concern for girl


So the university came out and said he was suspended to the assault? The university said, "Admit to it, and we will let you back." I did not see that in the local paper??
the thing is people do things when they are drunk that they might not do when they're sober. you never know how someone will handle something when they wake up with regret or remorse. if i ever got to drunk and woke up next to a fat chick I would love to throw all the blame on her and say she took advantage of me but the truth is I just got to drunk and did something stupid. if guys were as vindictive as women prisons would be full of fat chicks
I agree with many of the things I have read in this post and many others. I myself have a young daughter and I Hope to GOD she is never put in a situation like has been discussed. The sad fact is? kids will be kids! We do are best to raise them the " right way " but what parent doesn't? ( in their own mind ) . We don't know what actually happened in all of this, I myself am very Sorry for this happening and I am very sympathetic for whomever the victim is. God Bless!!!
the thing is people do things when they are drunk that they might not do when they're sober. you never know how someone will handle something when they wake up with regret or remorse. if i ever got to drunk and woke up next to a fat chick I would love to throw all the blame on her and say she took advantage of me but the truth is I just got to drunk and did something stupid. if guys were as vindictive as women prisons would be full of fat chicks

maybe you always wake up next to fat chicks because you secretly like teh BBW but can't bring yourself to admit unless you are drunk.

The reality is there is a fat chick inside every girl and its just a matter of whether it will come to the surfaced. I got a HS buddy that used to make fun of fat chicks unmercifully. He married a cheerleader right out of high school and within a year she's well over 2 spins.
maybe you always wake up next to fat chicks because you secretly like teh BBW but can't bring yourself to admit unless you are drunk.

The reality is there is a fat chick inside every girl and its just a matter of whether it will come to the surfaced. I got a HS buddy that used to make fun of fat chicks unmercifully. He married a cheerleader right out of high school and within a year she's well over 2 spins.

HS friend sounds like a swell guy.
As a father of 4 college aged women I in no way blame the woman in this case.

I do constantly remind my daughters to be careful of the situations they put themselves in and never let themselves be in isolated situations where they have no back up.
I am very lucky my girls have the self confidence to stand up for themselves and the tools to protect themselves. I still worry that they can be assaulted and pray they never find themselves in a situation like this.

I too have a daughter, but I also have a son. To think my son could go to prison for something he didn't do is also bull s***, it is only fair to keep an open mind to the fact Coker is innocent until proven guilty.
I too have a daughter, but I also have a son. To think my son could go to prison for something he didn't do is also bull s***, it is only fair to keep an open mind to the fact Coker is innocent until proven guilty.

I'm glad you have such an open mind. Please pass along contact info for your daughter. I'd love to meat her.
I too have a daughter, but I also have a son. To think my son could go to prison for something he didn't do is also bull s***, it is only fair to keep an open mind to the fact Coker is innocent until proven guilty.
I'm glad you have such an open mind. Please pass along contact info for your daughter. I'd love to meat her.[/QUOTE

I'd love to meat her? is that a play on words?
I'm glad you have such an open mind. Please pass along contact info for your daughter. I'd love to meat her.

She only goes to the all star suites, pretty sure you don't qualify for the budget suites. You should stick with the deer "meat" you enjoy so much.
I am still trying to understand University of Iowa thinking on this...

- Coker played 5 games while the "investigation" was going on.
- There evidently was "enough" evidence to decide suspension was required for the Bowl game.
- For some "reason" the alleged victim decided not to press charges.
- The "not-guilty" Coker decides to leave his highly successful career at Iowa to probably play at a Div II school.

Something smells funny. There is more that is going to happen behind the scenes.

U of I either was negligent in pursueing this case or suspended an innocent player.
I am still trying to understand University of Iowa thinking on this...

- Coker played 5 games while the "investigation" was going on.
- There evidently was "enough" evidence to decide suspension was required for the Bowl game.
- For some "reason" the alleged victim decided not to press charges.
- The "not-guilty" Coker decides to leave his highly successful career at Iowa to probably play at a Div II school.

Something smells funny. There is more that is going to happen behind the scenes.

U of I either was negligent in pursueing this case or suspended an innocent player.

We are all in the dark here. I don't think anyone has or would point a finger at the girl or not be concerned about her well being. The bottom line is we don't know anything and I doubt we will ever know the full story.
It concerns me greatly that everytime a sexual abuse case pops up we get these ****ing idiots who question the victim. I don't have statistics, but I do have real life experience as an attorney who has seen both sides of the criminal justice system (defense and prosecution) and tell you I have NEVER seen a case where I had any doubts the victim was telling the truth or we ever had any proof that was the case.

From the state's side it is so hard to get victims to come forward and pursue cases as they are afraid of this crap. They know people will say they were asking for it and will be called vile names.
It concerns me greatly that everytime a sexual abuse case pops up we get these ****ing idiots who question the victim. I don't have statistics, but I do have real life experience as an attorney who has seen both sides of the criminal justice system (defense and prosecution) and tell you I have NEVER seen a case where I had any doubts the victim was telling the truth or we ever had any proof that was the case. From the state's side it is so hard to get victims to come forward and pursue cases as they are afraid of this crap. They know people will say they were asking for it and will be called vile names.

I haven't seen one person question the victim. most people are just questioning who the victim is, which no one knows for sure

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