Dear Baseball Gods...


Well-Known Member
...I realize that being the winningest team in Baseball history comes at a price, no World Series Title since 1954, but could you please find it in your hearts to grace the Giants with a title this year. I've talked to the Football Gods and I am willing to trade 3 Hawkeye wins (AZ, MSU, tOSU) and an 0-16 49ers season in which Samurai Mike is fired and then rehired with the Bears. I realize that my request is liable to get me crucified by Hawkeye and 49ers fans alike but I also realize that real sacrifice is needed to make this happen. As it turns out I'm not allowed to hurt people or animals.

I've already tried dealing with the devil, however he's not interested in a used Volvo, an old box of comic books, or a complete set of 1988 Topps Baseball Cards. He did mention that I should not to worry about the Dodgers in the coming years as he is representing Mrs. McCourt in her divorce and that ISU will be no problem either, as he will be collecting for their "Bowl Win" for the foreseeable future.

Thank You

Editors note: While I'm only half kidding, I'm 75% serious. You Cubs fans out there can't tell me that you wouldn't do the same thing. BTW, my wife isn't talking to me over the Hawks comment

...I realize that being the winningest team in Baseball history comes at a price, no World Series Title since 1954, but could you please find it in your hearts to grace the Giants with a title this year. I've talked to the Football Gods and I am willing to trade 3 Hawkeye wins (AZ, MSU, tOSU) and an 0-16 49ers season in which Samurai Mike is fired and then rehired with the Bears. I realize that my request is liable to get me crucified by Hawkeye and 49ers fans alike but I also realize that real sacrifice is needed to make this happen. As it turns out I'm not allowed to hurt people or animals.

I've already tried dealing with the devil, however he's not interested in a used Volvo, an old box of comic books, or a complete set of 1988 Topps Baseball Cards. He did mention that I should not to worry about the Dodgers in the coming years as he is representing Mrs. McCourt in her divorce and that ISU will be no problem either, as he will be collecting for their "Bowl Win" for the foreseeable future.

Thank You

Editors note: While I'm only half kidding, I'm 75% serious. You Cubs fans out there can't tell me that you wouldn't do the same thing. BTW, my wife isn't talking to me over the Hawks comment


HAWKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cubs. It's been 102 years. Who cares, never trade a hawk win for anything. And yes, I'm a huge cubs fan. I just know where my loyalties are.
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GO RANGERS! I'm asked all the time why I'm a Rangers fan and it's pretty easy...that was the name of my pee-wee baseball team. It would be an interesting thread to hear how people became fans of their favorite sports teams.
GO RANGERS! I'm asked all the time why I'm a Rangers fan and it's pretty easy...that was the name of my pee-wee baseball team. It would be an interesting thread to hear how people became fans of their favorite sports teams.
I like it.
Cubs- cause it was all we got on TV and I grew up watching them/listening on the radio. Dad-not a baseball fan, grandpa=dodgers fan and great grandpa= Cardinals fan. So it's not genetic

Packers- Went to spring training when I was a youngun (not that long ago) and met the players/autographs (LeRoy Butler, Reggie White etc.) Also saw Reggie at an Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting and had new respect for the man.

Lincecum and Cain and pray for rain!! ...or for sanchez to pitch well....THEN for rain! Go giants!!!!!!!
...I realize that being the winningest team in Baseball history comes at a price, no World Series Title since 1954, but could you please find it in your hearts to grace the Giants with a title this year. I've talked to the Football Gods and I am willing to trade 3 Hawkeye wins (AZ, MSU, tOSU) and an 0-16 49ers season in which Samurai Mike is fired and then rehired with the Bears. I realize that my request is liable to get me crucified by Hawkeye and 49ers fans alike but I also realize that real sacrifice is needed to make this happen. As it turns out I'm not allowed to hurt people or animals.

