Derby doesnt have the arm strenght or accuracy to play QB


Well-Known Member
I played softball against him last night and he pitched. He was all over the place, no controll at all. He walked 3-4 guys and it could have easily been 10 if we wouldn't have been swinging at everything close.

He also didn't seem to have much zip on the fastball. He was only like 50 feet away but he still had to lob it like 6-12 feet in the air to get it all the way to the plate.

He did hit a home run to left that went about 350 feet but it was clear to me he just doesn't have the arm strenght or accuracy needed to play QB in the B10.
Haha, thanks for the update. I guess we'll all hold our collective breath and hope he can get his pitching mechanics down before fall camp. :eek:
I'm sure Kirk & Co. will be pleased to get this information before they waste one minute of time seeing if AJ can play QB.
I played softball against him last night and he pitched. He was all over the place, no controll at all. He walked 3-4 guys and it could have easily been 10 if we wouldn't have been swinging at everything close.

He also didn't seem to have much zip on the fastball. He was only like 50 feet away but he still had to lob it like 6-12 feet in the air to get it all the way to the plate.

He did hit a home run to left that went about 350 feet but it was clear to me he just doesn't have the arm strenght or accuracy needed to play QB in the B10.

Well, they'll just have to scrap the shovel pass from the playbook. We're screwed.
This is a joke right?

You know what is funny, my brother can throw a football (I should say COULD) 75 to 80 yards. He played QB in college and size wise was about the same size as Derby. I can only throw a football 50 yards. Just don't have the strength he has or the big hands to throw a football that far. But in baseball I can throw a fastball about 10 MPH faster than him. 2 totally different things
This is actually good news. JC was supposedly a good pitcher, and it didn't translate well to the football field.
Worse yet he threw underhanded the whole time. I know some people (Teabow) have had success with unorthadox throwing styles but I think he's going to have real trouble getting over the helmets and arms of the linemen.
Worse yet he threw underhanded the whole time. I know some people (Teabow) have had success with unorthadox throwing styles but I think he's going to have real trouble getting over the helmets and arms of the linemen.

What if they got him some lifts for his shoes? Do you think that would help?
Is it too late to take this post down before our rivals get ahold of this information. Some information is best left to yourself. Thanks for bringing down the entire football program.
No, he kind of threw a knuckle ball. Also before the he was on first base warming up his infield and every ball he threw was right into the dirt... this isn't looking good.

Did he at least seem to know when to throw it over the plate and when to throw it into the dirt?
This is a joke post right? When does skill at throwing a softball = skill at throwing a football? As far as him being able to throw it over the lineman, he's listed as 6'4" so height won't be a problem.
Worse yet he threw underhanded the whole time. I know some people (Teabow) have had success with unorthadox throwing styles but I think he's going to have real trouble getting over the helmets and arms of the linemen.

Shouldn't be any trouble if he has a 6-12 foot arc on the ball, should it? :)
Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.

How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
YES! gohawks14 was thinking exactly what i was.

but if these are the kinds of recruits we get to play quarterback at iowa, then sounds like the program is going right down the drain. guess i should do like everyone else and become a gators fan

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