Couple of nagging questions?

How did we have what appeared to be a much less effective defense last year after losing only Jok who wasn't known for his defensive abilities?

How can this team move from near the bottom of the Big Ten to even a first division finish in the conference next year? We not only lost a lot of games but quite a few were real ugly. Weiskamp is a good recruit but probably not the difference. Are the players we had this past year going to make the kind of jump necessary?

Just thought some of you might have some insightful answers

we also lost Christian Williams, our 6'6" backup pg. We started the season with a pg who isn't a pg and a back up pg who was training for baseball and another backup pg that hadn't ever played the position, before. losing CW hurt us way more than I (we) realized at the time, i believe.
we also lost Christian Williams, our 6'6" backup pg. We started the season with a pg who isn't a pg and a back up pg who was training for baseball and another backup pg that hadn't ever played the position, before. losing CW hurt us way more than I (we) realized at the time, i believe.
We now have a grand total of one (1) player left from that recruiting class. And that's assuming that player returns, which the odds overwhelmingly favor.
The question that needs to be asked is what player will we have coming in next year that shows the foot speed to play better defense? I would guess the answer is no one. Then take into consideration the possibility that Cook may leave. Anyone who has watched Cook play on offense knows that on that side of the floor he has shown a great deal of foot speed and quickness. He just seems disinterested in putting that effort out on the defensive end of the court. Even so if he leaves that’s one of the few players that has quickness and foot speed that won’t be around.

So for those that are predicting a much improved team and a much improved DEFENCE (Fran) next year I have to ask a serious question. Are you high?

Fran can get on the radio and promise a much improved defence but with out the quickness and foot speed he is talking out of his ass. Cook’s foot speed and quickness often demanded double team and with that gone if Cook leaves that will free up opposing defences to extend their defensive players even further on the perimeter thus affecting our perimeter shooters in a negative way. Better hope Cook sticks around for next season or I think could get even uglier that this past season.

Of course I am hoping I am wrong. This past season was difficult to watch, and I watched every game just hoping ro see player growth and improvement going into next season. We did see that in Garza but he can’t do it alone. Adding a good outside shooter isn’t going to change the defense.

If Fran has the ability to improve his defense during the upcoming off season then why didn’t he do it last season? Blah blah blah................... Josh O was the best pure shooter he has ever coached blah blah blah. How did that work out for you coach?

Hyperbole seems to be a way of life for this coach.
69 PPG allowed is not good defense. I most certainly complained about Fran's lack of defensive coaching. Since he got here.
Nobody complained about 69 PPG. And it could be good defense depending on points per possession.
Three years ago we had a skilled group of defenders in Woodbury, Gesell and Clemmons. Woodbury did a stellar job holding down the middle but it went beyond him. What would this team look like with an Anthony Clemmons on the perimeter? Fran doesn't seem in any hurry to bring in a guard like that who can defend on the perimeter and it really makes a difference as we see now.
You’re assuming Fran didn’t try to bring in another Clemons. And Clemons wasn’t a good perimeter defender until he was a junior/senior.
Our defense was much worse last year than it was the prior year. People who understand the game know that PPG is a flawed measure because it doesn’t adjust for possessions per game (pace
I understand that. I’m repeating numbers that are popularly used by others as a blunt instrument.
Three years ago we had a skilled group of defenders in Woodbury, Gesell and Clemmons.
there are a number of posters on here that wouldn’t say that. That’s why Fran called them morons. The difference between three years ago and the last two seasons is the number of upper class men.
there are a number of posters on here that wouldn’t say that. That’s why Fran called them morons. The difference between three years ago and the last two seasons is the number of upper class men.

The question becomes will this group defend any better as they become juniors and seniors? I for one just don't see it. I agree with you that youth plays a part in the mental errors and all the turnovers. The change in direction with regards to weight training may help some. But age and experience won't change the fact that Fran has assembled a group of lousy defenders.
there are a number of posters on here that wouldn’t say that. That’s why Fran called them morons. The difference between three years ago and the last two seasons is the number of upper class men.
You're basing an argument on something that Fran would say to some Iowa fans if those fans didn't appreciate those players?
Guys like Woody, Uthoff, Clemmons and Gesell were good individual defenders but their team defense still sucked. That's on Fran. That team could have limited opposing teams to 55 - 60 PPG, if they had the right coaching.
You're basing an argument on something that Fran would say to some Iowa fans if those fans didn't appreciate those players?
Guys like Woody, Uthoff, Clemmons and Gesell were good individual defenders but their team defense still sucked. That's on Fran. That team could have limited opposing teams to 55 - 60 PPG, if they had the right coaching.
No way. Based on that team’s pace, if they held opponents under 60PPG they would have the number 1 defense in the country by a wide margin. Only one team in the country allowed 60 or less that year!! Again that’s why you can’t use the points per game stat. That team came in at 30 in adjusted D, which is average and I certainly agree a better coach could have improved that, but not by that much, unless we really slowed down the game offensively.
No way. Based on that team’s pace, if they held opponents under 60PPG they would have the number 1 defense in the country by a wide margin. Only one team in the country allowed 60 or less that year!! Again that’s why you can’t use the points per game stat. That team came in at 30 in adjusted D, which is average and I certainly agree a better coach could have improved that, but not by that much, unless we really slowed down the game offensively.
I understand and I am willing to sacrifice pace for better defense. That's the difference between Fran and coaches that win conference titles. That's the difference between 2nd round blow out losses and deep tourney runs.
I'm tickled to death at the stats from this past season. It drives home the point that you can't win emphasizing one end of the floor! The "offense only" crowd should have gotten their wake up call. Fran McCaffery should have gotten his wake up call! If they/he didn't, they aren't smart enough to discuss or coach basketball.
I understand and I am willing to sacrifice pace for better defense. That's the difference between Fran and coaches that win conference titles. That's the difference between 2nd round blow out losses and deep tourney runs.
I'm tickled to death at the stats from this past season. It drives home the point that you can't win emphasizing one end of the floor! The "offense only" crowd should have gotten their wake up call. Fran McCaffery should have gotten his wake up call! If they/he didn't, they aren't smart enough to discuss or coach basketball.
Would you sacrifice pace for defense to the level of the Virginia Cavaliers?

