Claeys out at Minny

Hey, whatever it takes to keep the Goofers in a funk.

They will not be in a funk for long with this new hire. If it's Fleck they will immediately surpass Iowa. This is a very winnable division. Fleck may have a cheesy shtick but kids love it and it works. Lovie is already out recruiting Kirk. Brohm brings an exciting and innovative offense to Purdue (like Tiller did), Fitz has been solid at NW and recruiting better than Iowa, Wisconsin is what Iowa strives to be, Nebraska is about as boring as Iowa but Riley at least has made staff changes to improve team and is recruiting well. Iowa is going to be left in the dust. Coaching continuity isn't a selling point like it was in 2000s. Iowa has nice facilities but so is everyone else and that hasn't helped much anyway. Iowa can't improve recruiting when given a 12-2 season and Rose Bowl. You'd think 17 years of coaching continuity would give a team an edge but it's become a hindrance now when Kirk fails to make upgrades.
They will not be in a funk for long with this new hire. If it's Fleck they will immediately surpass Iowa. This is a very winnable division. Fleck may have a cheesy shtick but kids love it and it works. Lovie is already out recruiting Kirk. Brohm brings an exciting and innovative offense to Purdue (like Tiller did), Fitz has been solid at NW and recruiting better than Iowa, Wisconsin is what Iowa strives to be, Nebraska is about as boring as Iowa but Riley at least has made staff changes to improve team and is recruiting well. Iowa is going to be left in the dust. Coaching continuity isn't a selling point like it was in 2000s. Iowa has nice facilities but so is everyone else and that hasn't helped much anyway. Iowa can't improve recruiting when given a 12-2 season and Rose Bowl. You'd think 17 years of coaching continuity would give a team an edge but it's become a hindrance now when Kirk fails to make upgrades.

Not so sure about Fleck...on several levels. Hype only goes so far. See Brewster, Zook, etc etc. It also works better at the mid major level.

Also, not so sure that Minnesota wants to hire a guy like him...considering the stance they just took. Fleck would seem a little over the top for the PC crowd that insisted for a change.

That being said... I'm still so sick of Kirk's tired schtick.
Do you guys remember when a young coach from Southern Illinois named Jerry Kill brought his staff to Iowa City for a coaching seminar with then young and up-and-coming Kirk Ferentz?
They will not be in a funk for long with this new hire. If it's Fleck they will immediately surpass Iowa. This is a very winnable division. Fleck may have a cheesy shtick but kids love it and it works. Lovie is already out recruiting Kirk. Brohm brings an exciting and innovative offense to Purdue (like Tiller did), Fitz has been solid at NW and recruiting better than Iowa, Wisconsin is what Iowa strives to be, Nebraska is about as boring as Iowa but Riley at least has made staff changes to improve team and is recruiting well. Iowa is going to be left in the dust. Coaching continuity isn't a selling point like it was in 2000s. Iowa has nice facilities but so is everyone else and that hasn't helped much anyway. Iowa can't improve recruiting when given a 12-2 season and Rose Bowl. You'd think 17 years of coaching continuity would give a team an edge but it's become a hindrance now when Kirk fails to make upgrades.

They have been in a funk for 3 and 1/2 decades. High chance they stay there.
Claey's got screwed. He stuck up for his players and went against administration. If he would have went with admin and gone against his players, he'd be screwed that way. They put him between the rock and a hard place and didn't give him a chance.
Rumor has it Coyal he has been told by some big boosters to keep Fleck at an arms length. What you say might be true but I doubt it's going to be Fleck that gets them out of this fiasco.
Claey's got screwed. He stuck up for his players and went against administration. If he would have went with admin and gone against his players, he'd be screwed that way. They put him between the rock and a hard place and didn't give him a chance.
He did have a third choice, which was to stay neutral. The single mistake that got him fired was posting about it on Twitter.

Sad to say, but if you choose a side of an issue in today's day and age you will be completely destroyed by the other side, no matter what the issue is. Choosing a side, as admirable as it may be to do so, is an unwinnable thing to do with social media being a thing. It's total mob mentality, but on a scale that we've never seen before. At what other time in history could millions of people and hundreds of news outlets crush a bumpkin like Claeys' future within hours, just because of a 140 character statement saying he supports his players? You see it all the time.

