Or at the very least, shut the place down until an INDEPENDENT contractor (not the homerish group from 2014 that magically was able to complete a top-to-bottom inspection of Assembly Hall in about six hours and declare it safe - under DIRECT orders from both the coach and A.D. to protect their precious home game) comes in and goes into every crook and nanny, makes some recommendations and has every one of them followed through on. All of it must be fully and properly permitted, approved and completed before undergoing a second inspection until they even BEGIN to consider having anything else in there. That usually takes anywhere from two weeks to six months when the actual building integrity is in question.
But in this case, strike two has to be declared that Indiana has struck out in terms of having home games, probably for the rest of this season. Too bad, so sad, but your point is 30,000 times more important than protecting stupid home games, especially when an arena in Indianapolis is not only readily available, but just like last time, has stepped up and volunteered to help in any way needed.