Desmond King: Iowa "outcoached"

Listen. I'm the last one to defend KF but King should concern himself with cleaning up his own house and not throw stones at others. There's a reason why he wasn't kept as a team captain. I'll leave it at that.

His own house? His play was superb. He gave up millions of dollars to come back here for "unfinished business". If you are going to stone a guy, pick the one who's not been humble and excellent and who made a huge sacrifice for the team.

If Kirk needs to have his manhood challenged, King is probably the only person in the state that has the right and ethos to do it. Leadership doesn't always mean falling on the general's sword. Sometimes it means calling him out.
J. Smith and Scheel both proved they can get deep with the right playcall at right time. We called ONE deep route with play action and extra protection went it wasn't Absolutely an obvious passing situation.

I'll keep repeatin it...ultimately it's on KF...but Davis is not good, at all. 2 decent play calls a game ain't cutting it.
Davis is only allowed to take one shot per quarter. Anything more is for showboaters
You can't think it's accidental that most of this started after KF got the extension. If it becomes clear to the best player on the team that KF can't be fired and that KF also can't stop him from playing without getting burnt alive by the fanbase, you might as well let 'er rip on talking about it.

Agreed, but I don't think he gives one damn about the fan base. Never has. Continues to take one of the highest salaries in college football and barely give result over .500 in the B1G conference.

I am sorry for those Iowans (myself included) that faithfully follow this football program.

You want your team to support your devotion. You put on clothing that shows your support of the program. You want that logo to represent success and be a reflection of you own personal expectations for yourself. I support successful sports programs because I am a successful person. I am successful because I have high expectations of myself, those around me and the sports teams I support. This is the thought process behind wearing your team's logo.

Once in a blue moon a descent person will step forward and out of respect and appreciation for an sports organization that has been really great to him and his family, they will will announce they are resigning for the good of that sports organization. With a spirit of gratitutude and humbleness they will thank all that have supported them through the years and step aside.

IF KF is as good of a person as many (including myself) think he is he will do this. He could say this is his last season and give Barta time to start looking for a replacement.

I guess the question is, is Kirk a descent person?
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Listen. I'm the last one to defend KF but King should concern himself with cleaning up his own house and not throw stones at others. There's a reason why he wasn't kept as a team captain. I'll leave it at that.

I'm usually with ya on players staying quiet. That said, King was brilliant today. Without him we may lose by 3 touchdowns. He, and a few others...should be absolutely disgusted.

King gave up huge guaranteed money to stay a Hawkeye. While I have always been a KF guy, King showed me he deserves better than the coaches are giving the team on Gameday.
I b!tch about millennials all the time, this is one where they got it right. They question why you do things and the answer is ' because it is the way we always do it' . And that answer isn't really sufficient when there is a truly better way to do things.
Agreed, but I don't think he gives one damn about the fan base. Never has. Continues to take one of the highest salaries in college football and barely give result over .500 in the B1G conference.

I am sorry for those Iowans (myself included) that faithfully follow this football program.

You want your team to support your devotion. You put on clothing that shows your support of the program. You want that logo to represent success and be a reflection of you own personal expectations for yourself. I support successful sports programs because I am a successful person. I am successful because I have high expectations of myself, those around me and the sports teams I support. This is the thought process behind wearing your team's logo.

Once in a blue moon a descent person will step forward and out of respect and appreciation for an sports organization that has been really great to him and his family, they will will announce they are resigning for the good of that sports organization. Will a spirit of gratitutude and humbleness they will thank all that have supported them through the years and step aside.

IF KF is as good of a person as many (including myself) think he is he will do this. He could say this is his last season and give Barta time to start looking for a replacement.

I guess the question is, is Kirk a descent person?

Excellent post.

Up till recently there was a reason everyone ignored:
unchecked greed
boat-load of off-season transfers each year
missing on recruits like Ruhland & Karras
player rebellion right after he was hired
ego over talent
kids in trouble with the law
losing to directional schools
struggles against the Clones and Wildcats
delivering the opposite of whatever the expectations were
making a ridiculous number of games a last-possession affair
clock mismanagement
leaving points on the field

It was all okay because he was the nicest guy to ever live. And fans didn't care if they had a winner, they wanted a prom king.
I'm usually with ya on players staying quiet. That said, King was brilliant today. Without him we may lose by 3 touchdowns. He, and a few others...should be absolutely disgusted.

King gave up huge guaranteed money to stay a Hawkeye. While I have always been a KF guy, King showed me he deserves better than the coaches are giving the team on Gameday.

This X 1000. He turned down 2nd or 3rd money for this dogsh!t. He could have easily moved on to the next phase of his life. Yeah, he came back because he promised his mom some things, but he ultimately came back because he thought this year could be special.
Maybe CJ can go all Johnny Moxon. "Only way we are going back on that field is without you."
Is it a great move on his part? No. But he's a young talented guy that sacrificed big money to come back for a promise of great things this year..No doubt from Ferentz himself. I would assume he feels he has the right to be frustrated, even publically, when this dumpster fire is allowed to spread.

King gambled millions of dollars for a chance to win a NC. King has gotten screwed on that gamble. What if he suffers a career ending injury? Our coach, apparently, believes it's the responsibility of 18-22 year olds to figure out how to get themselves mentally prepared for each game and season. Part of coaching is being responsible for affecting the psyche of your team.
I don't think Kirk Ferentz got outcoached today. It was more like he didn't show up for the fight.

Why would he? If you didn't have to work to get money, would you? (At this point Kirk has enough money to last his entire life. I'm just wondering what really motivates him. )
I don't think Kirk Ferentz got outcoached today. It was more like he didn't show up for the fight.
Barta told him that he doesn't need to.

I know if I was the greatest salesman ever and my employer said that I am now going to be paid til retirement pretty much the same amount of money regardless of production, I would mail it in faster than you could say "that's sales."

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