Dan Bernstein on Penn State apologists

Paterno's legacy is ruined, but until someone proves that he knew more of what was going on there is nothing more to say.

I don't know that JoePa knew what Sandusky was doing, it is apparently obvious the the basketball coach at Syracuse didn't know his assistant coach very well.

Yes, it is horrible what has transpired, it allegedly happened right under the nose of every PSU official, that is the real tradgedy.

Now, pointing the finger at JoePa is easy, he is the man on that campus, we all know it. It happening with one of his friends and coaches makes it worse. For me, I am just not so quick to say he should have done more, he said that in my mind simply because he felt he had to trying to appease people. The Board of Trustees have been trying to get him out for over a decade and this was big enough to get rid of him.

What makes little sense is how MM is not the central figure as being the bad guy. Think about it, his initial story, the subsequent email and the other versions of his story that have came out. He is being painted as a victim to a point, but I don't get it. If what happened was so horrific and terrible why did he take a job on the PSU staff when Sandusky was around, was he being a guardian angel to kids? Remember, he was a grad student when this happened. If he was so offended by everything that happened and maybe he didn't think JoePa did everything he could, why stay around?

We will find out what JoePa knew, maybe, once that is out then I will decide from there. There are things that happened and more than one person could have done more, including MM. Whatever story was told, or how it came to fruition to leave it where it was will be interesting.

I can't condem one man more than the other in this situation when they all failed to me. No matter what the outcome, it doesn't matter, we should not be focused on one person in JoePa, it is a waste of time. The focus should only be about putting away a child predator and nothing else, facts will come out, no matter how good or bad, they will.

This story is getting beaten into submission and I think talking about JoePa and the administrators is ignoring the victims. It is simply because of who it is and the sport that is involved. There isn't a whole lot said about Syracuse anymore, maybe it is because of the defimation of character lawsuits...the victims in that case should win, in my opinion, after what that Basketball coach said, but he keeps his job.
Yea,yea,bernsie is a genius...just ask him,he will tell you....

He's not dumb but he is far from ifallible. When he is wrong,he will never admit it. He will get on a player all season,mock them,ridicule them,and then when they start performing well, he says nothing. Again,I know it is schtick to be cruel,unfair,arbitrary,and downright mean,and some fans like that, but I just find it pointless at times. They have probably devoted at least 20-30 hours of programming to the PSU scandal. We get it,Bernies loves to taunt fans,and draw response,but how much of that is really good radio after awhile?
I enjoy listening to him. There are cringe worthy moments, but the callers bring it on themselves. I completely agree with making fun of the "meatball" fans. He, Terry, Goff and sometimes Abatacola, make for an entertaining afternoon. Thank goodness for 670's strong signal.

As far as Bernsie hating on Iowa because of Steve Alford. Well, Iowa fans hate him too, so I don't know what the big deal is. In reality, Dan hates most everything to do with college sports and college teams.

He has been spot on with the Penn State stuff.
Response form a lawyer friend of mine in Los Angeles:

"Dan Bernstein has done some real A-hole journalism on this item.

You don't interline your own comments (all of them derogatory)
into the text of someone else's letter. The proper way for any
responsible journalist to handle that is to print the entire
letter with no editing, and then reply with the critic's own
response which can be as derogatory as he chooses.

On Ron Maly's website, he always prints the person's entire letter
and then gives us his own comments. Ron Maly is a trained and
responsible journalist. Dan Bernstein is an A-hole."
Response form a lawyer friend of mine in Los Angeles:

You can tell your lawyer friend:
A) The letter was posted separately without comment
B) This wasn't journalism, it was a blog entry/commentary/opinion, which is all Bernstein's blog entries ever are.
C) If Bernstein's an A-hole, then what is Paterno for having helped cover up years if not decades of child rape?
I have not always shared Dan Bernstein's views on things but this is one I totally agree with. Some of the names that appear on this list amazes me and it could have a negative impact on their career. Nobody wants any kind of association with Penn State's football program right now. How can anyone that has read what has happened, in detail, be able to endorse a letter that basically says give Paterno due justice. What about justice for all those boys Sandusky molested, something Paterno could have stopped by just picking up the phone and calling the authorities. You have one of your former players and current assistant coach witnessing a boy being sodomized and all you do is call your boss??????

