Cornerback Manny Rugamba Leaving Iowa Program

I usually get bored after reading half of one of em =/
Lol get over yourself. Does your dad own a Lamborghini factory too? I once thought about boobies. Next time ill annotate the possibility that youve ever seen boobies. It will be a stretch, but the internet probably counts.
See @Ree4 , I told you he’d be back with some bs; it works every time. It’s like pouring salt on a slug.
I dont prefer his 5th grade style of picking fights, name-calling and general non-adult behavior, not to mention the fact that he probably doesnt have a soul and most obviously suffers from little man's disease....but isnt this a little heavy handed? Lol

You are a contradiction. Your grade is slipping.
After watching this guy get zoomed by several times last year Purdue game comes to mind. I hate to lose experience but I’m good with it
His mamma say he a good boy, what happin?
I'm not going to dis on the kid, it's tough to get beat out. But at 18-20 years old, if you can't figure out, there will always be others looking to beat you out, break your records, well then I guess you don't understand the game.
Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.
Actions have consequences...funny how that isn't taught much in our society any longer.
It's getting worse and worse. I just had a conversation about how "when I was a kid" you didn't keep mouthing off. Not to your parents and not to others, unless you were willing to except what came next. Then if you think back to the cowboy old west days, you can see how it changed over generations.
Now days everyone sits at home on the internet and argues, but brings little passion and the standing up for what is right into the real world.
I was listening to someone and they brought up a very interesting subject, they said it's easier to stand out today, because most people lack the mental fortitude to do what needs to be done to accomplish it. Which I have to agree, my generation has far more mental fortitude than the one after and less than the one before. I bet that could be said for every generation through out most of history. (Speaking as a whole)
When presidents of the U.S. think taking and sending selfies is a big part of their work can we be be surprised that the rest of us drift towards self absorption, and self worship.
When presidents of the U.S. think taking and sending selfies is a big part of their work can we be be surprised that the rest of us drift towards self absorption, and self worship.
That's why mental fortitude is important. To think for yourself is easy to teach. Everyone already thinks they are right anyways. But to March to the beat of your own drum, to be a leader and not a follower, is going to take mental fortitude. Because everyone else is going the other way.
Think about the determination a salmon has to swim up stream. He would really stand out if the rest were heading down stream. Yet that is what makes greatness. That is what separates the few from the masses.