Was that one of the teams you said you couldn't stand to watch play?

If you're talking to the level of a Bo Ryan coached Wisconsin team, or Purdue, or Michigan, that's understandable. They usually play sound defense. And win conference titles. And make long tourney runs. And they still play with enough pace to know how to come from behind without panicking. Unlike a certain #1 seed this year.

It sounds like that's more in line with what you're talking about. And yes, our last two second round opponents picked us apart and could easily have racked up a hundy on us. Pathetic way to end your season and the careers of some nice Hawkeye players.
Would you sacrifice pace for defense to the level of the Virginia Cavaliers?

Was that one of the teams you said you couldn't stand to watch play?

If you're talking to the level of a Bo Ryan coached Wisconsin team, or Purdue, or Michigan, that's understandable. They usually play sound defense. And win conference titles. And make long tourney runs. And they still play with enough pace to know how to come from behind without panicking. Unlike a certain #1 seed this year.

It sounds like that's more in line with what you're talking about. And yes, our last two second round opponents picked us apart and could easily have racked up a hundy on us. Pathetic way to end your season and the careers of some nice Hawkeye players.
I have no problem watching Virginia play. I want results over "entertainment" when it comes to competition. I think Virginia is far to one end of the spectrum and I'm not advocating that. But if Virginia is at one end and Fran is at the other end....31-3 and an ACC title looks a hell of a lot better than 14-19.
I have no problem watching Virginia play. I want results over "entertainment" when it comes to competition. I think Virginia is far to one end of the spectrum and I'm not advocating that. But if Virginia is at one end and Fran is at the other end....31-3 and an ACC title looks a hell of a lot better than 14-19.
Sorry I was partially wrong. I checked an old comment of yours. I didn't see anything on not liking to watch Virginia. What you said was their offense if often too inefficient for deep tourney runs and Bennett has failed to learn this lesson.

I think it was Duke who said he couldn't stand to watch them play. My mistake.
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I don’t care about how many points Iowa allows. It is the defensive points per possession numbers that I care about. Given the style of play Fran wants, you are going to give your opponents a lot of possessions. You can give up 70 points and still played a good defensive game. 5 of the 8 seasons Fran has been here those defensive points per possession numbers have been solid.
I don’t care about how many points Iowa allows. It is the defensive points per possession numbers that I care about. Given the style of play Fran wants, you are going to give your opponents a lot of possessions. You can give up 70 points and still played a good defensive game. 5 of the 8 seasons Fran has been here those defensive points per possession numbers have been solid.
Fair points, but I think offense and defense have different nature's. Shooting is going to run hot and cold and most teams rarely shoot the same FG% game after game. It averages out.
Like a golfer who can't hit his greens in regulation and has to grind to save par, some nights the offense is going to have to grind to get it's shots/points.

Defense is different. It is based more on intelligence, attitude and effort. Once a defensive team establishes a normal for field goal %, they don't deviate from it as much as offense does from theirs. Playing up tempo and giving the other team eighty possessions per game, rather than sixty, is absolutely no excuse for the defense on those extra twenty possessions to be played with any less effort or intensity. If you can play D you can play D, regardless of tempo. If you can't, you can't.

I think the Michigan game in the BIG tournament was a perfect example. Michigan left their perimeter shooting in their gym bags. But played enough consistent defense to carry the day.
You're basing an argument on something that Fran would say to some Iowa fans if those fans didn't appreciate those players?
Guys like Woody, Uthoff, Clemmons and Gesell were good individual defenders but their team defense still sucked. That's on Fran. That team could have limited opposing teams to 55 - 60 PPG, if they had the right coaching.
They consistenly limited teams to 55-60 PPG over a stretch exactly once. And not coincidentally made it to the NIT title game in the process. Check the scores from those games. Until Baylor, they probably gave up somewhere in that range. But once in eight years leaves a bit to be desired.
I don’t care about how many points Iowa allows. It is the defensive points per possession numbers that I care about. Given the style of play Fran wants, you are going to give your opponents a lot of possessions. You can give up 70 points and still played a good defensive game. 5 of the 8 seasons Fran has been here those defensive points per possession numbers have been solid.
And yet Fran has only managed to get to 3 NCAA tournaments. And once he played teams that played good defense, he got beat down.