power 5 team in their own state. Iowa State is getting better if you havent noticed either ;)
That's your opinion. I have mine.
Again nobody hates Kirk the man, it's just tedious to see the same mistakes year after year. Basically the formula is schedule three wins early then finish 500 in the Big. Get to 7 or 8 wins go to a second tier bowl and repeat. The alternative is bring in a huge batch of freshman, play them, then have a big season their senior year, then repeat. One way leads to steady and predictable, the other severe lows and maybe extreme highs. No guarantees. I see no indication we will ever be a team under Kirk that "reloads".
Again nobody hates Kirk the man, it's just tedious to see the same mistakes year after year. Basically the formula is schedule three wins early then finish 500 in the Big. Get to 7 or 8 wins go to a second tier bowl and repeat. The alternative is bring in a huge batch of freshman, play them, then have a big season their senior year, then repeat. One way leads to steady and predictable, the other severe lows and maybe extreme highs. No guarantees. I see no indication we will ever be a team under Kirk that "reloads".

We will never be a program that "reloads". Shit Wisconsin doesn't even reload. That defense the other night was the worst whiskey D I have seen in it feels like 10 years.
You mean piss poor 404 yards of offense??? Some are clueless!
17 points against a banged up defense who gave up 24 to BYU at home the week before. And this was the biggest game of the year at home for us. I would say that's pretty piss poor regardless of how many yards we had.
I don't think we'll have another great team under KF. He's not held accountable for his short comings. His staff is below average, outside of 2 coaches. It's hard for me, as a competitor and a coach, to accept that. That's why I don't spend my money to watch it in person. I'll wait until Gutless Gary is gone and then see what direction it's headed. I'll easily outlive that guy. I do enjoy watching certain players perform. I enjoy watching players improve. It is what it is, at this point and it isn't changing for the next 8-10 years. I can wait.
You Sir SPEAK well.I always say "Go Very Tough Players" Well said...
17 points against a banged up defense who gave up 24 to BYU at home the week before. And this was the biggest game of the year at home for us. I would say that's pretty piss poor regardless of how many yards we had.

BYU had 311 yards of offense (120 passing, 191 running), Their QB averaged 4 yds per attempt. They averaged 6.8 yards per rush with a jet-sweep-heavy attack that caught Wisconsin off guard. They also scored on a 31 yard RB pass.

Iowa had 404 yards of offense. Iowa threw for 256, averaging 11.1 yds per attempt. They rushed for 148, averaging 4.8 yds/attempt.

Iowa was better offensively than BYU. The difference is BYU won the TO battle 1-0, and Iowa lost it 0-3. BYU did surpass Iowa in situational play-calling and execution; less offensive production gave them fewer opportunities, but they made the most of them.

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