Does Tressel realize he's no longer the tOSU coach?


Well-Known Member
UPPER ARLINGTON, Ohio (AP)—Former Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel told people at a rally on his front doorstep that he would always be a Buckeye and that the team will beat Michigan again this November.

After a crowd of some 200 people had sung a song disparaging the archrival Wolverines early Saturday evening, Tressel said, "Don't forget: Nov. 26th we're going to kick their a**!"​

I don't know what's more bizarre -- 200 people showing up at the front door of a coach who has brought national disgrace and potential legal problems to their beloved football program or Tressel going out and giving a pep talk as if he's still coach.

Jim, please, just go away.

Jim Tressel?s farewell address: A porch-side pledge to beat Michigan - Dr. Saturday - NCAAFBlog - Yahoo! Sports
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Jim tressel is the sarah palin of college football
Jim tressel is the sarah palin of college football

Sorry Vin, but winning a national championship, even a slightly tainted one, is far more prestigious and difficult than running the net welfare state of Alaska. If Ferentz won a national title, even a tainted one, I would attend a candlelight vigil outside of his house if he were run out of town due to the shenanigans of one or two tainted players. I still tear up a little when I think about all the Big Ten championship hardware Alford brought to town and the unceremonious departure he had. I just hope I am at Carver when he makes a triumphant return to celebrate the success of his multiple championships.
They still haven't neamed a new HC. Who's to say OSU doesn't go gangsta and names him HC after the ruling has been announced.
OSU fans are trying to organize a "vest out" for the first game and they seem to think it is the coolest thing ever. Here is the thread from Hineygate. Opening Game "Vest Out"

I would hope Iowa fans wouldn't be so delusional if KF was caught lying to the NCAA but I'm sure there is a segment of the fan base that would act similar to these OSU fans.
moonriverbuck wrote: Great idea.
Instead of trying to move forward and leave this embarrassing situation behind us, let's start out the new season by making sure everybody in the country is reminded of Tressel's unfortunate decision and resignation instead of emphazing the start of a new era in Buckeye football.
Yeah, forget about everything great Tressel has done for the program.
A vest out would be a great way to honor and celebrate what Tress achieved during his time at TOSU. It would be a "thanks" to Tressel for being a GREAT coach, which Tressel deserves.

Reasonable meet delusional.
moonriverbuck wrote: Great idea.
Instead of trying to move forward and leave this embarrassing situation behind us, let's start out the new season by making sure everybody in the country is reminded of Tressel's unfortunate decision and resignation instead of emphazing the start of a new era in Buckeye football.

Yeah, forget about everything great Tressel has done for the program.
A vest out would be a great way to honor and celebrate what Tress achieved during his time at TOSU. It would be a "thanks" to Tressel for being a GREAT coach, which Tressel deserves.

Reasonable meet delusional.

Sorry Vin, but winning a national championship, even a slightly tainted one, is far more prestigious and difficult than running the net welfare state of Alaska. If Ferentz won a national title, even a tainted one, I would attend a candlelight vigil outside of his house if he were run out of town due to the shenanigans of one or two tainted players. I still tear up a little when I think about all the Big Ten championship hardware Alford brought to town and the unceremonious departure he had. I just hope I am at Carver when he makes a triumphant return to celebrate the success of his multiple championships.

You are correct. My post should be redacted.
Jim Tressel is to fO$U football what Steve Alford was to Iowa basketball.
Tressel beat Michigan 9 out of 10 times, won a NC and won more BCS games than most teams will ever play in. He'll always be beloved by a lot of Buckeye fans.
Tressel beat Michigan 9 out of 10 times, won a NC and won more BCS games than most teams will ever play in. He'll always be beloved by a lot of Buckeye fans.

Isn't that kind of the point? That tOSU was CHEATING? So he beat Michigan 9-10 times. And now Michigan fans, when those numbers are waved in their face by fans of cheats, will wave that whole CHEATING thing back at them. When they talk about their shiny national championship, people will talk about that little CHEATING thing, and when they thump their chest about all of the BCS games, people will point and laugh and talk about that CHEATING thing. Seriously, if this s**t happened at Iowa I know I would be furious. Not to the extent that it would effect my life like it probably has effected the lives of some "Bucknuts", but I would be wholeheartedly embarrassed until it happened to someone else and we were forgotten about, which would honestly take years. Face it.....the stuff over on Hiney is crazy....seriously some of the most delusion I have ever witnessed from such a large group of people. It's amazing how strange Ohio State fans are, and I think that is generally why people don't like Ohio State fans. Not just because most of them are smug know-it-all, ******* match professionals, but because they are truly WEIRDOS. And apparently cheaters. Nobody is jealous of Ohio State, and nobody "wishes" they were Ohio State. I for one am glad I have nothing to do with that cesspool of a fan base.
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Tressel beat Michigan 9 out of 10 times, won a NC and won more BCS games than most teams will ever play in. He'll always be beloved by a lot of Buckeye fans.

