Clayborn: We're the Only Team in the State

"Hard work, talent, execution and preparation" ARE what win you football games. But there's a reason coaches don't like to give opponents "extra" motivation...that tiny fragment of extra fire can be the difference in a football game. Coaches, including Kirk Ferentz, know this. Its surprising that some of you don't. Nobody is claiming that this alone will win the game for ISU...nor that this is the only motivational factor...but disrespecting an opponent before a game absolutely CAN make a difference, and not in a good way if you're the one doing the trash talking.

Word of this quote is already working its way through the ISU football team like wildfire...and that comes from a very solid source...things like this can make a team play WAY above its head for an afternoon. There's no guarantees...and its possible for a team to be too fired up...but in general, things that provide extra motivation make a team better. Many a "better" team has lost to a wildly motivated "lesser" team in college football.

At least now you clone fans have something to give you hope. You don't have talent or coaching to hang your hopes on but you have a quote. Your football players better worry about NIU before they start worring about the
Hawkeyes. They might be in for a very long year.
"Hard work, talent, execution and preparation" ARE what win you football games. But there's a reason coaches don't like to give opponents "extra" motivation...that tiny fragment of extra fire can be the difference in a football game. Coaches, including Kirk Ferentz, know this. Its surprising that some of you don't. Nobody is claiming that this alone will win the game for ISU...nor that this is the only motivational factor...but disrespecting an opponent before a game absolutely CAN make a difference, and not in a good way if you're the one doing the trash talking.

Word of this quote is already working its way through the ISU football team like wildfire...and that comes from a very solid source...things like this can make a team play WAY above its head for an afternoon. There's no guarantees...and its possible for a team to be too fired up...but in general, things that provide extra motivation make a team better. Many a "better" team has lost to a wildly motivated "lesser" team in college football.
Maybe if the gap in talent is a slim margin. Say against a team like Ohio State or Penn State. The talent gap between Iowa and Iowa State is the size of the grand canyon. Words can't fill that gap.
In a post by "Clonegrad07" on cyclonefanatic:

"I'd really like for Clayborn to tear his knee into shreads... and never be able to play football again."

Clone fans on this board. People like this piece of **** are the reason that many Hawk fans love to see you fail. The hatred that is spewed over on that site is pathetic. I have never ONCE on this site, the scout site, the rivals site, seen a poster say something like this about a cyclone player.

I can not wait for Sept 11th. I'll be in a bar running my mouth to everyone wearing anything thats red, or even resembling whatever. Gonna be great watching Claybeast own these chumps.
Really quotes like these are fighting words, game on, from KO I will tell you that.
To be fair, Cyclone Fanatic seems to be handling it rather well. This should be a fun thread to re-visit around 6 PM on Sept. 11.

Bulletin Board Material from the East - CycloneFanatic

They were a little late to game on this one, though. Usually, such affronts to Cyclone sensibilities are posted within minutes on that board.
Ya after the whole offensive line for ISU destroys both of his knees, you dont put this **** in the media, not good and its only their second game.
What does this show? He got manhandled by KO. This here is a shot in the foot, he better hope KO doesn't kick the crap out of him again or try and blow out his knee, now that would be funny.

And another piece of **** right on cue.

And another piece of **** right on cue.
Sorry if you would have played football you know you dont say stuff like this about another school. This here is not good for Claybourn, he will not make it through the game, and I would put $50 on that.
Sorry if you would have played football you know you dont say stuff like this about another school. This here is not good for Claybourn, he will not make it through the game, and I would put $50 on that.

Rooting against a bitter rival is one thing.

Hoping and placing bets on a player being injured is another.

You need to grow up.
I would pay money to be able to be in the same room as this clown during/after the game!! The meltdown would be AMAZING!!!!!
Rooting against a bitter rival is one thing.

Hoping and placing bets on a player being injured is another.

You need to grow up.
Not hoping, but hey its game on now, fighting words are great in the media now he has to deal with it on the field and he will.
See for those that have not actually played football on this board which would be about 90% of you, football is a game of respect, you dont throw **** around off the field, saying you hate a team is one thing like Iowa did two years ago, totally disgracing the other team, school, and players is another, hence these are fighting words. And in football fighting relates to illegal blocks and incidents after the play, Claybourn can and will experience all the above, just hope one doesnt end his career. See the respect is now gone for Claybourn, hence maybe his career will be too, you just never know now.

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