Did Archie Even Show up?

What if Archie doesn't want to come back next year? Realizes he may not see the floor and has completed his degree.

I know we jump on him because he hasn't played and was recruited by Lickliter but maybe he is looking at things beyond basketball.
If I'm not mistaken, Archie hasn't played since missing the rim by 4 feet on that free throw a few games back. Maybe Fran doesn't want to throw him out there to embarrass himself again in case he goes to the line.
If I'm not mistaken, Archie hasn't played since missing the rim by 4 feet on that free throw a few games back. Maybe Fran doesn't want to throw him out there to embarrass himself again in case he goes to the line.

I would like to know if you are joking prior to responding to this post.
I would like to know if you are joking prior to responding to this post.


If Archie wants to move on after getting his degree, that's perfectly fine, as long as it's his choice. I'm not a fan of running him off. And if he wants to ride it out, he's welcome to do that too. He made a commitment to the program, the program should have to honor that commitment as well.

For all the moral high horse-riding that we do in regards to the SEC oversigning in football, it seems more than a tad hypocritical to suggest doing the same thing with our basketball team. And that's EXACTLY what those of you wanting to run him off are suggesting that Fran do: oversign.

If Archie wants to move on after getting his degree, that's perfectly fine, as long as it's his choice. I'm not a fan of running him off. And if he wants to ride it out, he's welcome to do that too. He made a commitment to the program, the program should have to honor that commitment as well.

For all the moral high horse-riding that we do in regards to the SEC oversigning in football, it seems more than a tad hypocritical to suggest doing the same thing with our basketball team. And that's EXACTLY what those of you wanting to run him off are suggesting that Fran do: oversign.

This is major college athletics, we are in the Big 10 not a Division III school. There is no "moral code" at this level. People who think that college athletics at this level are somehow more "moral" than pro sports need to wake up.

He has been at Iowa 2 years now, Most people graduate after 4 years of schooling. If the guy doesn't have his degree yet fine keep him around. Iowa sucks with him around and him playing or not playing next year will make no difference. He will be bad next year if he plays so I am not really excited about having him around, but I would like to at least let him complete schooling without having to pay his way.
This is major college athletics, we are in the Big 10 not a Division III school. There is no "moral code" at this level. People who think that college athletics at this level are somehow more "moral" than pro sports need to wake up.

He has been at Iowa 2 years now, Most people graduate after 4 years of schooling. If the guy doesn't have his degree yet fine keep him around. Iowa sucks with him around and him playing or not playing next year will make no difference. He will be bad next year if he plays so I am not really excited about having him around, but I would like to at least let him complete schooling without having to pay his way.

Right, and then when players want to transfer but a school doesn't let them out of their scholarship? Players aren't just free to leave when they please, but they're able to be dumped at a moment's notice. That's not fair to the players at all.
Are you a resident of a European socialist country posing as an Iowa fan? The dude is always hurt, out of shape, is shooting 29% from the free throw line, yet you think we need to give him another year? Have you checked the big ten standings lately? We are last and we are really, really, bad. Archie had two years to come here and complete his degree and he needs to move on. This is not a charitable organization and frankly, if they are going to soak me for parking, tickets and concessions, I want to see a better product on the floor. That is the reality of the situation IMO.

I actually hope Archie comes back. We need more big bodies and he is at least worth a couple of rebounds and 5 fouls, very much needed in the big ten. Now, we need to have him play and play better. We need to get a center, 6'9'' or bigger IMHO, thru recruiting and I think we could make at least the NIT's next year. Going into next season with only Brommer and someone completely new strikes me as a big problem. That is not a shot at Brommer, kid tries, hustles and has gotten better, we are going to need him too.

I'm drinking the koolaid that says Iowa is back in the middle of the pack next year. I truly hope so as it has been too long.
Some of you guys are just absolutely pathetic......ripping on a fellow Hawkeye who also happens to be injured.

Just in case some of you are too young to remember.....in 1986 there was this gangly 6'11" junior center who looked like he didn't even belong on a DIII team. During one game he missed a dunk by getting rejected by the rim (a 6'11" guy, mind you).....Vitale, who was doing the game, claimed that this kid had "white man's disease".

Fast forward one year later.....a new coach, a new system, player development was stressed and he went out his senior year, earned a starting spot, was an integral part of an Elite Eight run, was drafted to the NBA and had a fairly decent career. His name was Brad Lohaus.

That's just one example of many out there. JR Koch is another example of this. Some big men just take longer to develop and for the light to come one.

Sure, the light may never come on for Archie, but to personally attack a guy who wears the Hawkeye uniform and whose never gotten in trouble off the court is pretty pathetic.
Yeah, but Lohaus was a McDonald's All-American. Archie hasn't & won't be all-anything.

