Cowherd on Iowa....

Wow that had to hurt cowherd. It's more gracious than any cyfan in history could stand to be. It was begrudging as all get out, but he doesn't want to look like a baby so he "airquoted" a compliment.

My son and I dropped into a Kroger Grocery Store here in west Atlanta and were walking down an isle when a woman and small boy coming walking around the corner with hawkeye gear on. We chatted with them for a little while. They use to live in Colfax, Iowa. After a few minutes her husband comes up and he has a Hawkeyes shirt on also, The wife says I am the hawkeye fan and he is a cyclone fan. I bow my head and do the cross symbol (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) and she laughs. I guess a cyclone fan can't even win in their own home...... as he had to wear hawkeye gear....... LMAO!!!
Iowa is still overrated. That's exactly what I wanted to hear because I know CJB is listening....and brooding. Go Hawks!!!

1. Clemson 2. Oklahoma 3. Michigan state 4. Ohio state 5. Alabama

Hopefully, CJB isn't listening. He has far more important things to do than to listen to Cowherd. Heck, I feel sorry for anyone who listens to Cowherd. If you don't have anything more important or interesting to do than listen to Cowherd, you have my sympathy. I'd rather clean the toilets than listen to him.
Wow I would have totally dismissed this thread had someone not posted the youtube clip of Cowturd eating crow. He didn't like the taste of it AT ALL! LOLOLOLOL
Hopefully, CJB isn't listening. He has far more important things to do than to listen to Cowherd. Heck, I feel sorry for anyone who listens to Cowherd. If you don't have anything more important or interesting to do than listen to Cowherd, you have my sympathy. I'd rather clean the toilets than listen to him.

And here you are commenting on a thread about him...sad day for you huh?
Hopefully, CJB isn't listening. He has far more important things to do than to listen to Cowherd. Heck, I feel sorry for anyone who listens to Cowherd. If you don't have anything more important or interesting to do than listen to Cowherd, you have my sympathy. I'd rather clean the toilets than listen to him.

I hate to brag but I can clean toilets and listen to the radio at the same time. Yea I'm awesome.
Cowherd started bashing the SEC now which is fun. I think he's using the material from all the Iowa fans that tweeted him. Iowa's two best wins are ranked higher than Alabama's 2 best wins (Alabama's 2nd best win is also Wisconsin at 25th).
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We're gonna find out Saturday whether we are overrated or not.

We haven't really put together an all-around stellar game yet. Saturday would be a good time to give that a shot.
Cowherd started bashing the SEC now which is fun. I think he's using the material from all the Iowa fans that tweeted him. Iowa's two best wins are ranked higher than Alabama's 2 best wins (Alabama's 2nd best win is also Wisconsin at 25th).

Alabama is a solid team, but they aren't unbeatable. Auburn played them pretty tight; that game was closer than the final score.

Florida is just a POS. Alabama should rout them.

SPARTA!!! is as good as any playoff team we'd face. Oklahoma looks tough but you've got to consider that they're playing against Big 12 "defenses."
Well, he & people like him will have to backtrack a little bit because if they don't and take a chance with Iowa doing well, they are going to look like complete azz's. The Heather chick already has a bit & I presume Finebaum will as well. They'll play the in-between card just in case Iowa does well so they don't look like a complete tool when all said & done.
Not really, all they would have to do is wait until next week. If Iowa won, they could say this was the really good win they were waiting for from Iowa. In Coweard's case he could go on to say ,"Now if Iowa would just pick up the phone and schedule Alabama in the non conf." Of course he could still omit plenty of facts like they only have directional schools and city Techs saved in their contacts, and would hence not answer.

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