Claeys out at Minny

The entire mess from the start made minny look bad. Didn't they just go through a mess with an AD or something?
So is this the story? A woman takes on 10 football players and later has regrets. The police investigated TWICE and filed no charges. The university suspends all 10 players. The team threatens to boycott the Holiday Bowl Game. Claeys tweets his support for the players. University meets with the players and negotiates a deal so they will not boycott the bowl. Claeys somehow get the players ready for the bowl game where they shut down the high flying Wazzou offense and win.

The University then fires Claeys. For What, standing up for his players?

Current poll on Minneapolis Star Tribune website has 70% saying university in the wrong.

A pox on all the administrators at Minnesota. I hope their bowels lock and they fill up with poo.

Student conduct is a different standard than legal prosecution. (you can be let go from a job, or a scholarship etc etc for conduct that doesn't have to be "illegal" just beneath the standards of the organization). Knowing that, Claeys should have kept his mouth shut. (as evidenced by the players quick 180 once they actually read the report)

To paraphrase Nancy's not the nature of the evidence, it's the seriousness of the charges. Translation: there are some topics in post/PC America that are untouchable regardless of the facts or background. Claeys got too close to that fire in one of the most PC cities in the Midwest.

But to simplify it. You don't publicly disagree with your boss in the media and expect to win.
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I live up here. More people thought Dilly Bar should go on ethics than not.
Theyll go back in the crapper next year again. Heck even though they won 9 games I thought they were pretty pathetic this season, really didn't beat anyone till the bowl game and Waz St laid over and died for them.
Players not happy.
"Minnesota underclassman: “Doesn’t matter who coach is we don’t want to play for administration. Countless people will transfer if possible”
Players not happy.
"Minnesota underclassman: “Doesn’t matter who coach is we don’t want to play for administration. Countless people will transfer if possible”

Cue the infantile millennial outrage.

A bunch of guys who can barely do their own laundry or run their own lives...will have a mic shoved in their face and be treated as "experts".
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So is this the story? A woman takes on 10 football players and later has regrets. The police investigated TWICE and filed no charges.

A pox on all the administrators at Minnesota. I hope their bowels lock and they fill up with poo.

That is a shit way of putting it all on the women. Did you see the video of when the players told the media they were going back to practice and wanting to play in the bowl game. Wolitarsky and Leidner standing behind him had read the more complete report on what transpired and they didnt look like they were too proud of their dismissed teammates.
I lMAO at his famous last words when he left the FB offices.

"Hey, I won't be up here freezing my as off"
He has been handling the situations with class, and we can't say the same thing about the Athletic Department.
So is this the story? A woman takes on 10 football players and later has regrets. The police investigated TWICE and filed no charges. The university suspends all 10 players. The team threatens to boycott the Holiday Bowl Game. Claeys tweets his support for the players. University meets with the players and negotiates a deal so they will not boycott the bowl. Claeys somehow get the players ready for the bowl game where they shut down the high flying Wazzou offense and win.

The University then fires Claeys. For What, standing up for his players?

Current poll on Minneapolis Star Tribune website has 70% saying university in the wrong.

A pox on all the administrators at Minnesota. I hope their bowels lock and they fill up with poo.

First of all, they are Minnysodans. Have police ever been wrong?
And that, kids, is why you never, ever go on twitter and say that you fully support your college football players who just videotaped themselves pulling a massive train on a wasted coed.

The next time you get the urge to do something dumb like that count to ten and grab a Dilly Bar.

I bet the NY Times has an article taking the opposite angle.

Here's the thing (it's a thing?) Claeys learned the wrong lesson from the 2015 Mizzou debacle.

Pinkel backed his boyz but he knew he wasn't coming back the next year. The administration caved at Mizzou, followed closely by a football program that caved in on itself.

I give credit to the Minny administration, becuz they learned a different lesson from concernedstudent1950. They learned when you let the children run the asylum the adults can find themselves unemployed.
And that, kids, is why you never, ever go on twitter and say that you fully support your college football players who just videotaped themselves pulling a massive train on a wasted coed.

The next time you get the urge to do something dumb like that count to ten and grab a Dilly Bar.

Yep. And its one thing to support your players in a situation like this, but to come out and say 'he's never been prouder of his kids' after the boycott was dumb. Support your players but using those words ended him. Do the coach speak, have the media spokesman prepare a statement, etc.

I will say this for the guy though. He handled the situation 100 times better than Kirk would have. At least TC made a strong statement one way the other. Kirk would have ducked, put his thumb in his mouth, and prayed to Joe Moore for the national shit storm to die down.
Actually, the moral is that if you do anything that remotely looks like you're going against Title IX at ANY American university, you're going to lose. Every. Time. Claeys thought a football team would be bigger than moral outrage. But since he's not in the SEC, bye bye.
Yep. And its one thing to support your players in a situation like this, but to come out and say 'he's never been prouder of his kids' after the boycott was dumb. Support your players but using those words ended him. Do the coach speak, have the media spokesman prepare a statement, etc.

I will say this for the guy though. He handled the situation 100 times better than Kirk would have. At least TC made a strong statement one way the other. Kirk would have ducked, put his thumb in his mouth, and prayed to Joe Moore for the national shit storm to die down.

I'm pretty sure he invented an award to give to Doyle a couple months after rhabdo. Nothing tone deaf about that.:rolleyes: