Did Archie Even Show up?

They are saying concussion issues. Wonder if he has just packed it up and decided it isn't worth the effort to finish out the season. Might be time for another scholarship to open up.
Allegedly he got a concussion in the MN game I believe and has headaches since and can't get cleared to play. I hope they tell him to hit the road after this season, as he isn't worth investing another year in.
I am a die hard Iowa fan, but I can't believe the attitudes of the fans when it comes to Archie. No, he hasn't done much in an Iowa uniform but he is at least in a uniform. He didn't pack it up and transfer out of here when things got tough. He has one more year of eligibility, so give the dude a chance. I have never seen so much negativity towards our players except for this year. There is always a scapegoat, and I'm sick of hearing our fans dragging on our players. Be thankful they are here and are trying their best for our university. /rant
I am a die hard Iowa fan, but I can't believe the attitudes of the fans when it comes to Archie. No, he hasn't done much in an Iowa uniform but he is at least in a uniform. He didn't pack it up and transfer out of here when things got tough. He has one more year of eligibility, so give the dude a chance. I have never seen so much negativity towards our players except for this year. There is always a scapegoat, and I'm sick of hearing our fans dragging on our players. Be thankful they are here and are trying their best for our university. /rant

Are you a resident of a European socialist country posing as an Iowa fan? The dude is always hurt, out of shape, is shooting 29% from the free throw line, yet you think we need to give him another year? Have you checked the big ten standings lately? We are last and we are really, really, bad. Archie had two years to come here and complete his degree and he needs to move on. This is not a charitable organization and frankly, if they are going to soak me for parking, tickets and concessions, I want to see a better product on the floor. That is the reality of the situation IMO.
The only way I see us keeping him for next year is if we're about to start seeing penalties due to player retention rates.
You guys need to think before you type. We return only two real bigs next year (Basabe and Brommer) and we don't exactly have a line of people knocking down our door to come here, in fact it's the opposite problem. He's got a final year left on scholarship and he fills a need for next years team.

Archie isn't preventing us from signing a 4 star stud big man, the fact we are Iowa is.
Are you a resident of a European socialist country posing as an Iowa fan? The dude is always hurt, out of shape, is shooting 29% from the free throw line, yet you think we need to give him another year? Have you checked the big ten standings lately? We are last and we are really, really, bad. Archie had two years to come here and complete his degree and he needs to move on. This is not a charitable organization and frankly, if they are going to soak me for parking, tickets and concessions, I want to see a better product on the floor. That is the reality of the situation IMO.

Did you say the same thing about Jarryd Cole over the last two years? Last time I checked he was always injured and no one ever said he needed to be thrown off the team during that time. I understand that he is going to be graduating and has the opportunity to move on, and if that is HIS desire, then more power to him. But I'm really sick of people thinking that they deserve for him to leave the team.
Comparing Cole at any point to Archie is hysterical. Also, there is no indication he has ever tried his best for Iowa. This kid has never come close to putting forth his best effort at any level. He didn't do it in high school and therefore had to go JUCO. He didn't do it in JUCO, and hence he didn't get any attention except from Iowa. At the time Lick brought him in, I said it was a waste of a scholarship and if he would ever play at Iowa, he would have to red-shirt a year and it would still be a long shot, he did and it was.

Now people are saying Archie needs to stay because he is a position player where Iowa has no depth. Iowa would be better to go with four guards and Basabe than to play Archie.

More importantly in his third recruiting period, if Fran can't fill out a roster with B10 players, it does not bode well for the program.
Comparing Cole at any point to Archie is hysterical. Also, there is no indication he has ever tried his best for Iowa. This kid has never come close to putting forth his best effort at any level. He didn't do it in high school and therefore had to go JUCO. He didn't do it in JUCO, and hence he didn't get any attention except from Iowa. At the time Lick brought him in, I said it was a waste of a scholarship and if he would ever play at Iowa, he would have to red-shirt a year and it would still be a long shot, he did and it was.

Now people are saying Archie needs to stay because he is a position player where Iowa has no depth. Iowa would be better to go with four guards and Basabe than to play Archie.

More importantly in his third recruiting period, if Fran can't fill out a roster with B10 players, it does not bode well for the program.

I agree. Might as well play Basabe, Archie, and McCabe as your post players. There is no reason to have Archie come back Iowa needs to elevate talent ASAP, there is no point in wasting time with players at this time. This is like saying Fran should have kept John Lickliter because we were short on guards.
You guys need to think before you type. We return only two real bigs next year (Basabe and Brommer) and we don't exactly have a line of people knocking down our door to come here, in fact it's the opposite problem. He's got a final year left on scholarship and he fills a need for next years team.

Archie isn't preventing us from signing a 4 star stud big man, the fact we are Iowa is.

I think you forgot about White. If he is half the player he is bragged up to be that would put him ahead of Brommer and Artchie. It would be funny if Fran signs God's Gift and Artchie stays next year. You would have God's Gift and God Awful on the same team. Why not just admit that signing Artchie was another Luckliter mistake.
You guys need to think before you type. We return only two real bigs next year (Basabe and Brommer) and we don't exactly have a line of people knocking down our door to come here, in fact it's the opposite problem. He's got a final year left on scholarship and he fills a need for next years team.

Archie isn't preventing us from signing a 4 star stud big man, the fact we are Iowa is.

He is right. Do you idiots actually think we are turning away all american big men because of his scholly?

It's sickening to read this and realize that Iowa has just as many or more ******* fans as any other school.
This is like saying Fran should have kept John Lickliter because we were short on guards.

The sad thing is that this is actually an insult to Lickliter. At least that little guy put out his best effort. If Archie had half of little Lick's hustle, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I am not a big fan of Archie,but clearly he was concussed in the IU game,and has suffered symptoms ever since. I think it is wrong to accuse him of malingering on the bench when he has a legit injury.
And last year, he also was injured.
If Fran can fill his scholly with an actual Big Ten caliber player next year,fine, send him on his way. If not, then keep him for another year,giving us a 4th scholly for next year.
As it stands, Iowa incorporated 4 new players into the fold this year,and will have 4 new players next year, so it is not like we are not turning over the roster at a rapid pace. In 2012 we get 4 more new players. That is 12 players in 3 years...lets see where we are talent-wise at that point.
We are in last place. We won't miss him if he doesn't come back..

I agree with hawkIhoops. This is a business and the product needs to improve

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