Clayborn: We're the Only Team in the State

KF will give Adrian some slack because of what he's accomplished, but can't be pleased about the bulletin board material. As for Reiff...he gets an "A" in the Captain's book of media relations.
Reiff must be aware of the slanted coverage the DMR gives the Hawks and wanted to stay away from them trying to make him look bad. Oops they did that anyway.
I think Rieff's answers are hilarious.

If I were a player I'd say how sad it parents tell me stories about the good old days when there was a great Iowa newspaper. Sunday morning The Big Peach would have the entire story of the previous days Hawkeye game. Now that newspaper is a worthless rag that I wouldn't even use to line a birdcage.
I really don't think he said it as a rub against ISU. He's not from here, he was probably thinking more along the lines of there aren't any pro teams in the state.
It's hilarious...I love it!! This group is different they are working hard...and the funny thing is ISU won't be able to do a thing about it...September 11th in Kinnick is going to get UGLY.
I usually loathe quotes like this from players, but when it comes from one of my all time favorite hawkeyes somehow i found it ok...funny how that works
Awesome. As a Cyclone fan...this is simply a great thing. There's a reason coaches don't want players to spout off stupid stuff like this...a motivated ISU team just turned in to a fired up out of their minds one. Many here may think that matters little...but my guess is KF is smarter than that. ISU's chances in this game just improved a bit thanks to Mr. Clayborn. My kudos to him for helping the cause. You won't find any serious ISU fans complaining about is, in fact, a tremendous help for the Clones!
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Awesome. As a Cyclone fan...this is simply a great thing. There's a reason coaches don't want players to spout off stupid stuff like this...a motivated ISU team just turned in to a fired up out of their minds one. Many here may think that matters little...but my guess is KF is smarter than that. ISU's chances in this game just improved a bit thanks to Mr. Claiborne. My kudos to him for helping the cause. You won't find any serious ISU fans complaining about is, in fact, a tremendous help for the Clones!

Awesome. As a Cyclone fan...this is simply a great thing. There's a reason coaches don't want players to spout off stupid stuff like this...a motivated ISU team just turned in to a fired up out of their minds one. Many here may think that matters little...but my guess is KF is smarter than that. ISU's chances in this game just improved a bit thanks to Mr. Clayborn. My kudos to him for helping the cause. You won't find any serious ISU fans complaining about is, in fact, a tremendous help for the Clones!

I'm not sure what context the quote was taken from, but I have no problem with it anyway. The one problem we have had in the past with ISU is not matching their motivation and intensity. Assuming that Clayborn meant this as a shot at ISU, I think it would prove just how motivated they are for ISU. Especially the defensive line after the lackluster performance they gave against the Clones last year.
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Awesome. As a Cyclone fan...this is simply a great thing. There's a reason coaches don't want players to spout off stupid stuff like this...a motivated ISU team just turned in to a fired up out of their minds one. Many here may think that matters little...but my guess is KF is smarter than that. ISU's chances in this game just improved a bit thanks to Mr. Clayborn. My kudos to him for helping the cause. You won't find any serious ISU fans complaining about is, in fact, a tremendous help for the Clones!

If this quote is what the clowns need to beat Iowa they are in more trouble than I thought. The butt whoopin might be worse than last year.
35-3 at home should be motivating the Clones. I'm sure that during the game that there is a fair amount of trash talk on the field and 99% doesn't have an impact on the final result.
Awesome. As a Cyclone fan...this is simply a great thing. There's a reason coaches don't want players to spout off stupid stuff like this...a motivated ISU team just turned in to a fired up out of their minds one. Many here may think that matters little...but my guess is KF is smarter than that. ISU's chances in this game just improved a bit thanks to Mr. Clayborn. My kudos to him for helping the cause. You won't find any serious ISU fans complaining about is, in fact, a tremendous help for the Clones!

Actually they didn't...
Awesome. As a Cyclone fan...this is simply a great thing. There's a reason coaches don't want players to spout off stupid stuff like this...a motivated ISU team just turned in to a fired up out of their minds one. Many here may think that matters little...but my guess is KF is smarter than that. ISU's chances in this game just improved a bit thanks to Mr. Clayborn. My kudos to him for helping the cause. You won't find any serious ISU fans complaining about is, in fact, a tremendous help for the Clones!

No they didn't. If it takes what may or may not be an innocous quote from someone that most of you people think was a non-factor in last years game to get the Clones fired up, ISU should probabaly stay in Ames. I would think that losing by 32 on your home field and having Arnaud **** his pants on the way to the bench last year would be enough, but that's just me.

And as I've said before on this board and CF...ISU will come into this came fired up, but emotion will only get you so far before talent takes over.

Quotes and message board material doesnt win you games. Hard work, talent, execution and preparation does. If ISU wins this game it will have nothing to do with what Clayborn said and will have everything to do with how they executed on the field

Bulletin board material is so overrated. If ISU needs to use this as extra motivation then Iowa is in better shape for this game than I thought
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"Hard work, talent, execution and preparation" ARE what win you football games. But there's a reason coaches don't like to give opponents "extra" motivation...that tiny fragment of extra fire can be the difference in a football game. Coaches, including Kirk Ferentz, know this. Its surprising that some of you don't. Nobody is claiming that this alone will win the game for ISU...nor that this is the only motivational factor...but disrespecting an opponent before a game absolutely CAN make a difference, and not in a good way if you're the one doing the trash talking.

Word of this quote is already working its way through the ISU football team like wildfire...and that comes from a very solid source...things like this can make a team play WAY above its head for an afternoon. There's no guarantees...and its possible for a team to be too fired up...but in general, things that provide extra motivation make a team better. Many a "better" team has lost to a wildly motivated "lesser" team in college football.
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Awesome. As a Cyclone fan...this is simply a great thing. There's a reason coaches don't want players to spout off stupid stuff like this...a motivated ISU team just turned in to a fired up out of their minds one. Many here may think that matters little...but my guess is KF is smarter than that. ISU's chances in this game just improved a bit thanks to Mr. Clayborn. My kudos to him for helping the cause. You won't find any serious ISU fans complaining about is, in fact, a tremendous help for the Clones!

Blah blah...No way ISU has a shot in this one. No way.
In a post by "Clonegrad07" on cyclonefanatic:

"I'd really like for Clayborn to tear his knee into shreads... and never be able to play football again."

Clone fans on this board. People like this piece of **** are the reason that many Hawk fans love to see you fail. The hatred that is spewed over on that site is pathetic. I have never ONCE on this site, the scout site, the rivals site, seen a poster say something like this about a cyclone player.

I can not wait for Sept 11th. I'll be in a bar running my mouth to everyone wearing anything thats red, or even resembling whatever. Gonna be great watching Claybeast own these chumps.

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