Could be interesting year for Nebraska ...


Well-Known Member
... in the Big 12 on the road. Also Colorado for that matter. I'm just thinking about how much of a fall-out they will have with the other teams on the field & off & how much crap they are going to take from other fanbases.

There very well could be incidents & altercations, especially if Nebby has a good year & is atop of the north. Hopefully, other fans keep it civil, but I have a fealing they might have to put up with some crap.

It would be weird to be in those teams shoes right now & play in a conference one last year before bolting.
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm hoping the 'skers leave a trail of destruction in their wake this year, especially in Ames.
How nasty did in get when VaTech,BC and Miami bolted for the ACC (especially VT and Miami)? I see a little bigger reaction because of the the longer history. The Big East did not have as much of the history aspect like Nebraska and Colorado will have to deal with. But I think it still got nasty.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm hoping the 'skers leave a trail of destruction in their wake this year, especially in Ames.

I want to vomit for agreeing with you.....but I do.

Write it down. B12 North champs at a minimum. If we get past Washington we may go undefeated through the B12 championship game...
I want to vomit for agreeing with you.....but I do.

Write it down. B12 North champs at a minimum. If we get past Washington we may go undefeated through the B12 championship game...

B12 North Champs...woah there Sparky let's not get overzealous. You still have to finish ahead of...ummm...ummm...

In the spirit of THH I'm going to make some bold predictions of my own.

Boise State will win their conference.

USC will not go to a bowl game.

The sky will be blue.
I want to vomit for agreeing with you.....but I do.

Write it down. B12 North champs at a minimum. If we get past Washington we may go undefeated through the B12 championship game...

I don't think you're a Nebraska fan anyway.
Gotta admit I'm hoping ISU can take care of them again.

After the hatred directed towards the Big 10 after the 'skers jumped, and just the general attitude of their fanbase towards the whole expansion thing, nothing would make me happier than seeing Nebby roll it up on them in Ames.
love to see ISU lose...I used to cheer for them not anymore...ISU fans are the bottom of the barrel. If they play 12 games I want them to lose 13.
I hope NE rings up the score against the clowns one final time, although I would imagine the clowns would try to get NE as a preseason game every year wouldn't they to maintain that "rivalry" that they have with the Huskers....
... in the Big 12 on the road. Also Colorado for that matter. I'm just thinking about how much of a fall-out they will have with the other teams on the field & off & how much crap they are going to take from other fanbases.

There very well could be incidents & altercations, especially if Nebby has a good year & is atop of the north. Hopefully, other fans keep it civil, but I have a fealing they might have to put up with some crap.

It would be weird to be in those teams shoes right now & play in a conference one last year before bolting.

If I were a NU fan I'd be concerned about getting my fair share of the calls from the B12 officials. You'd like to think that kind of bias doesn't exist among officials but.....
That's fine. I don't think you're very smart. And I think you're actually married to that girl people keep posting pics of you with at Field of Dreams.

You see, you have nothing to base that on. I know that isn't my wife, so that's all that really matters. I know what my wife looks like, and that fat cow isn't her.

The reason I don't think you're a Nebraska fan is that your handle is a take on mine from CF, you just happened to sign up here after I got sent to timeout from that board, and most of the opinions you've offered up in your time here - to this point - have been nothing short of inflammatory or insulting to whoever it is you're responding to. You really haven't offered up any opinions about the 'skers, other than that you think Helu and Burkhead are better than Robinson and Wegher, and even then you didn't use any stats to back up that claim. You started that thread to initiate a ******* contest, and you got exactly what you wanted.
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After the hatred directed towards the Big 10 after the 'skers jumped, and just the general attitude of their fanbase towards the whole expansion thing, nothing would make me happier than seeing Nebby roll it up on them in Ames.

But... but ... but ... ISU has Paul Rhodes. He is the savior. Did you not see his locker room id after the NU game? :D
But... but ... but ... ISU has Paul Rhodes. He is the savior. Did you not see his locker room id after the NU game? :D

Dont' get me wrong, it was a pretty cool video. That being said, such a reaction would only come from a coach and team that never expected to win that game in the first place.
they will receive boos but really don't see a whole lot of altercations but you never know

The contrast between the road for Nebraska this fall and next year will be interesting to say the least. I get the feeling they'll catch a lot of crap this year...and a lot of love next year (honeymoon season).

As for ISU, I hope the Huskers kick the living hell out of them. They sicken me.

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