Confirmed: Rhabdomyolysis

And this is NOT uncommon:

Yes, it's so common that it happens, oh, once every couple of years at best?

What would not be uncommon is this would happen to a single individual.

When it happens to 12 at once? I suggest you get a bit more expertise than whatever Google provides you.
Sorry. Epic fail on my part. I assumed several years of medical training trumped your ability to google search something. My bad.

No. My fault. I neglected to realize that "working in the medical field" automatically means you have an actual medical degree. Ya know kinda like the degree that all of those real doctors who have gone on the record about this condition in the past 24 hours saying that the primary cause is over exertion. My bad though. Get back to stirring the pot. (No pun intended...i said stirring, not selling).
Yes, it's so common that it happens, oh, once every couple of years at best?

What would not be uncommon is this would happen to a single individual.

When it happens to 12 at once? I suggest you get a bit more expertise than whatever Google provides you.

Aside from the fact that you completely contradicted yourself and made very little sense in doing so, when the condition happened to 24 Oregon high school football players and multiple other team-sport athletes at the same time I think it's safe to say that when team-sport athletes are affected by this condition it happens in large numbers, making the fact that multiple (12) UI football players have the condition fairly common, thus ruling out any conspiracy theories for those of us who reason with things like logic and rational.
Not sure what you guys are sparring over. My mother is a nurse, 40 years +, trained in dialysis, I'd say that qualifies her as in the "medical field". Guess where she went to look up beyond what her own knowledge indicated to confirm her thoughts? The internet. Tada. Get over yourselves.
No. My fault. I neglected to realize that "working in the medical field" automatically means you have an actual medical degree. Ya know kinda like the degree that all of those real doctors who have gone on the record about this condition in the past 24 hours saying that the primary cause is over exertion. My bad though. Get back to stirring the pot. (No pun intended...i said stirring, not selling).

I'll show you my medical degree if you'll show me yours. Mine came from an actual school though. :D
People that are wondering if supplements or steroids had anything to do with this, has NO IDEA what they are talking about. If anything, supplements, especially STEROIDS would help PREVENT this condition.

I'll bet this happens to a lot of high school and college kids, it just goes undetected. High school and college kids do not take care of themselves. They do not give themselves the hydration and more importantly the nutrition to recover efficiently from extremely hard training sessions that take place at any D1 football program. I would be very surprised if all 13 players had this condition as that is very strange.

And no I do not work in the medical field. I have trained athletes for years and I compete at the highest level of bodybuilding in the country. We all know eachother at the National level and I have never come across anybody in my industry that encountered this condition so I would LOVE to know what these guys did to reach this level of catabolism. (muscle breakdown).