Deuce Hogan

So, as usual, you can't back it up. Shocking.
Doesn't matter if you believe it or not. I know what I see. I know the football coaches/teams have control of the information. Have a good night.
@HawkGold , it's not a coincidence that you have this problem on HN frequently.

If you're going to spout generalities and say they're concrete facts, you can't expect anyone to take you seriously unless you give something even remotely confirmational.

Just a couple weeks ago you spouted of about football helmets and how all high schools are using subpar equipment, and how it's dangerous. And I retorted asking you for examples, and provided you with concrete examples, booster club experiences, even so far as particular models of helmets, etc. You couldn't even name a model of helmet, you have no idea of cost, or how schools cycle them through. I would have just let it go but your claims insinuate that ADs and high school boosters don't give a shit about safety, when you know absolutely nothing about the process or how schools equip players (but you'll say you do).

And all of a sudden you clammed up and wouldn't say a word because someone called you out on it. Then you tried to weasel out of it and say that it was just your particular school you were talking about (which is bullshit according to your earlier posts). And then I asked who the AD was, because if you're so worried about lax player safety and dangerous helmets, wouldn't you want the problem out in the open for the sake of these high school kids? Once again, you fizzled out and gave your tried and true weasely response..."I know what I saw so I don't have to prove it to you." The adult equivalent of "I'm rubber, you're glue..." Your next step is to quick google some random articles on a subject and post them thinking it'll quash it. But it doesn't.

Just like your next response to this post will be...some sort of bullshit about how you saw what you saw, and we can think what we want, or some sort of weak-ass insult that doesn't even make sense to try and deflect the fact that you got caught yet again barking bullshit that you can't substantiate.

3, 2, 1....wait for it...
@HawkGold , it's not a coincidence that you have this problem on HN frequently.

If you're going to spout generalities and say they're concrete facts, you can't expect anyone to take you seriously unless you give something even remotely confirmational.

Just a couple weeks ago you spouted of about football helmets and how all high schools are using subpar equipment, and how it's dangerous. And I retorted asking you for examples, and provided you with concrete examples, booster club experiences, even so far as particular models of helmets, etc. You couldn't even name a model of helmet, you have no idea of cost, or how schools cycle them through. I would have just let it go but your claims insinuate that ADs and high school boosters don't give a shit about safety, when you know absolutely nothing about the process or how schools equip players (but you'll say you do).

And all of a sudden you clammed up and wouldn't say a word because someone called you out on it. Then you tried to weasel out of it and say that it was just your particular school you were talking about (which is bullshit according to your earlier posts). And then I asked who the AD was, because if you're so worried about lax player safety and dangerous helmets, wouldn't you want the problem out in the open for the sake of these high school kids? Once again, you fizzled out and gave your tried and true weasely response..."I know what I saw so I don't have to prove it to you." The adult equivalent of "I'm rubber, you're glue..." Your next step is to quick google some random articles on a subject and post them thinking it'll quash it. But it doesn't.

Just like your next response to this post will be...some sort of bullshit about how you saw what you saw, and we can think what we want, or some sort of weak-ass insult that doesn't even make sense to try and deflect the fact that you got caught yet again barking bullshit that you can't substantiate.

3, 2, 1....wait for it...

I ve been busy. That said you sure spent a lot of time on this.
Hawk gold. I am just as concerned about concussions in football as you are, at least I think so. I would encourage you to rely on factual data, as has been provided to you. The big picture is not refutable, so deal with it. Where I defend your position is where you provide real world examples of your personal experiences with this tragic reality. Those xperiences are also unrefutable.
Hawk gold. I am just as concerned about concussions in football as you are, at least I think so. I would encourage you to rely on factual data, as has been provided to you. The big picture is not refutable, so deal with it. Where I defend your position is where you provide real world examples of your personal experiences with this tragic reality. Those xperiences are also unrefutable.
Bingo. This is dead on.

But he gets to take his experiences, apply it to everyone else which means everyone else has done it and he gets to be the arbiter of truth.

Although one would think that if a doctor/coach allowed his son to play prematurely and he was so concerned about his son's physical well-being
he would have had a sit down with the doctor/coach and said, 'the next time my son is injured, he doesn't play until i get a second opinion' and if he does, then your butt is in trouble.

you know, that whole,
"fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" proverb thingy.

but, then the finger wagging would have to stop.
I'm sorry but I'm gonna need to see some numbers there, because that sounds like BS.

I played 13 years of full contact football (4th grade thru college), all on the LOS, and never had a single one. The most we ever had as a team in a single season was 2. I can only think of 6 teammates that had them during my entire career, which includes an extra year as a GA. My HS team had one (maybe, but we pulled him as a precaution anyways) for our entire season this year.

This website uses information from the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics to track concussion rates per sport:

They reported that football players receive 64-77 concussions per 100,000 athletic exposures (organized practice or competition). That's a 0.064-0.077% chance per exposure.

Now let's get a baseline for an average HS season. 3 weeks of preseason (15 exposures), 9 weeks of 4 practices each (36), 9 games (9), and let's throw a week of the playoffs in there for an even 10 (4+1), which brings it to a total of 65 exposures for each athlete during a season (assuming the players don't play JV AND Varsity games). That raises it to a 4.16-5.005% chance per season, per individual player.

I think you're buying into some of the recent concussion hysteria and not giving enough credit to recent innovations in technique and player management intended to reduce them.
I played a shit ton of football too, even more without pads on and never had a concussion either. My entire high school career I can only think of one person that had a concussion. From what I remember of Tim Dwight, (who a few years ahead of me) he used to get them all the time.

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