College Gameday - Reece Davis

Having a debate with an intelligent ISU fan is something I don't have a problem with. The guy you're arguing with doesn't meet that criteria, and is just here to ruffle feathers.

Nah, you're right. It's pretty obvious by the inconsistent points that are being made that this dude is here just to be a pain in the ***.
Having a debate with an intelligent ISU fan is something I don't have a problem with. The guy you're arguing with doesn't meet that criteria, and is just here to ruffle feathers.

Yeah, I'm stupid because reality is a ***** of a pill to swallow.

Solid reasoning. I applaud your DMACC education.
Leave it alone man. ISU fans know nothing about history because they have none.

What exactly is Iowa's history? The fact that 20 years ago I could walk up to Kinnick, pick a $2 ticket off the ground and waltz into the stadium? Is that the storied history I'm supposed to give a **** about?
I thought about pointing out our Big10 titles, Bowl wins, and the fact the we CONTRIBUTE to our conference money pot rather than beg for scraps from it, but realized it would be easier to ram through a cinder block wall head first than talk sense into this idiotic clownie troll.
It astounds me how quickly the mood changes from Hawkeye fans... from losing to ISU and saying to fire the coaching staff, to beating ULM and thinking running the table is possible.... holy cow...
What exactly is Iowa's history? The fact that 20 years ago I could walk up to Kinnick, pick a $2 ticket off the ground and waltz into the stadium? Is that the storied history I'm supposed to give a **** about?

well, for starters....4 top 8 finishes in the last 10 years. Talk to me when you can sniff the top 25 for the first time in your history. Oh and also when you can claw your way out of the bottom 3 of the worst BCS programs in history. I can provide links if you want.
It astounds me how quickly the mood changes from Hawkeye fans... from losing to ISU and saying to fire the coaching staff, to beating ULM and thinking running the table is possible.... holy cow...

Ummmmm.....wrong thread?
Clue me in on what I don't understand exactly. Am I misreading scores? Have I not noticed the lack of top end draft picks? Am I just dreaming that the B10 can't buy a bowl win unless Ohio State cheats? What exactly am I missing here? I mean, I look at the conference strength calculations, and the B10 is a solid 30 points (out of a 100 scale) below the B12. I look at losses to New Mexico State, Rice, Ball State, etc and then I see 26-2 from the B12 in the non-con. I see 7 unbeaten teams in week 5.

Then I look at the B10 and see that according to Sagarin, even UNI would go to a bowl game with Iowa's B10 schedule. I see complete futility. I see a conference that couldn't hold the MWC's jock.

So please, feel free to explain college football to me, boy.

You *******. You said a high school team would win the B10. I don't have the tutoring skills needed to walk you through this, girl.
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Leave it alone man. ISU fans know nothing about history because they have none.
What exactly is Iowa's history? The fact that 20 years ago I could walk up to Kinnick, pick a $2 ticket off the ground and waltz into the stadium? Is that the storied history I'm supposed to give a **** about?

Correct me if I'm wrong... didn't work Iowa play in the Rose Bowl 20 years ago. I'm 27 so a little sketchy going back that far. I do remember Nebraska of the 90's and then also the nose dive into mediocrity. ISU peaked with a TIE for a division title and getting into some dump bowls. Good luck in the dying "Big" 12 and then the future if you're lucky enough to get an invite to the Mountain West.
Sorry but I just had to feed the sob...
You *******. You said a high school team would win the B10. I don't have the tutoring skills needed to walk you through this, girl.

Sick burn, brah. Jokes on you though, I haven't been a female for 15 years. I also stand by the fact that a HS team could probably cakewalk it's way through the B10. Look at the conference and then try to tell me otherwise.

Seriously though, this is pathetic. Give me a call when Dougie (ShadasRevenge) and his 7 chins show up.

Funniest part about this, is you all know I'm right and you just can't get yourselves to admit it.
Sick burn, brah. Jokes on you though, I haven't been a female for 15 years. I also stand by the fact that a HS team could probably cakewalk it's way through the B10. Look at the conference and then try to tell me otherwise.

Seriously though, this is pathetic. Give me a call when Dougie (ShadasRevenge) and his 7 chins show up.

Funniest part about this, is you all know I'm right and you just can't get yourselves to admit it.

Sorry man, you're an ISU fan. That joke is ALWAYS on you. Exhibit 345,444,976 is the event behind the OP.
Sick burn, brah. Jokes on you though, I haven't been a female for 15 years. I also stand by the fact that a HS team could probably cakewalk it's way through the B10. Look at the conference and then try to tell me otherwise.

Seriously though, this is pathetic. Give me a call when Dougie (ShadasRevenge) and his 7 chins show up.

Funniest part about this, is you all know I'm right and you just can't get yourselves to admit it.

I know you stand by it. Like I said, you're a clownie.
Pic of how you looked when you were a girl? I always thought you had it bad for Shada. I guess now we know why. :)
Nah, I enjoy having a team that can win non-con games. I don't see that happening with rust belt recruiting. It's a dieing part of the country and I have no interest in being involved with a borderline non-AQ conference (skill wise).

Doesn't give a damn about ISU? Is that why Pollard is the chairman of the AD's and Geoffery is the chairman of the university presidents? To me, it looks like ISU is taking a leadership role. But hell, what do I know.

In case you haven't noticed doooouuuuche-Geoffery isnt the president there anymore and as soon as your **** poor excuse for a football program gets more bowl wins than the third string QB in KC come talk to me...
It astounds me how quickly the mood changes from Hawkeye fans... from losing to ISU and saying to fire the coaching staff, to beating ULM and thinking running the table is possible.... holy cow...

I assume you are a cornshucker fan, so I would hope to see your dumba$$ on here talking smack after the Badgers bend you over tonight and welcome you to the big 10. Here is some advice for both clown and shucker fans that post their stupidity on an Iowa board- GET BENT
Sick burn, brah. Jokes on you though, I haven't been a female for 15 years. I also stand by the fact that a HS team could probably cakewalk it's way through the B10. Look at the conference and then try to tell me otherwise.

Seriously though, this is pathetic. Give me a call when Dougie (ShadasRevenge) and his 7 chins show up.

Funniest part about this, is you all know I'm right and you just can't get yourselves to admit it.

Why haven't you been banned yet?

That's an Orange Bowl trophy. The Orange Bowl is a BCS bowl. We just won one of those not too long ago. Don't talk **** to programs that are better than yours.

Kansas won an Orange Bowl trophy not too long ago, too. Does that mean they don't suck a** now?

Didn't realize the better team loses. This is brand new to me. Once again, 44-41, feel free to wipe your mouth off when you're done, son.

If ISU doesn't get to 6 it's because they play in a conference that isn't a total joke. Please give me a conference slate of Minnesota, Indiana, Purdue and Northwestern.

Iowa does have the better program. ISU had the better team this year, but their program isn't as good as Iowa yet.

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