I've already tried dealing with the devil, however he's not interested in a used Volvo, an old box of comic books, or a complete set of 1988 Topps Baseball Cards. He did mention that I should not to worry about the Dodgers in the coming years as he is representing Mrs. McCourt in her divorce and that ISU will be no problem either, as he will be collecting for their "Bowl Win" for the foreseeable future.

Thank You

Editors note: While I'm only half kidding, I'm 75% serious. You Cubs fans out there can't tell me that you wouldn't do the same thing. BTW, my wife isn't talking to me over the Hawks comment

As a Cubs fan, the only think I understood was 'While I'm only half kidding, I'm 75% serious.' :D I would give about anything for a Cubs World Series title, but I know I would probably drop dead after it happens (as well as every other Cub fan who has made their own deal with the devil). I am still unsure how I would handle it.

As far as the OP, if he wants to give something up for the Giants to win, that's OK. Those fans have suffered a lot as well.
One down, Ten to go!

Timmy was lights out last night 9 IP, 0 Runs, 2 Hits, 14 Ks, 1 BB.

Posey was definitely out at second, but the umpire was in a bad position to make the call. However, that's the position they're usually in to make that call. Posey's body was in the way and the ump couldn't see the tag. Obviously the Giants go lucky there.

Best line of the night by the broadcast team: "That guy (Sandoval) would swing at the rosin bag"
One down, Ten to go!

Timmy was lights out last night 9 IP, 0 Runs, 2 Hits, 14 Ks, 1 BB.

Posey was definitely out at second, but the umpire was in a bad position to make the call. However, that's the position they're usually in to make that call. Posey's body was in the way and the ump couldn't see the tag. Obviously the Giants go lucky there.

Best line of the night by the broadcast team: "That guy (Sandoval) would swing at the rosin bag"
Awesome game by Lincecum. If the Giants and Phillies advance, it will be an interesting, low-scoring NLCS. The pitching matchups would be fun to watch.

Good for the Giants to take advantage of the missed call. Good teams do that. Who could have imagined that Bobby Cox would not be one of the managers tossed on a day of frustrated managers? :)

If both the Giants and Phillies make it to the NLCS I'll put Timmy, Matty and Johnny up against them any day. Hope you like 1-0; 2-1 type games because that's what we'll get if Giants/Phillies happens.

Halladay was amazing on Wednesday. I'd say Timmy was as good, however the No-No is the equivalent of "Scoreboard" in this case, and rightly so. It'll be interesting to see how both teams respond tonight. Momentum is going to be huge for both and playing at home after such dominate performances isn't going to hurt either.

BTW - Dusty Baker is NOT a big game manager. It's like the Phillies have a 10th man on the field when Baker is in the opposing dugout. :p
If both the Giants and Phillies make it to the NLCS I'll put Timmy, Matty and Johnny up against them any day. Hope you like 1-0; 2-1 type games because that's what we'll get if Giants/Phillies happens.

Halladay was amazing on Wednesday. I'd say Timmy was as good, however the No-No is the equivalent of "Scoreboard" in this case, and rightly so. It'll be interesting to see how both teams respond tonight. Momentum is going to be huge for both and playing at home after such dominate performances isn't going to hurt either.

BTW - Dusty Baker is NOT a big game manager. It's like the Phillies have a 10th man on the field when Baker is in the opposing dugout. :p

Just like the Giants had a 10th man last night in the umpire, Posey was out at 2nd on that steal and wouldn't have scored as it would have ended the inning, so that game should have been 0-0 going to the bottom of the 9th. I'm sure you can tell I'm a Braves fan and I don't expect them to beat the Giants anyway, but you have to admit Posey was out. The only thing encouraging about last night is as bad as the Braves offense is the Giants don't have one much better which still gives the Braves a punchers chance. If they leave SF 1-1 it could be interesting.
Just like the Giants had a 10th man last night in the umpire, Posey was out at 2nd on that steal and wouldn't have scored as it would have ended the inning, so that game should have been 0-0 going to the bottom of the 9th. I'm sure you can tell I'm a Braves fan and I don't expect them to beat the Giants anyway, but you have to admit Posey was out. The only thing encouraging about last night is as bad as the Braves offense is the Giants don't have one much better which still gives the Braves a punchers chance. If they leave SF 1-1 it could be interesting.

