It'd be interesting to know what McNair's family's options are for suing. Since Dick Durkin isn't employed with the university anymore, can they sue him and sue the university? I'm fine with them paying him the buyout as long as the McNair family getting their fair share of it.
The number of lawyers that will sue--for anything--without knowing ALL the facts is legion. I'm sure they'll sue. But whether or not they will be able to "prove" Durkin is wholly, partially or somewhat liable/culpable is what would be at hand. And my guess is that it will open up a lot of things even the family may not want to know.
Players speaking out in media, students marching, etc., is one thing. But if something were to come out that would show Durkin and/or staff had no reasonable "predictor" for McNair's distress before the event, it will be tough to then say that Durkin/staff defense "team(s)" won't cite prior behavior, habits, etc., that might have rendered him susceptible.
<<As long as the McNair family getting their fair share of it>>
That's hilarious. They got a better shot of winning the Powerball than they do getting a "fair" share. But that begs the question: what IS "fair" or "reasonable"? That, alone, will bring a diversity of "witnesses" that will shock the crap out of us just from sheer breadth/range of "assumptions". We'll hear he was destined for stardom, and then we'll hear he was redshirted "for a reason". Maryland, itself, will come off looking like a second-rate school that not only can't "compete" on the big stage, can't recruit premier athletes, etc., but will also be seen through the likes of Wallace Loh--who, BTW, makes Gary Barta look like the proverbial genius. The contradictory testimony will be unreal.
Not to mention, Durkin's team, if necessary, will be able to cite the BOR report, public comments made regarding Durkin , AD Damon Evans, the sudden reversal, etc.
In short, the McNairs are just about the LAST folks that "win" in this situation, unfortunately or not.