Concerned about Fuller


I feel strongly that he had made his mind up to leave Iowa. I have little doubt of that. And I think he had made initial plans to return to a school in his home state of Arizona...I think when kids his age make decisions like that, the tough thing is unwinding those, because you buy into it mentally.

I really hope he stays, but I think Coach McCaffery still has some work to do on this front.
I feel strongly that he had made his mind up to leave Iowa. I have little doubt of that. And I think he had made initial plans to return to a school in his home state of Arizona...I think when kids his age make decisions like that, the tough thing is unwinding those, because you buy into it mentally.

I really hope he stays, but I think Coach McCaffery still has some work to do on this front.

I've felt that from the last few weeks of the season, and then at the end when he twice said he "probably" would return next season.

Hope he stays; he's the kind of player who'll benefit from McCaffery's style of play, it seems to me.
I feel strongly that he had made his mind up to leave Iowa. I have little doubt of that. And I think he had made initial plans to return to a school in his home state of Arizona...I think when kids his age make decisions like that, the tough thing is unwinding those, because you buy into it mentally.

I really hope he stays, but I think Coach McCaffery still has some work to do on this front.


It is more than kids that do that. In fact, there is a whole area of attitude research on consistency dedicated to the cognitive processes involved in solidifying such positions.
I dont want to make this sound like there is no chance. There would have been no chance had Lickliter stayed. There is more than just a fighting chance now, but I don't think it's a done deal.
It would suck to lose him but if he doesnt want to be here he needs to move on

Hopefully Fran can change his mind
If he doesn't want to be here let him go, he's a solid player, but if he doesn't want to be at Iowa then he shouldn't.
If he doesn't want to be here let him go, he's a solid player, but if he doesn't want to be at Iowa then he shouldn't.

Although true, it sure would stink to lose him. He is definitely one of my favorite players of the last decade or so.

It is more than kids that do that. In fact, there is a whole area of attitude research on consistency dedicated to the cognitive processes involved in solidifying such positions.

Good point. If Fuller stays, I wonder how happy he'll be and for how long.

I used to lead a staff of around 30. We were all underpaid and overworked, conditions over which I had little control. When top performers looked to move on, I had some success getting them to stay ... for a while. But eventually the factors which got them to consider a move in the first place resurfaced and they were gone.

Eventually I came to the conclusion that it was better to help people move along when they were ready to go and to reload with the next strong prospect. It generally worked out better for all concerned.
Although true, it sure would stink to lose him. He is definitely one of my favorite players of the last decade or so.

It would be unfortunate.

But, one of your favorite players of the last decade? :eek:

Are you guys dating or something?
Good point. If Fuller stays, I wonder how happy he'll be and for how long.

I used to lead a staff of around 30. We were all underpaid and overworked, conditions over which I had little control. When top performers looked to move on, I had some success getting them to stay ... for a while. But eventually the factors which got them to consider a move in the first place resurfaced and they were gone.

Eventually I came to the conclusion that it was better to help people move along when they were ready to go and to reload with the next strong prospect. It generally worked out better for all concerned.

Yep, I've been there myself. I call it temporary job syndrome. Pretty hard to go the extra mile when you aren't committed for the long term.
You only hope that AF can see the forest from the trees and realize what an excellent opportunity he has in this new system with a player's coach. He said numerous times how he likes IC and unless he has friction with his teammates, I can't see why he would still go given the problem has been solved.
It would be unfortunate.

But, one of your favorite players of the last decade? :eek:

Are you guys dating or something?

Not dating. I have just enjoyed watching him progress. He has gotten so much better than he was when he first stepped on the court as a freshman. He is a worker and plays hard every play. He seems to be a humble and respectful person that has steered clear of off-court incidents so far. He is now beginning to step into the role as a go-to scorer. I think he could be a really good player by his senior year if he stays here.

What's not to like about Aaron Fuller?
Not dating. I have just enjoyed watching him progress. He has gotten so much better than he was when he first stepped on the court as a freshman. He is a worker and plays hard every play. He seems to be a humble and respectful person that has steered clear of off-court incidents so far. He is now beginning to step into the role as a go-to scorer. I think he could be a really good player by his senior year if he stays here.

What's not to like about Aaron Fuller?

Nothing, but I'm surprised you would say he's one of your favorite players of the decade. He's been here, what, two years?

Seems like a nice kid though, and a solid basketball player. Your right on that part.
I'd really like for Aaron to stay. He became my favorite player on the team this season. But, if his head and heart isn't in it, and he feels like he needs to move on to be happly then I wish him the best of luck.
Jon said it best, once your mind is made up that you are leaving, it's really hard to change your mind back. Even if the main reason you are leaving has been eliminated. But from the sounds of it, he really likes his teammates and Iowa in general. Is that going to be enough to not go back to all of his family and friends in Arizona? I sure hope so.
Jon said it best, once your mind is made up that you are leaving, it's really hard to change your mind back. Even if the main reason you are leaving has been eliminated. But from the sounds of it, he really likes his teammates and Iowa in general. Is that going to be enough to not go back to all of his family and friends in Arizona? I sure hope so.

He was working out with the team yesterday. I find it kind of odd that a player would be doing strength and conditioning drills with a team that he was going to be leaving soon. That is just my take though.
You may very well be correct. But also remember that he's still a part of this team. Either way, he's going to be playing next year so he needs to continue to work on his game. If he does end up staying, this is good development time for him and his teammates. So it's not surprising that he's working out with his team.

Coach Fran probably made it clear to Fuller that he wanted him there. Maybe he's hoping that being around his team with the new atmosphere around the program will help keep Fuller in Iowa City.

So I'm just saying don't read too much into him practicing with teammates right now. All it really means is that he hasn't made up his mind to leave for sure yet. He's either still making up his mind or he's coming back for sure and it hasn't been announced yet. My guess is that he's still doing some thinking. I really hope that he stays

Also, when I told my coach at Drake that I was going to look into transferring at semester, I continued to workout and practice with the team. Once I decided that I was going to transfer for sure, then I stopped going to workouts. The coach didn't think I was really going to transfer so he wanted to me keep with the program that the rest of the team was going to go through. Kinda of the same situation here.

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