concern for girl

Well, here are some actual statistics on false claims. FBI stats from 1995 report that 8% of rapes were unfounded and in 1996 the stat was 16%. So I presume some of those alleged victims were lying.

Several reputable studies state the range from 8-10%.
Your using statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts......... for support rather than for illumination.
It concerns me greatly that everytime a sexual abuse case pops up we get these ****ing idiots who question the victim. I don't have statistics, but I do have real life experience as an attorney who has seen both sides of the criminal justice system (defense and prosecution) and tell you I have NEVER seen a case where I had any doubts the victim was telling the truth or we ever had any proof that was the case.

From the state's side it is so hard to get victims to come forward and pursue cases as they are afraid of this crap. They know people will say they were asking for it and will be called vile names.

The "asking for it" lines and such is just outright ignorance - however there definatley are cases where the accusations are false (for whatever reasons, money, guilt, revenge)

If you really are a attorney as you claim to be then you know that.

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