D Lee to the Braves?

Braves fan here, this deal is good only if the Braves trade low grade prospects. Glaus will never play 3rd, honestly its looks like he could go down any second now, his legs are in bad shape. They will either put Prado there or Infante, and they actually might switch it up at some point. Both Prado and Infante will be in the lineup the rest of the year, they are just to good not to be in there.

Jim Hendry is still cubs GM...so I'm sure the braves will give up the bat boy at AAA team and maybe throw in some peanuts???
Here are the post AS stats of two guys. First tell me which is DLee and which is Glauss, then tell me DLee wouldnt be a huge upgrade at first.

.196Ave .304Slug .595OPS 2HR 12RBI
.313Ave .583Slug .939OPS 6HR 20RBI
No one is really arguing with this assertion. The concern is that they may have to give up too much for a rent-a-player.
This is Bobby Cox's last year, I think they'd be willing to overspend (so to speak) to send him out a winner, or at least give him a legit shot at winning a WS.

The best thing about all of this? I have bleecher tickets to the cubs braves on Saturday, so either way I'll probably see D Lee.
Interesting ... Anything the Cubs would get in return would be better than nothing since they were going to let D.Lee walk at the end of the year. If he wouldn't have tweaked his back/side after hitting 2 HR's in St. Louis on Sunday, he may have been gone already. I guess he likes the Braves chances better than the Angles. Good luck D.Lee!
It's about time they bring up Micah Hoffpaur!!!! He has a big stick and is what they need right now(a hungry player who has waited way to long to get to the majors).
Done deal. For 3 pitching prospects.
Drek. Hendry couldn't manage to come up with even an effort at spinning it.
Lorick & Harris were filler-type low draft picks out of college a year ago, the kind of picks intended to provide bullpen help in the system for a few years.
Neither has done anything to elevate his status since signing...the only positive is that Harris has a good K/IP ratio....but that is often true in the low minors when the guy is used mostly in matchup situations.

Interesting that Hendry indicated Harris was a Double A pitcher, which is technicaly true but except for a few days he pitched in Class A-and t wasn't his record that got him promoted.

If there is an upside it has to be teenager Lopez. He has an unimpressive 3-8 record in low A ball, but the Rome Braves are a truly bad team other than some decent pitching (the Braves system has a handful of really outstanding pitching prospects, and a 1B (Freeman) who will be the Atlanta regular next year (Lee has no future there after this season; same is true for Glaus)--and no way that the Braves were going to move any worthwhile prospects for six weeks of a hurting player who once was a huge star.

The real tip-off is that Hendry didn't admit that along with Lee he is sending money as well--in short, the Cubs will be still be paying Lee, only now to play for another team.
I'm confused.

I thought the trade deadline had come and gone. How would / could the Cubs trade a player after the trade deadline? What's the point of the deadline?

This is another reason that I don't like what professional sports is doing. The champion should be about a whole seasons effort, not just the ability to give up a few prospects and try and stockpile talent from teams that are out of the playoff hunt.
3 pitchers for a free agent leaving at the end of the year who is currently sitting out injured - not bad. The Cubs are only paying half of the $3.4 mil he is due the rest of the year. That's better than all of it.

Braves Acquire Derrek Lee For Three Prospects: MLB Rumors - MLBTradeRumors.com

It's odd that a team that doesn't normally make bad moves would make this one. Then again, they did trade for Rick Ankiel and Farnsworth at the deadline.

But whatever, the Cubs weren't going re-sign him next year anyway. Now if Hendry can move any one of the Zambrano, Fukudome, or Soriano contracts, the rebuilding job will be in full swing.
I'm confused.

I thought the trade deadline had come and gone. How would / could the Cubs trade a player after the trade deadline? What's the point of the deadline?

There are actually two trading deadlines in MLB.

The "trade deadline" of July 31st is merely the date by which players can be traded without going through the waiver process.

From July 31st to August 31, players go through waivers. When a player is put through this process, any other team - from worst to 1st - can put in a claim. At that point, the original team can either withdraw the player, work out a deal, or simply dump the player on the claiming team.

You really don't hear much about it, but a lot of guys get put on the waiver wire once the "trade deadline" has come and gone.

But once a player goes through the waiver process unclaimed, then the team is free to trade him to anybody. This is what happened with DLee.

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