Yeah at one time I had a ton of respect for Paterno but now everything about him makes me sick.
I have not always shared Dan Bernstein's views on things but this is one I totally agree with. Some of the names that appear on this list amazes me and it could have a negative impact on their career. Nobody wants any kind of association with Penn State's football program right now. How can anyone that has read what has happened, in detail, be able to endorse a letter that basically says give Paterno due justice. What about justice for all those boys Sandusky molested, something Paterno could have stopped by just picking up the phone and calling the authorities. You have one of your former players and current assistant coach witnessing a boy being sodomized and all you do is call your boss??????

Yeah at one time I had a ton of respect for Paterno but now everything about him makes me sick.

Paterno should not even been approached; Mike McQueary should have went to the authorities, he did not and neither did anyone else.

The whole McQueary story just doesn't make sense to me, what did he tell everyone really?

It seems that it would be pretty cut and dry to go to the authorities if he heard what he heard and saw what he saw. What story did he really tell?

This whole situation is sad, but it isn't one person's fault only here. If it comes out Paterno did do a cover up then fine, until then I am baffled by the initial person that made the discover.

Then he took a job at PSU...it makes my head hurt. When it is determined who actually told the truth then we will see because from all indications Paterno/McQueary aren't charged with purjury. Does it mean each could have done things different? Of course.
I cannot disagree with you about McQueary, he is even lower on my list for running and not stopping what was going on. But once it got to Paterno he should have known to do the right thing and call the authorities. Even taking the action that he did how can you allow the man to continue walking the campus and having access to the facilities? After he supposedly reported this to "his boss" when you see the man still walking free something has to tell you that this isn't right. Unfortunately for all the boys that were affected by this everyone (Paterno included) was more interested in protecting the Penn State name and Paterno's legacy than doing the right thing. Now you got all these delusional former PSU football players looking like idiots still trying to protect that legacy.
I cannot disagree with you about McQueary, he is even lower on my list for running and not stopping what was going on. But once it got to Paterno he should have known to do the right thing and call the authorities. Even taking the action that he did how can you allow the man to continue walking the campus and having access to the facilities? After he supposedly reported this to "his boss" when you see the man still walking free something has to tell you that this isn't right. Unfortunately for all the boys that were affected by this everyone (Paterno included) was more interested in protecting the Penn State name and Paterno's legacy than doing the right thing. Now you got all these delusional former PSU football players looking like idiots still trying to protect that legacy.

I am not defending Paterno when I ask this: Do we really know what Paterno was really told?
Look at Syracuse and the idoit in charge there and what he said after his trusted friend was accused, how does he remain employed? I find it very amusing that they are being sued for defamation of character.

With Paterno, I am baffled by this anyway, like I said, what was he told? What did the two who are accused of perjury tell him they were going to do and not do it, but assured them they did? Did he trust in his people as McQueary did?
Lots of questions, if the answers ever come out then I will formulate my final opinion on all parties.
I am not defending Paterno when I ask this: Do we really know what Paterno was really told?
Look at Syracuse and the idoit in charge there and what he said after his trusted friend was accused, how does he remain employed? I find it very amusing that they are being sued for defamation of character.

With Paterno, I am baffled by this anyway, like I said, what was he told? What did the two who are accused of perjury tell him they were going to do and not do it, but assured them they did? Did he trust in his people as McQueary did?
Lots of questions, if the answers ever come out then I will formulate my final opinion on all parties.

For all your questions, you seem pretty convinced.
Response form a lawyer friend of mine in Los Angeles:

"Dan Bernstein has done some real A-hole journalism on this item.

You don't interline your own comments (all of them derogatory)
into the text of someone else's letter. The proper way for any
responsible journalist to handle that is to print the entire
letter with no editing, and then reply with the critic's own
response which can be as derogatory as he chooses.

On Ron Maly's website, he always prints the person's entire letter
and then gives us his own comments. Ron Maly is a trained and
responsible journalist. Dan Bernstein is an A-hole."

