Confirmed: Rhabdomyolysis

I work in the kidney business....have for 18 years. I have NEVER seen Rhabdo for over-exertion...EVER.. 99..9 of the cases I have seen have been related to that statin drugs. (cholesterol medicines)

However I do not work with athletes and I am FULLY aware of the fact that rhabdo can happen from severe exertion...however rare it is I am stunned that it happened to 12 Iowa Players.

With that in MInd evidently It is very possible that this may indeed be the case as dehydration dramatically increases the chance.

Sooo...we meet again! I haven't seen you since you had that hottie spike my drink in Mexico back in '96! By the way, nice touch letting me wake up in a bath tub full of ice only to see a smiling toy penguin holding a sign that read "Get to a hospital RAPIDO, Senor Shane de Marshalltown!"...:mad:
i dont think coaches can provide supplements any longer. perhaps the guys shared something and didnt use it properly

I actually think something like this sounds plausible. It's weird to think 12 guys would come down with this at once just becuase of exercising too hard. Everybody is different and what may push one guy over the edge for overexertion may not push the other guy. So 12 guys dealing with this at once sounds like something other than just Doyle pushing them too hard.
No but at the same time it's something not usually talked about. This really isn't the best news that could come out of Iowa City one week before signing day.:mad:

RE: the grueling workouts...its first week back after Christmas break last week. It's college football. This ain't intramurals.
its not that uncommon at all

It's on the front page of MSN, front page of ESPN. It's not that uncommon for 12 players to all be hospitalized at sametime for it? I'm 42 and never, ever in all my time watching sports have I ever heard of this condition.. But you say oh it's not that uncommon at all!!

Iowa plastered on the front page of MSN!!!! ESPN NCAA Football top story..
RE: the grueling workouts...its first week back after Christmas break last week. It's college football. This ain't intramurals.

I agree, don't get me wrong, I guess first off all I am confused why Iowa even needed to put this out in a press release. Had they not have said anything nobody would have known. Up until the press release I had not seen anything on any message boards or twitter feed regarding it, so first of all it seems like Iowa brought the eyes of the media on themselves for no reason.

Secondly, I know it's college football, but there are some things about it that remain on the underbelly of stuff talked about, including work-outs that push people beyond their limits or to the point of physical sickness. Having major sports outlets report that Iowa has 12 players in the hospital with kidney issues doesn't really shine the best light on us.
Originally Posted by Schneid
Agreed. Matt is salivating. Bout to go overboard.

To their credit, they backed off...not going overboard, just asking questions.

Have you been living under a rock? Everyone knows that listening to those 2 losers will make you go blind!!
Some sources (my tabers cyclopedic dictionary) list it as 1/3000 people get it during their lifetime

Renalweb lists it as 8-10% prevalence of acute kidney failure. Now you need to see how rare acute renal failure is then credit only 8-10 out of every 100 people with the rare condition of acute renal failure have it from Rhabdo.
Only 6% of people who get Rhabdo get it from exertion.

ITS not common.
Now you need to consider the fact that 12 people got it at the same time. I am sure there are stats people here but I will leave the math up to another person.

Thanks Oz. Tell you this it doesn't add it to me.
RE: the grueling workouts...its first week back after Christmas break last week. It's college football. This ain't intramurals.

Dude, your homerism amazes me, and then you add the Thunder Dan Hawkins?

I understand it is college athletics being discussed here, but you can't honestly sweep something like this completely under the rug like that...can you? This can't be explained away that easily. To do so is irresponsible and, frankly, disrespectful to those impacted.

To those who claim this kind of widespread 'outbreak' is not uncommon, please provide just two similar cases in the world above intramurals.
Thanks Oz. Tell you this it doesn't add it to me.
DIsregard my stats. The further I dig through my stuff the more confusing the stats are. In any case I would be utterly shocked if 12 people walked into our clinic with Rhabdo...even if that was 12 in one week.

I would like to mention though that intense exercise can cause it. I guess it wouldnt be an eyebrow raiser for me if it was one player.
Its probably to much Creatine with little water. To much creatine and little amounts of water can cause kidney failure.
Its probably to much Creatine with little water. To much creatine and little amounts of water can cause kidney failure.

This is a completely rational post, and is probably what happened. Suprisingly, the guy making a little more than minimum wage at your local GNC will tell you the same, much less a nutritionist for a major university's football program.
WebMD says:

There are many causes of rhabdomyolysis. The most common causes include:
-Use of alcohol or illegal drugs such as cocaine or amphetamines

Damn you DJK!
Just kidding, but this disorder sounds SERIOUS.

You must not have seen the press conference where Kirk and others proclaimed they have the most stringent drug testing policy of all universities(DJK and Arob not included since they are no longer on the team.)
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Dude, your homerism amazes me, and then you add the Thunder Dan Hawkins?

I understand it is college athletics being discussed here, but you can't honestly sweep something like this completely under the rug like that...can you? This can't be explained away that easily. To do so is irresponsible and, frankly, disrespectful to those impacted.

To those who claim this kind of widespread 'outbreak' is not uncommon, please provide just two similar cases in the world above intramurals.

You must not have seen the press conference where Kirk and others proclaimed they have the most stringent drug testing policy of all universities(DJK and Arob not included since they are no longer on the team.)

And here come the conspiracy theories.
RE: the grueling workouts...its first week back after Christmas break last week. It's college football. This ain't intramurals.

This strikes me as a flip response here, Jon. I'm surprised and a bit disappointed.

If one or two players has trouble after a tough workout after Christmas break, maybe you chalk it up to that. But 12? Something's not adding up here.Who was responsible for this workout? Who was supervising? Were (are) any of the players using steroids, growth-promoting hormones, nutritional supplements? Or worse?

I'm sure the university will investigative and it wouldn't surprise me if somebody's head rolls. Maybe several. And it may not necessarily be in the athletic department.

As another poster said, I have never heard of 12 college athletes winding up in the hospital at the same time. Never. Kidney issues are serious stuff.

I think you do a disservice to the athletes and the whole situation by simply suggesting this is the result of a hard workout after Christmas break.
During winter workouts in college, the trainers put puke buckets in every station. We weren't allowed to stop unless we were puking...when done get your arse back into your station. Granted, that was back when the trainers gave us salt tablets during workouts too.

To my knowledge we never had anyone hospitalized.

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