Dan Bernstein on Penn State apologists

I was a huge Joe paterno and Penn State fan. In fact, I thought they were the model for college football.

Man, I was 100% WRONG. How could I have been so dumb.

I was completely fooled and I admit it.
I was a huge Joe paterno and Penn State fan. In fact, I thought they were the model for college football.

Man, I was 100% WRONG. How could I have been so dumb.

I was completely fooled and I admit it.

Same here, I bought into the line about JoePa and Penn State winning the right way. I had the utmost respect for the man and the institution and now I feel duped. He didn't want to win the right way, he wanted to win at all costs.
Bernsie is a complete jerk. He is like a vulture, profiting from the misfortune of these young boys. He is milking this scandal week after week, making outrageous comments,simply to draw attention to himself and his program. Outrage sells,and hence his shock jock routine. He call all Iowans and downstate illinois people nothing but crackers on a regular basis. He calls anyone who disagrees with him stupid meatballs...it is his schtick.
He's also a genius. Literally.

I could care less if he hates Iowa. I know when I tune in to the Boers and Bernstein show I will have the best laughs I'll have all day and get their uncensored opinions.

And I happen to love when they take dumb callers to task.

If you want fluff, listen to Mike and Mike and all of the ESPN radio crap.
It is what it is for now. In 5 and 10 years people will again have their opinions and little will matter. Joe Pa is a sad old man right now and IMO he would rather give up and will himself to his cancer and try and salvage any hope of a + legacy. These letters just make people more irate and sad regarding the facade Penn State tried to create for itself. Joe Paterno is at the top of the list. He could have done something about this when he first had knowledge of it but chose to sweep it under the rug, refusing to take into consideration the physical and emotional torture those young boys had to endure and now live with for the rest of their lives.
-If these former players want to remotely do anything for Joe Paterno they should take some accountability, like JP should have done and say some prayers for those boys, now young men and start up a fund that will pay their psychiatric bills the rest of their lives.
I was a huge psu fan after.the hawks...now I realize Psu is 1000000000x worse than ny SEC school
I agree, Dan is a smart cookie...and as for continuing to bring this story up over and over...when there are new things that come up with a story, its cause to bring it up again...and this PSU letter is certainly cause to do that.

You can also beat a topic into the ground (I speak from personal experience ;) so its a balance.
I don't know. Paterno did do a lot of good ... is there any real evidence to deny that fact? I also acknowledge he is human and make a horrible mistake. Right now in the throes of the emotions associated with this tragedy he is paying a substantial price.

The question I have is do you judge a man's entire existence on one decision?

I hope not.

As I do think he is a good man and not a monster as described. History will tell the final tale and I think it will acknowledge his accomplishments and positive impacts along with this Greek tragedy ending.
Somebody had to say it. Yes you can have done so much good in your life and one thing erases it all. If you sit here today and say JoePa is a great man you are deceiving yourself. Even if he changed your life personally. He allowed a rapist to do his bidding right in front of him.

If you think JoePa made one decision you are not seeing the situation clearly. He made a decision EVERYDAY not to deal with Sandusky. He knew what was going on everyday and didn't stop him.
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I agree, Dan is a smart cookie...and as for continuing to bring this story up over and over...when there are new things that come up with a story, its cause to bring it up again...and this PSU letter is certainly cause to do that.

You can also beat a topic into the ground (I speak from personal experience ;) so its a balance.

He's a smart guy and can be an entertaining guy, but he's not a nice guy. He constantly talks down to his callers (aka his consumers or customers) and even to guests on his show. He doesn't like college football and/or the fans of college football, so of course he's going to jump all over the Penn State situation.

When it comes to the Penn State stuff, I pretty much do agree with him though. It's the worst scandal we've ever seen in college athletics. People should continue to talk about it, Penn State should feel this for years because that's how bad it is.
The comments on that article are just mind blowing. People will do or say whatever to take the heat off of Joe. From "He wasn't in charge, he has no pull at the school", to "He told his superiors, what else does he need to do?" Or how the university has raised 500k for the victims....too little too late IMO. Joe or anyone on that staff could have stopped Sandusky the first time and limited the damage.
He's also a genius. Literally.

I could care less if he hates Iowa. I know when I tune in to the Boers and Bernstein show I will have the best laughs I'll have all day and get their uncensored opinions.

And I happen to love when they take dumb callers to task.

If you want fluff, listen to Mike and Mike and all of the ESPN radio crap.

Agree, there is a reason 670 the score and the Boers and Bernstein show is the #1 sports station in Chicago.

Here is how I explain the show, you will hate Bernstein at first because he comes off as know it all. You will not mind Boers too much he is an odd old man who makes funny noies and is just a riot as the stuff he comes up with off the top of his head is just funny as heck. The more you listen to the show the more you realize that Bernstein is very smart and has a very good understanding of sports.

I have been listening to the station and B & B for a solid 5 years. It is a great show to get me through my work day from 1pm to 6pm.

I really like Mac and Spiegel show as well.
Bernsie is a complete jerk. He is like a vulture, profiting from the misfortune of these young boys. He is milking this scandal week after week, making outrageous comments,simply to draw attention to himself and his program. Outrage sells,and hence his shock jock routine. He call all Iowans and downstate illinois people nothing but crackers on a regular basis. He calls anyone who disagrees with him stupid meatballs...it is his schtick.

You know you listen to him daily!

He and Boers hate Iowa due to Steve Alford more than anything actually. If you disagree with him a smart manner he does not attack you. Just don't call in with some stupid premise that a lot of sports show host's accept and you will be fine. He does prod at Des Monies at times and callers from the sticks but it's just part of the show. He actually inteligently analyzes sports which is really nice. ESPN radio sucks in my opinion, there is zero opinion at ESPN and ESPN regulates its shows so much it's completely censored radio which blows.

I like the Mac and Spiegel show and the B & B show. I listen to both shows while at work each day.

Boers actually likes things about Iowa and Iowa City as he was a writer years ago and covered B10 athletics so he has been to IC many times.

They just hate idiot college sports fans with a passion and I really don't blame them as well. College sports get discussed but not a ton on the show. I really like the show as they tend to have great guests and cover a wide array of topics.
He does prod at Des Monies at times

There's a trickle down effect at work with that. Chicago makes fun of Des Moines, Des Moines will make fun of, say, the Quad Cities (which was done for awhile on WHO's SoundOff).

In the end, B&B are going to **** everybody off about something eventually.

As much as I enjoy them, I'd rather that they NOT talk about college sports, because, yeah, they tend to mock it. And that mocking isn't entirely due to stupid fans of college teams; god knows the Bears have their own special class of meatballs in and around Chicago as well.
Agree, there is a reason 670 the score and the Boers and Bernstein show is the #1 sports station in Chicago.

Here is how I explain the show, you will hate Bernstein at first because he comes off as know it all. You will not mind Boers too much he is an odd old man who makes funny noies and is just a riot as the stuff he comes up with off the top of his head is just funny as heck. The more you listen to the show the more you realize that Bernstein is very smart and has a very good understanding of sports.

I have been listening to the station and B & B for a solid 5 years. It is a great show to get me through my work day from 1pm to 6pm.

I really like Mac and Spiegel show as well.


He is entertaining and love the show. The only callers that run into problems are #1 take themselves too seriously #2 make an idiotic statement or claim #3 a combo of both.

It's his job to **** people off, it's the whole Howard Stern trick that the more people hate you the more they will listen. He makes crazy statements just to get idiot fans that are too stupid to get the joke ******, than they call in and prove that they are idiots and he makes fun of them.

Steak dinner, boom is still one of my favorite callers of all time, making fun of idiot fans is B & B's bread and butter and why their show is so good.

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