That's some of the dumbest excrement I've ever read.
For all your questions, you seem pretty convinced.

Not convinced, look at Syracuse and "This is not Penn State" the basketball coach was in full support, not in just what he said publicly, but keeping a seat open for his trusted friend, until a key fact came out in a recorded phone call and now he is getting sued.
When Paterno said: "I could have done more" what does that mean really, does he know more, or did he say that to try and appease people? Maybe I am just too much of a skeptic, or naive. If the truth ever comes out then I guess we'll all find out.

I wholeheartedly believe horrible actions took place at Penn State, I am just not ready to jump with both feet on Paterno, the actions by McQueary are puzzling if Sandusky was still allowed to visit the campus. There are just a lot of questions, if Paterno did play a role in covering things up, I would like to see the facts on that.
When Paterno said: "I could have done more" what does that mean really, does he know more, or did he say that to try and appease people?

If he doesn't know anything more than we already know he knew, he knows enough to have been thrown out on his wrinkly old ***.
If he doesn't know anything more than we already know he knew, he knows enough to have been thrown out on his wrinkly old ***.

Again, not a defense, but what do we really know? With the multiple versions of the McQueary story, what is really known?
Maybe I am just missing something...must be if I can't condemn him like everyone else.
Again, not a defense, but what do we really know? With the multiple versions of the McQueary story, what is really known?
Maybe I am just missing something...must be if I can't condemn him like everyone else.

Sandusky was investigated for soaping up little boys in the PSU showers four years before the McQueary incident. He retired after that investigation, but Paterno allowed him to continue to be around the team and facilities after his retirement where he continued that stuff. To me, that's worse than not calling the cops after McQueary talked to him.
Bernstein nails it again...

Joe Paterno’s life ended today, but it began to end long ago. It began to end when he decided to let Penn State football be a vehicle for serial child-molestation at the hands of his trusted assistant. It continued to end in the infinite moments thereafter, every time he failed to speak up, failed to act, failed to protect, and failed to care.
Nothing in his life was more important than his grim, cowardly silence. There is no counterbalancing the moral ledger, or any mitigation by anything related to football. For years, he looked the other way while children were being assaulted, and his program was being used to enable the crimes.
No number of victories stacks up against what these boys and their families lost. Not even 409.


Bernstein: Cry For Victims, Not Paterno CBS Chicago
Bernstein nails it again...
Joe Paterno�s life ended today, but it began to end long ago. It began to end when he decided to let Penn State football be a vehicle for serial child-molestation at the hands of his trusted assistant. It continued to end in the infinite moments thereafter, every time he failed to speak up, failed to act, failed to protect, and failed to care. Nothing in his life was more important than his grim, cowardly silence. There is no counterbalancing the moral ledger, or any mitigation by anything related to football. For years, he looked the other way while children were being assaulted, and his program was being used to enable the crimes. No number of victories stacks up against what these boys and their families lost. Not even 409....
Bernstein: Cry For Victims, Not Paterno CBS Chicago

1000% agree.
Dan Bernstein is an A hole, no question about it. But on this I completely agree with him. People are celebrating the legacy of Joe Paterno and all I see on ESPN are his great accomplishments with only a token mention of the sex scandal. People in Pennsylvania and at Penn State want to honor a man who allowed someone to use the football facilities to sodomize boys. It was more important to him to protect his legacy and the PSU football program than to make sure these victims got justice. All he did was tell his boss!
Sandusky was investigated for soaping up little boys in the PSU showers four years before the McQueary incident. He retired after that investigation, but Paterno allowed him to continue to be around the team and facilities after his retirement where he continued that stuff. To me, that's worse than not calling the cops after McQueary talked to him.

In Paterno's last interview he said he didn't know about the first investigation.

Nobody probably believes that either.

I am still one who is not going to condemn the man, but also not defend him at the same time.

Many, many people on the campus of PSU dropped the proverbial ball, it is amazing how one person has absorbed the full brunt of it when he has been proven that he has spoken the truth.
Hindsight is 20/20 and there are many epic failures that happened at PSU in this situation.

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