But I agree, Iowa should not run off players. Archie is the type of ballplayer Iowa got with Lickliter. It's not the kids fault. Iowa should have to live with its mistakes.
Interesting that its ok for the Iowa football team to move guys along after 4 years, if they are never going to contribute, but not so in basketball, where every individual is far more important to the team's success. As someone pointed out in another thread, Archie total minutes played is equal to 4 games (165 minutes) since coming to Iowa. Help him land and finish his college career at another school.
Agreed 100% Columbus. If Archie is making grades, staying out of trouble, working hard in practice, & on track to graduate we should keep him. Other posters have made good points - he is at least a Big X body & can eat space & rebound a bit. Fran can gain some long term good will with lots of coaches & players by keeping Archie. Beyond that, Archie's presence or departure will not be the tipping point in Iowa's success or failure next season.
Interesting that its ok for the Iowa football team to move guys along after 4 years, if they are never going to contribute, but not so in basketball, where every individual is far more important to the team's success. As someone pointed out in another thread, Archie total minutes played is equal to 4 games (165 minutes) since coming to Iowa. Help him land and finish his college career at another school.

Can you list some examples on the football team please?
I'd like to know if you are joking about whether I was joking in my post.

Okay, I'll take it that you weren't joking.

You're a dumbas*. He suffered a CONCUSSION not long after that biffed free throw. You know, that thing that kept Justin Morneau out of the lineup for half the season (nearly tanking my fantasy team in the process)? Think that might be a factor?
Again, unless Fran has 3 more studs lined up this spring, we should just keep Archie,and open up another scholly for next year,which gives Fran more time to recruit,and give us an extra scholly in a strong year for HS bb in the midwest.
Again, unless Fran has 3 more studs lined up this spring, we should just keep Archie,and open up another scholly for next year,which gives Fran more time to recruit,and give us an extra scholly in a strong year for HS bb in the midwest.

How likely is it that Fran is going to be able to recruit this strong class in the Midwest if it looks like Iowa is going to struggle again? Remember, the team is in the middle of the worst stretch in the history of the program. We can see some improvement, but that hasn't shown up in the schedule results. Asking high school kids to read between the lines is hard. They are going to look at the record and see Iowa's record is not improving.

This is a concern I have had since the moment Fran was hired. A lot of people have wanted an early signing period in football, but in basketball, your third signing class has to choose you with only one season of evidence. This is why jumping fast on recruiting and scoring immediate recruiting wins is so important.

Recruiting in spring means there are fewer players, but also fewer available roster slots. There will be some shuffling due to coaching turnovers and such, which will mean some players will become open and some team's will be scrambling to fill rosters. If you have someone like Lavin, Calipari, or Huggins get hired, they will snag the top guys. But there will still be guys, ala Cartwright, who will be able to do more than contribute. The question is, will it be easier to bring in players that can make you better while you can vet a jump on the other guys who need to fill a roster in Spring, than to fill that roster in Fall in the middle of the worst stretch in program history?
Okay, I'll take it that you weren't joking.

You're a dumbas*. He suffered a CONCUSSION not long after that biffed free throw. You know, that thing that kept Justin Morneau out of the lineup for half the season (nearly tanking my fantasy team in the process)? Think that might be a factor?

I thought he had suffered the concussion a few games before that incident with the free throw. If I'm mistaken, chalk it up to bad memory on my part.

That said, I can see a coach not putting in a player who shoots 29% from the line and who missed the rim by 4 feet. Maybe not to save hiim from embarrassment but to save his team from another empty possession.

Have a nice day.
Can you list some examples on the football team please?

Hayden Fry said that scollys for football players came up for evaluation each year and if they didn't project to make the two-deep by their junior season they could be asked to leave or pay their own way. I don't know how many times it actually happened.
Again, unless Fran has 3 more studs lined up this spring, we should just keep Archie,and open up another scholly for next year,which gives Fran more time to recruit,and give us an extra scholly in a strong year for HS bb in the midwest.

I am amazed that anyone can utter such nonsense. So we should keep a guy that is not even a D2 caliber player because he can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time? McCaffrey had basically no time to recruit and brought in our two best players, so you really think he can't do better than a 29% free throw shooter with no post moves who is constantly hurt? Trust me, you could put 100 names of juco power forwards in a hat and pull one out and have a better player than Archie. For the record, I would take Cougill over Archie in a heartbeat and that says less about Cougill and more about Archie. The guy can't even score in the PTL and, in case you haven't noticed, we need to score more than 68 points to win games.
He averages less than 8 minutes a game and has attempted a whopping 22 free throws on the season. He's not helping much, but he's hardly the evil force some are making him out to be. He gives other big men an opportunity to rest and grabs a few rebounds. Expecting more from him is silly.

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