Claeys out at Minny

Exactly what I would say if I were him, though.

Don't offend the PC gangbangers and don't offend the PC Title IX crowd. Didn't the Title IX crowd gather 3,000 signatures and deliver them to the powers that be? I'm guessing that tweet motivated them somewhat.

The latest development came Monday when a petition signed by slightly more than 400 teachers, parents and University of Minnesota alumni called for Gophers head coach Tracy Claeys to be fired. By 8 a.m. Tuesday, the petition’s signatures had exceeded 1,200. The petition on began Thursday and has been sent to University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler, U athletics director Mark Coyle and the Board of Regents, Nathan said. The petition includes the signatures of state Rep. Linda Slocum, DFL-Richfield, and Mary Cathryn Ricker, the American Federation of Teachers vice president.
I don't think that's a good comparison, though, because Urban Meyer and Ferentz aren't stupid enough to do something like that. They clam up at the first hint of a personnel issue because they're smarter and know what can happen when you try to wash dirty laundry in public. You can tell by listening to the guy that he's a bush-leaguer who was in over his head.

It's also different in the sense that Minnesota football is nowhere near the huge animal as it is at OSU, Iowa, or Oklahoma (Bob Stoops/Joe Mixon scandal). Urban Meyer or Stoops aren't going anywhere unless the boosters say they are, unless they commit some sort of crime or get in hot water with the NCAA.

I guess you didn't really get my point. Depending on the coach, they would have figured out something to say if they wanted the coach.
I don't see it that way. Having spent part of my career at a major university, it surprises me that they stood up. It is so easy to do what the donors want. That IS the way that major universities work. There is so much corruption and cronyism at any major public university. I think it was fear of what happened at Mizzou, PSU, Baylor and so on. Seems the major donors would have been in favor of keeping him. Universities don't naturally stand up and do the right thing. They do the political thing, both in opinion and money flow. This guy was an idiot to jump right in as he did. Or at least that's what would have happened in the past. To see University Presidents be more scared of consequences as opposed to pressure is rather refreshing.

I do wonder what Iowa's protocol is on team ethics and standards in this type of situation. Certainly they talk about doing the right thing which is where the players screwed up on several accounts.

It will be interesting to see how things play out with the police department.

Your preaching the the choir. I've been working at our best public university for 23 1/2 years now. I don't disagree with anything you say. In addition, the liberal and tree-hugger mentality drives me absolutely nuts.
Well, here's to you Minnesota.

Minnesota will go 3-9 next year with their 3 wins being against Buffalo, Middle Tennessee, and Iowa. You watch, it will happen.
He did have a third choice, which was to stay neutral. The single mistake that got him fired was posting about it on Twitter.

Sad to say, but if you choose a side of an issue in today's day and age you will be completely destroyed by the other side, no matter what the issue is. Choosing a side, as admirable as it may be to do so, is an unwinnable thing to do with social media being a thing. It's total mob mentality, but on a scale that we've never seen before. At what other time in history could millions of people and hundreds of news outlets crush a bumpkin like Claeys' future within hours, just because of a 140 character statement saying he supports his players? You see it all the time.

The UoM had no choice in the matter, Tracy Claeys was going to get fired the instant he hit send. If the school said it was going to keep him around the shit storm on social media would have gotten so out of control that they'd have to relent at some point. Such is the world we live in where anyone typing on a phone anonymously (just like each of us here) can turn someone's life into an instant tire fire, then double tap the home button and enter your fantasy team.

This is such BS. When I as at Iowa, gang bangs AKA trains were a regular occurrence. Many of those involved prominent U of I athletes. Some with "All American" behind there name.
This is such BS. When I as at Iowa, gang bangs AKA trains were a regular occurrence. Many of those involved prominent U of I athletes. Some with "All American" behind there name.
Mix booze, Snapchat, and a whole bunch of regret in that order and this is what you get.