Complaining about the officiating is annoying

Other than McCabe's last foul the calls on him were fine. He plays sloppy out of position defense and has no one to blame but himself for constantly being in foul trouble. Is it a coincidence he cant stay on the floor over the last month?

His 5th foul was horrible tho
He never fouled Shurna on the drive in the first half. He had position and Shurna tripped himself. Clear as day on the replay. Announcers mentioned it as well. But, refs are always right you know.
Folks, it would be foolish to believe that officials don't lean one way or the other towards the end of the season. The BIG knows what's best for the conference and it/they make sure the officials push in that direction. Are the games rigged? No, but refs do push it gently in a direction. If we made more of our open shots and didn't have so many stupid turnovers, we would have won today.
All that being said, it is more annoying when someone complains about people complaining about officiating. It doesn't happen after every loss. Most of our losses people didn't complain about the officiating, but there has been quite a few games where the refs slant has been totally obvious and other games where they were just horrible for both sides.
Here's the deal on those 14 OREBs by Northwestern.

At least half of them were offensive fouls - pushes in the back or climbing up the back of an Iowa defender. Could have Iowa boxed out better? Absolutely, but NW was still going over the back on a number of those OREBs. And, yes, those OREBS by NW were a large part of win.

This. It was blatantly obvious from the last damn row.
The #1 reason Iowa lost today was because of its own mistakes. We stopped executing against the 1-3-1, and let ourselves get caught in the "kill box", passing it back and forth up top where Northwestern could trap the ball constantly to force poor passes.

While it's not the main reason we lost (though it was a contributing factor, IMO, just a very long ways from being at the top of the list), the officiating was dreadful. On at least a few of the rebounds we didn't get, we had guys getting absolutely mugged (White was getting shoved all over the place, and was even taken to the floor once or twice). McCabe's fifth foul was absolute BS, and his third was highly questionable as well. The other three were well-deserved.

Again, Iowa made its own bed. But the officiating was awful, too.
We lost the game today because of turnovers, missed shots, and not boxing out. Period. Quit whining and blaming the officials / others for our shortcomings. Don't tell me NW fans are not complaining on their side about poor calls going against them also. At the end of the day, bad calls generally even themselves out. We buried outselves with our brainless / "turnover a minute" play at the end of the first half. End of story.
Folks, it would be foolish to believe that officials don't lean one way or the other towards the end of the season. The BIG knows what's best for the conference and it/they make sure the officials push in that direction. Are the games rigged? No, but refs do push it gently in a direction. If we made more of our open shots and didn't have so many stupid turnovers, we would have won today.
All that being said, it is more annoying when someone complains about people complaining about officiating. It doesn't happen after every loss. Most of our losses people didn't complain about the officiating, but there has been quite a few games where the refs slant has been totally obvious and other games where they were just horrible for both sides.

Its amazing that you honestly believe this

I agree, Iowa had chances to take care of business and win that game. Had Oglesby hit that shot none of us would be complaining to hard about the officials. But watching those calls, or lack thereof, really got irritating and I about barfed watching Eddie posing in front of the cameras.
I agree, Iowa had chances to take care of business and win that game. Had Oglesby hit that shot none of us would be complaining to hard about the officials. But watching those calls, or lack thereof, really got irritating and I about barfed watching Eddie posing in front of the cameras.

Eddie is a drama queen
i have enough of big ten conferences and their referees....... i might as well go watch peewee baseball. at least the game are honest.
Here's the deal on those 14 OREBs by Northwestern.At least half of them were offensive fouls - pushes in the back or climbing up the back of an Iowa defender. Could have Iowa boxed out better? Absolutely, but NW was still going over the back on a number of those OREBs. And, yes, those OREBS by NW were a large part of win.
common misconception: there is no rule about "over the back". there is pushing and holding but there is no such thing as over the back.

semantics though.
When a player climbs up the back of another, its a foul. The lay person calls it over the back and its a foul.
We lost the game today because of turnovers, missed shots, and not boxing out. Period. Quit whining and blaming the officials / others for our shortcomings. Don't tell me NW fans are not complaining on their side about poor calls going against them also. At the end of the day, bad calls generally even themselves out. We buried outselves with our brainless / "turnover a minute" play at the end of the first half. End of story.

No one is blaming the refs. Why is that so hard to see?
People are just noting the refs sucked, because, well, they did.
I agree, Iowa had chances to take care of business and win that game. Had Oglesby hit that shot none of us would be complaining to hard about the officials. But watching those calls, or lack thereof, really got irritating and I about barfed watching Eddie posing in front of the cameras.

I'd still bring up the officiating. I do whenever its egregious.
Got so sick of the posts that the officials want another B10 team in the tourney so they gave the win to NW. Really???? DUH
Friend of mine, contributing Iowa Alum, vacationing in Florida for a while, who never blames the refs. Always says things like WE STINK whenever we lose, and I feel the need to enlighten him about our excellence. This has been going on for years. We lose because We Stink is his opinion, every time.....

Sent me an email yesterday:

We Got Screwed.....


In my opinion, the Big Ten does want as many Big Ten teams in the Dance as they can squeeze in......

alll my best friends from florida always give me **** about how florida gators are better than iowa. i grew up watching florida gators and fsu and miami, really enjoy watching them.
they usually have nice teams down there.

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