Here's my first post from today, and FWIW I was a shocked as anyone else last night when he was called safe.

One down, Ten to go!

Timmy was lights out last night 9 IP, 0 Runs, 2 Hits, 14 Ks, 1 BB.

Posey was definitely out at second, but the umpire was in a bad position to make the call. However, that's the position they're usually in to make that call. Posey's body was in the way and the ump couldn't see the tag. Obviously the Giants go lucky there.

Best line of the night by the broadcast team: "That guy (Sandoval) would swing at the rosin bag"

Fortunately or Unfortunately that was one of those "Judgment/Human Error" type calls that Baseball "Purists" love. It will also be one of the plays that those yelling for instant replay will replay over and over again.

I don't know why Sandoval was in the line-up last night. The guy has just been horrible at the plate this year. It's like Bochy is keeping him in there because he feels "he's due". IMO not a great way to manage your team.

Question: Hayward or Posey for NL ROTY? Please state reason.
Here's my first post from today, and FWIW I was a shocked as anyone else last night when he was called safe.

Fortunately or Unfortunately that was one of those "Judgment/Human Error" type calls that Baseball "Purists" love. It will also be one of the plays that those yelling for instant replay will replay over and over again.

I don't know why Sandoval was in the line-up last night. The guy has just been horrible at the plate this year. It's like Bochy is keeping him in there because he feels "he's due". IMO not a great way to manage your team.

Question: Hayward or Posey for NL ROTY? Please state reason.

Sorry I skipped right over that post.

As far as ROTY, I would give it to Posey, he put up the same numbers as Heyward but played AAA the first 2 months of the season while Heyward was up the whole year, I know Heyward got hurt and missed a couple of weeks but if Posey plays from opening day he would have had more HR's and RBI's, I do think his AVG probably would have dropped a little though but not below the .277 Heyward hit.
Sorry I skipped right over that post.

As far as ROTY, I would give it to Posey, he put up the same numbers as Heyward but played AAA the first 2 months of the season while Heyward was up the whole year, I know Heyward got hurt and missed a couple of weeks but if Posey plays from opening day he would have had more HR's and RBI's, I do think his AVG probably would have dropped a little though but not below the .277 Heyward hit.

I agree it should be Posey but for a little different reason. Heyward's and Posey's offensive numbers are almost identical, regardless of number of games played, I think you throw those out. Where they differ is on the defensive side of the ball. Posey handled an ace pitching staff with a skill of a veteran. This in my mind is what makes him stand out over Heyward.

Now, if Heyward had a Gold Glove type year I'd say flip a coin.

I really think Posey should get ROTY however, I have an unsettling gut feeling that Heyward is going to get the award. We'll see, I hope I'm wrong.
I disagree on your comments about Sandoval. He is a needed by the Giants. You don't bench him at this stage of the season. He brings to much to the table to be sitting him.
I gotta go with Jaime Garcia for ROTY. Yeah, he only went 13-8 thanks to the Cardinals occasionally non-existent offense, but he did finish 4th in ERA at 2.70.
I'm using my 1000th post to congratulate the Giants on their series win against Atlanta. As a buddy told me today, and I quote, "Your fault, you made Bobby Cox cry". My response, "Why yes, yes I did". ;)

It was nice seeing the Giants honor Bobby Cox after the game yesterday and while I hate the Braves just about as much as I hate the Dodgers (1993 = :mad:) Cox has had an amazing career.

Now to serious business... If the Giants play the way they did against the Braves, they have no chance at beating Philly. Hopefully they can channel JoBoo and wake their bats up. They also need to limit the boneheaded plays in the field. Some some things that made me cringe and yell at the television. It's a good thing that my kids have been in bed when these games have been on or else they would have learned some new words.


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