Thanks for the perspective, fred. I've always said that I would be thrilled with an Iowa national title and successive B10 titles even if they are dirty because that great feeling when your team goes 9-0 (that's the best we've ever been so I couldn't tell you how great it would feel to go 10-0 because Stanzi could never beat Northwestern, but you guys got to that point many times under Tressel) makes watching the games awesome. As a lifelong pessimistic Hawks fan, I always expect the Hawks to choke in a big game like they did in C-bus back in '85, but if for just one season they had studs like OSU had all those years and didn't choke it would be great. The fans around the B10 may give you heat, but in reality we are just jealous because you guys have won so much hardware. Sure, they can take the trophies out of the trophy case or whatever, but they can't take away the enjoyment of the trophy presentation and chirping at dejected Michigan fans on those late November Saturdays that make B10 football so awesome. Viva la Tress!
Tressel beat Michigan 9 out of 10 times, won a NC and won more BCS games than most teams will ever play in and used more ineligible players then most coaches to accomplish this.. He'll always be beloved by a lot of Buckeye fans.

There you go fufred, I had to fix it for you as you seemed to forget how all that happened.
Isn't that kind of the point? That tOSU was CHEATING? So he beat Michigan 9-10 times. And now Michigan fans, when those numbers are waved in their face by fans of cheats, will wave that whole CHEATING thing back at them. When they talk about their shiny national championship, people will talk about that little CHEATING thing, and when they thump their chest about all of the BCS games, people will point and laugh and talk about that CHEATING thing. Seriously, if this s**t happened at Iowa I know I would be furious. Not to the extent that it would effect my life like it probably has effected the lives of some "Bucknuts", but I would be wholeheartedly embarrassed until it happened to someone else and we were forgotten about, which would honestly take years. Face it.....the stuff over on Hiney is crazy....seriously some of the most delusion I have ever witnessed from such a large group of people. It's amazing how strange Ohio State fans are, and I think that is generally why people don't like Ohio State fans. Not just because most of them are smug know-it-all, ******* match professionals, but because they are truly WEIRDOS. And apparently cheaters. Nobody is jealous of Ohio State, and nobody "wishes" they were Ohio State. I for one am glad I have nothing to do with that cesspool of a fan base.

Cheating? Please. There are 100 guys on the team. The compliance department can't babysit them all. It ain't like OSU was straight up handing kids wads of cash during recruiting trips or setting up meeting with comfort gals like the SEC schools do. A few dudes were getting a few bucks on the side from a handful of rogue boosters. It happens darn near everywhere where winning is a regular occurrence and I don't want the NCAA shining its flashlights anywhere near Iowa City.

This is like driving 27 mph through University Heights. You're in close compliance, you're not intentionally doing anything illegal - you might not even know you're speeding, but you're gonna get popped anyway. The health of OSU is the health of the B10 and I hope they don't get hit too hard, especially bince we don't play them for a few years.
Cheating? Please. There are 100 guys on the team. The compliance department can't babysit them all. It ain't like OSU was straight up handing kids wads of cash during recruiting trips or setting up meeting with comfort gals like the SEC schools do. A few dudes were getting a few bucks on the side from a handful of rogue boosters. It happens darn near everywhere where winning is a regular occurrence and I don't want the NCAA shining its flashlights anywhere near Iowa City.

This is like driving 27 mph through University Heights. You're in close compliance, you're not intentionally doing anything illegal - you might not even know you're speeding, but you're gonna get popped anyway. The health of OSU is the health of the B10 and I hope they don't get hit too hard, especially bince we don't play them for a few years.

You're such a PROLE. :D
Cheating? Please. There are 100 guys on the team. The compliance department can't babysit them all. It ain't like OSU was straight up handing kids wads of cash during recruiting trips or setting up meeting with comfort gals like the SEC schools do. A few dudes were getting a few bucks on the side from a handful of rogue boosters. It happens darn near everywhere where winning is a regular occurrence and I don't want the NCAA shining its flashlights anywhere near Iowa City.

This is like driving 27 mph through University Heights. You're in close compliance, you're not intentionally doing anything illegal - you might not even know you're speeding, but you're gonna get popped anyway. The health of OSU is the health of the B10 and I hope they don't get hit too hard, especially bince we don't play them for a few years.
that's the spirit :D
Thanks for the perspective, fred. I've always said that I would be thrilled with an Iowa national title and successive B10 titles even if they are dirty because that great feeling when your team goes 9-0 (that's the best we've ever been so I couldn't tell you how great it would feel to go 10-0 because Stanzi could never beat Northwestern, but you guys got to that point many times under Tressel) makes watching the games awesome. As a lifelong pessimistic Hawks fan, I always expect the Hawks to choke in a big game like they did in C-bus back in '85, but if for just one season they had studs like OSU had all those years and didn't choke it would be great. The fans around the B10 may give you heat, but in reality we are just jealous because you guys have won so much hardware. Sure, they can take the trophies out of the trophy case or whatever, but they can't take away the enjoyment of the trophy presentation and chirping at dejected Michigan fans on those late November Saturdays that make B10 football so awesome. Viva la Tress!

What are you hearing around town OK4P - does Fitz really have the inside track on replacing Tress?

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