DJK Facebook Bio. NICE!


Well-Known Member
I just had to share this because this was written by the man himself and honestly it is about time.

"Someone once told me that perception is reality. That if a lie reachs enough people, eventually it becomes the truth. Throughout my life, such instances have shaped me, both for better and for worse. As my time as a Hawkeye nears its end, it seems I am at a crossroads, staring down a similar situation. Over the years, various outlets have painted a picture that doesn't quite match the production. Time and again, I have been depicted as an individual more interested in making headlines, than highlights. As someone who prefers style over substance. A person who would rather prepare for media days than two-a-days. Thousands have been convinced that I am all showboat and no sacrifice. Allow me to set the record straight.

I am on a mission to go from the doghouse to the penthouse - determined to show our fans that there is no "DJK" in "team", and that I am well aware of that fact. At Iowa, the success of our group far exceeds the importance of individual accolades. Still, some will undoubtedly inquire, "Don't the records matter?" To be honest, of course they do. Which ones? WINS AND LOSSES. And for those concerned with my media fascination, rest assured, the only coverage I am focused on is that of the opposing defense.

This journey is for Hawkeye Nation. For every generation of fans who have endured season after season, anticipating these types of towering expectations.

Can you feel it, Hawks?

The roar of Kinnick Stadium on opening day...

The sight of freshly harvested corn hats...

The aroma of record-setting, National Championship LEGEND in the air...

Our time is now. And if you didn't know...

Can you feel it, Hawks?

The roar of Kinnick Stadium on opening day...

The sight of freshly harvested corn hats...

The aroma of record-setting, National Championship LEGEND in the air...

Our time is now. And if you didn't know...


Reading that sent chills.

Just shows that this team is well aware of the implications of this season. They can say what they want publicly but in the locker room, meeting room, and classroom they know what's at stake.

If I had a tasty beverage in my hand I'd raise it and toast DJK, the Hawkeyes, and this season of promise. As it stands I'll for sure be doing that a week from Saturday.

Go Hawks!
A lot of determined comments out of the players. I like it and I don't sense cockiness in them. They look like they are on a mission.
DJK was my favorite Hawk on this team, but he moved up a few places on my all-time favorites list with that one. There's a difference between a competitor who also happens to be a bit of a showman and a showman who plays sports.
My reply to this particular thread will be my first post since the crash happened last year. This thread is by far one of the best pump up threads I have ever read!

Well spoken, very articulate, extremely inspiring, and most of all truer words have never been spoken by the man.

god love ya!
Wow! He hit that out of the park.

I am so pumped to see the Hawks take the field and get the show started.

I agree... I have never seen a Hawk team look and act with so much determination, and work hard like they have because they have unfinished business and that business is a title shot and that title shot is not a dream but they know it is a reality. They know it is all in their hands if they want it and they want it bad.
each game is a battle in a greater war. the war called "national championship"

the troops are ready. the general is ready. are you?
Great stuff as always from DJK.

I noticed in one of the photo galleries on that there is a picture of Kirk Ferentz watching the practice with a small grin on his face. The caption said something like "Kirk Ferentz has reason to smile as he watches practice".

Could the photographer be trying to tell us something?
Wow, DJK has some skill with words. Very impressive. Can't wait until this season so his team and he can back it up. Go Hawks!

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