Did anyone listen to Iowa State's News Conference today?

The band members have claimed they were waiting for the crowd to clear the stadium which is verified by the video and the EMPTY stadium. Look at the video. There is literally no one left in the stands for at least minutes before the band moves.

Now if the band was trying to instigate something wouldn't they try to march through the fans as they were leaving? It sure appears to me the band was being responsible. They might even have stayed a few minutes longer but were screamed at "to get the F off my field". This brings me to another point re the alleged bottleneck.

Was it Pollard who claimed the band pushed through the crowd as it bottlenecked?? Watch the video. The band marches right out of the stadium. Members aren't stacking up against each other. If it backed up it must have been well past the exit.

I haven't been to that shithole in 30 years and that is too recent, so can someone describe what it is like right outside the stadium? Back in the day it resembled a huge cow pasture or one that has been cemented over. How many exits etc? Possible to bottleneck? That long after the game ends? Bad design if that is the case. Did Pollard not have enough security moving people along? Some had been there since 5 am. Just go home dopes. Or do they sit around following games encircling their supreme leader as he goes on and on about the injustices befallen his team while ladeling out koolaid laced with Busch Light?

Were there reports of fans running all over their award-winning natural grass field during the delays? If true how stupid is that? Lack of security?
Say what you want about Barta but I do believe he has enough security to keep that from happening on his artificial turf.

Pollard has been craving relevance for years. A pathological obsession really. He finally gets it and FAILS in the final analysis. I saw it coming. Dope.
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And just like I said, Jamie Pollard is a lying POS. How little of a man do you have to be that you lie to blame the victim rather than just blaming the few actual perpetrators? Plus like I said if the ISU facilities director doesn’t kick them off the field this never even happens. They are so infuriated at losing their Super Bowl, Pollard and ISU staff will yell at and put Iowa band members in harms way and then will later lie about it and blame the victims.
If it's common practice, it's less likely they were doing it with bad intent. And I do acknowledge that was when the debate started. I also acknowledge that it wasnt his place to say it. I also acknowledge that even tho he shouldn't have said it and even tho there's a good chance it wasnt true, IF it was true, the band shouldn't have been doing that. I also acknowledge that even if the band did it, they didn't "deserve what they got", but they shouldn't have done it and it makes it more understandable how it happened. I also acknowledge that whoever got physical deserves an equal punishment regardless of whether or not the band instigated.
By saying it is more understandable you are actually justifying what happened. That is what has been stuck in my craw about what you have been saying the entire time.
By saying it is more understandable you are actually justifying what happened. That is what has been stuck in my craw about what you have been saying the entire time.

That's because for some people there are grey areas. Evidently for you, it's either 100% understandable or 0% understandable. My brain doesn't work like that.
That's because for some people there are grey areas. Evidently for you, it's either 100% understandable or 0% understandable. My brain doesn't work like that.

You said in a post you don’t know why you keep going on this, and yet here you go again. You just need to stop, you don’t have to have the last word, or keep defending something that you have said a thousand times already.
That's because for some people there are grey areas. Evidently for you, it's either 100% understandable or 0% understandable. My brain doesn't work like that.

To spell it out, everyone knows you can do thing to reduce risk. Duh... Every time you fly there is risk. If a pilot makes a mistake and it kills you ....you want to say see... You shouldn't have flown. Fact is it s 100;percent on the pilot. Stop being a troll or an ass whichever applies