Derek Jeter-

I did not see it but I am a big fan of Derek Jeter. He's a classic Yankee. I love the way he plays the game.

I love Yankee history but don't cheer for the Yankees if that makes any sense. I appreciate the Yankee legends and Jeter is one of those guys.

I remember watching the playoffs last year and on a couple occassions Jeter was in the dugout while a young player was up to bat. Jeter was standing up at the railing cheering and couldn't have been more interested in what was going on. He seems like a stand up guy on the field and off.

Lastly, you have to admire his accomplishments and I'm not talking about on the field... :)
I don't even know where to start to argue that one. According to most in baseball he is the worst fielding shortstop in the game. Sabermetrics proves it. He's overrated as a shortstop, but is highly paid because of how he hits and for his leadership.
Jeter won't be compared to Ozzie Smith with his defense, but I will give him credit on realizing he was getting older and needing to work harder on his defensive game in the past couple of years.
woody is right it will be hard to surpass ozzie but he is working on it

He has got a long ways to go to reach ozzie in terms of on offensive side of things completely different game as he is one of the best offensive shortstops.
Last year was his best defensive year in 10 years. He's been one of the 2-3 worst defensive SS in the game over the last 10 years. A liability in the field, but a very good offensive SS. Given the importance of defense at SS I wouldn't EVER call him the best SS ever.
Last year was his best defensive year in 10 years. He's been one of the 2-3 worst defensive SS in the game over the last 10 years. A liability in the field, but a very good offensive SS. Given the importance of defense at SS I wouldn't EVER call him the best SS ever.

a liability on the field? you must not watch the yankees play that often, because I would never put Jeter and Liability in the same sentence regarding any of his play, including defensive. some of his keynote plays have been on defense. diving into the stands and cutting up his face to catch the foul ball, running to back up the ball and getting the out at home in the playoffs against the As, I believe. His sigature backhand ground ball grab to jump throw........

name another SS right now who has been starting since '96. Then name one who has been playing better during this time frame. I'll never understand the argument that Jeter is 'overrated' or etc.
woody is right it will be hard to surpass ozzie but he is working on it
What I appreciate is a guy with 5 titles (4 very early in his career) and one last year and he still works hard on his game (both defensively and offensively). He seems to be in the right place at key times (the play against the A's in the playoffs being one) and he seems to be a great teammate and is respected throughout the game. He doesn't give away at bats, moves runners along, and is a great baserunner.

Is he the best ever? I don't know that he will be the greatest as far as defense. But, overall, he will be known as a great player. That's pretty good, especially with his life and career in NY. I am no Yankee fan, but I am a Jeter fan (and so is my 12 year old).
a liability on the field? you must not watch the yankees play that often, because I would never put Jeter and Liability in the same sentence regarding any of his play, including defensive. some of his keynote plays have been on defense. diving into the stands and cutting up his face to catch the foul ball, running to back up the ball and getting the out at home in the playoffs against the As, I believe. His sigature backhand ground ball grab to jump throw........

name another SS right now who has been starting since '96. Then name one who has been playing better during this time frame. I'll never understand the argument that Jeter is 'overrated' or etc.

He has very limited range compared to most other shortstops. There's a lot of balls that he doesn't get to, so just because he doesn't make a lot of errors doesn't mean he's a good defensive shortstop, kinda similiar to Theriot in this regard. Any of the advanced defensive metrics have had him in the lower half of shortstops for the past several seasons, although he was much improved last season. Also, his diving into the stands play is extremely overrated he caught the ball in the field of play and jumped into the stands after he had already caught the ball. He isn't even the best shortstop on the left side of the Yankees infield, I don't think you can really make an argument that at the time the Yankess picked up A-Rod, that A-Rod wasnt the best shortstop in the majors.

With that said, I still think Jeter is a very good player, a good leader and one of the best all around shortstops in the game.
a liability on the field? you must not watch the yankees play that often, because I would never put Jeter and Liability in the same sentence regarding any of his play, including defensive. some of his keynote plays have been on defense. diving into the stands and cutting up his face to catch the foul ball, running to back up the ball and getting the out at home in the playoffs against the As, I believe. His sigature backhand ground ball grab to jump throw........

name another SS right now who has been starting since '96. Then name one who has been playing better during this time frame. I'll never understand the argument that Jeter is 'overrated' or etc.

Better defensively? Obviously there aren't any other SS out there right now that have been playing since '96 so your question is a bit loaded. That being said. Nearly every SS of tenure over that time period however is a better defensive SS than Jeter. I have watched him a lot, and the numbers speak for themselves. Check this link. Bill James is pretty much the guru.

Fielding Bible

Also, Fangraphs has his defense as -107 over his career. What this means is that if you stuck a replacement player in his place over his tenure with the Yankees, a player who is exactly average, his defense has caused 107 runs to score that would not have scored if a replacement player were there. That being said, his offense has been astronomically higher than a replacement player. I'm simply talking about his defense here though.
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Where I would agree he will never be seen as a greatest defensive SS, he has never be accused of being a liability for the Yankees.... Totally disagree
Where I would agree he will never be seen as a greatest defensive SS, he has never be accused of being a liability for the Yankees.... Totally disagree

Disagree with this entire statement. Has actually HAS been seen by some has the greatest defensive SS shown by the gold gloves that he has won. Also, he HAS been accused by many, many people of being a liability defensively for the Yankees by people who follow baseball very closely and look at numbers. And of course aren't Yankee fans ;)
To me Derek Jeter is very similiar to Cal Ripken. Only Ripken was moved to 3rd base due to lack of range while Jeter was not. I think this is directly related to the 4 rings early in his career giving Jeter enough power to block any move away from SS.
To me Derek Jeter is very similiar to Cal Ripken. Only Ripken was moved to 3rd base due to lack of range while Jeter was not. I think this is directly related to the 4 rings early in his career giving Jeter enough power to block any move away from SS.

As proven by ARod not playing SS for the Yankees. Arod was an exponentially better defensive SS than Jeter. It wasn't even close.

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