Do you think Uthoff regrets his decision?

Hawkeye fans. STOP! Why are you even acknowleding this guy? Ask yourself what type of a person it takes to log into another team's forum / site, and to then start to stroke himself and tell the world just how great his team is? Seriously. We all know what kind of person that is. We have all worked with a person like that, or gone to school with a kid like that. Need I say more? Bottom line is yes, Wisonconsin / Mr Ryan have a track record we wish we had. No sh$$? Happy now Mr Badger? But I think you need to wakeup and realize what a jacka$$ you REALLY sound like when you call us "irrelevant". You seriously need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you have a clue just exactly what it is that you are viewed as to the many, many, many people on this site. I'd be embarrassed if I were you. Good luck in the Tournament. And God help you if you guys run into us.

Yes, God help us vs. 6-8 Iowa......
Sounds like an ISU fan actually..good thing Iowa didn't beat them twice he'd be rationalizing some other nebulous meaningless garbage.

Meaningless is trying to say a 6-8 team has had a better season than a 10-4 team. Wake Forest just beat Miami, I guess wake is better......
Meaningless is trying to say a 6-8 team has had a better season than a 10-4 team. Wake Forest just beat Miami, I guess wake is better......

Personally I don't think Iowa is better than Wiscy. Trash talk aside, you are what your record says you are. However, some teams match up better with others. Regardless of records. There is nothing scary about Wisconsin's team besides Bruesewitz's hair. I said they'd finish 2 games out of first when the season ended and that's what I still feel will happen. I also think if Iowa faces them in the BTT we will beat them.
Meaningless is trying to say a 6-8 team has had a better season than a 10-4 team. Wake Forest just beat Miami, I guess wake is better......

LOL dude why are you still here typing go play with the other Badger's obvious you've been shunned by your own kind of trash and you've come on here stirring crap up. That's ok your day of reckoning is coming soon....before too long you'll be begging for Yoder to come back and coach. Everything happens in cycles and your next bust is coming. But when that happens you'll be NOWHERE to be found.
Miami was bound to lose a game've lost 4 in conference unless once again the facts elude you.
Personally I don't think Iowa is better than Wiscy. Trash talk aside, you are what your record says you are. However, some teams match up better with others. Regardless of records. There is nothing scary about Wisconsin's team besides Bruesewitz's hair. I said they'd finish 2 games out of first when the season ended and that's what I still feel will happen. I also think if Iowa faces them in the BTT we will beat them.

Love it!
I will say this since Active Badger Boy is all about the facts...Iowa vs Wisconsin Iowa 3 Ws and 1 L in the last 4 meetings...75% losing percentage against Fran in past 2 seasons...that's being owned.
I will say this since Active Badger Boy is all about the facts...Iowa vs Wisconsin Iowa 3 Ws and 1 L in the last 4 meetings...75% losing percentage against Fran in past 2 seasons...that's being owned.

This is truly a moronic post coming from a complete moron.

Bo Ryan showed the world what he truly is on the Uthoff fiasco. An unethical, win-at-all-costs hypocritical creep.

I'd want my son to play for Fran. Bo Ryan? Not so much.

There is more to life, and sports, than winning at all costs.

By the way ActiveBadger moron, get a life dude. Really. You have plenty to cheer about with creeps like Barry Alvarez and Bo Ryan. You have achieved Ohio State status. It's all about the Ws and the $s, isn't it?
Uh yeah I can, it's called overall record. I realize we are your Super Bowl and all but our season is more than just the Iowa game.

Wow what do think you are now a CLown FAN?

I mean you are as clueless as one and now you think Iowa is your SB, but 100% CLown
Could have played on an NCAA tournament team vs. sitting out full season on a NIT team?

How about you give him a call and ask...he regretted going to Wisconsin and came back to Iowa...why do you bring up a topic that has no value and you can't prove anything one way or the have to see his actions for that I would say not just no, but hell no.
Who gives a dam$ about what Uthoff thinks? He has yet to play a minute of D1 basketball, has sat for 2 years now, nobody has a clue what if anything he will add next year, and somebody cares what the kid thinks? I think we have bigger fish to fry at this point. Sorry.
He reminds me of someone else who does little but annoy the general populace of the board.

Siouxboy. Did you just get up from your nap and heard your cage being rattled? Tell me. Do you ever do anything except rag on posters my friend? Did somebody throw an insult your way to make you attack me yet again? Last I heard that's a great way to get banned. Please grow up. Thanks.

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