The UoM had no choice in the matter, Tracy Claeys was going to get fired the instant he hit send. If the school said it was going to keep him around the shit storm on social media would have gotten so out of control that they'd have to relent at some point. Such is the world we live in where anyone typing on a phone anonymously (just like each of us here) can turn someone's life into an instant tire fire, then double tap the home button and enter your fantasy team.
He did have a third choice, which was to stay neutral. The single mistake that got him fired was posting about it on Twitter.

Sad to say, but if you choose a side of an issue in today's day and age you will be completely destroyed by the other side, no matter what the issue is. Choosing a side, as admirable as it may be to do so, is an unwinnable thing to do with social media being a thing. It's total mob mentality, but on a scale that we've never seen before. At what other time in history could millions of people and hundreds of news outlets crush a bumpkin like Claeys' future within hours, just because of a 140 character statement saying he supports his players? You see it all the time.

The UoM had no choice in the matter, Tracy Claeys was going to get fired the instant he hit send. If the school said it was going to keep him around the shit storm on social media would have gotten so out of control that they'd have to relent at some point. Such is the world we live in where anyone typing on a phone anonymously (just like each of us here) can turn someone's life into an instant tire fire, then double tap the home button and enter your fantasy team.

The U had a choice. They trainrolled him and was just looking for a reason to cut him. It was quite telling when he got that small time commitment in his contract. They had a choice. You can't tell me if Urban did the same at Ohio St. or even Ferentz at Iowa, both those schools would have come out with a statement & kept their coaches. They could have said "We appreciate coach Claey's support for the players on his team in this difficult situation, blah blah blah......". The guy won 9 games in his second year.
Rumor has it Coyal he has been told by some big boosters to keep Fleck at an arms length. What you say might be true but I doubt it's going to be Fleck that gets them out of this fiasco.

Fleck is a bit of a loose canon, not exactly the type of guy they're going to hire considering the stance they just took.

This episode has been a great example of what happens with instant reaction social media. Few take the time to gather facts, think about things and come to a rational conclusion. Dare I suggest...the younger you are, the more true that tends to be

This can be seen on Gopherhole. Last night the lead poll (Do you agree with the decision to fire Tracy Claeys?) was running 75% against. Now it's more like 57-43.
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The U had a choice. They trainrolled him and was just looking for a reason to cut him. It was quite telling when he got that small time commitment in his contract. They had a choice. You can't tell me if Urban did the same at Ohio St. or even Ferentz at Iowa, both those schools would have come out with a statement & kept their coaches. They could have said "We appreciate coach Claeys' support for the players on his team in this difficult situation, blah blah blah......". The guy won 9 games in his second year.
I don't think that's a good comparison, though, because Urban Meyer and Ferentz aren't stupid enough to do something like that. They clam up at the first hint of a personnel issue because they're smarter and know what can happen when you try to wash dirty laundry in public. You can tell by listening to the guy that he's a bush-leaguer who was in over his head.

It's also different in the sense that Minnesota football is nowhere near the huge animal as it is at OSU, Iowa, or Oklahoma (Bob Stoops/Joe Mixon scandal). Urban Meyer or Stoops aren't going anywhere unless the boosters say they are, unless they commit some sort of crime or get in hot water with the NCAA.
Fleck is a bit of a loose canon, not exactly the type of guy they're going to hire considering the stance they just took.

This episode has been a great example of what happens with instant reaction social media. Few take the time to gather facts, think about things and come to a rational conclusion. Dare I suggest...the younger you are, the more true that tends to be

This can be seen on Gopherhole. Last night the lead poll (Do you agree with the decision to fire Tracy Claeys?) was running 75% against. Now it's more like 57-43.

Trump figured that out. The Republicans and Democrats didn't.
Kill just said he will never again step foot in the Minnesota stadium after what they just did!!! ouch! what coach is going to want to go there?
"There are protocols in place to handle this sort of stuff."

Kirkism that allows a coach to keep his job.
Kill just said he will never again step foot in the Minnesota stadium after what they just did!!! ouch! what coach is going to want to go there?
Pretty easy to say when they don't have another game scheduled there this decade. Assuming he hasn't stroked out by the time they do play in MN, what's he going to do? Stand out in the parking lot with a walkie talkie?
The U had a choice. They trainrolled him and was just looking for a reason to cut him. It was quite telling when he got that small time commitment in his contract. They had a choice. You can't tell me if Urban did the same at Ohio St. or even Ferentz at Iowa, both those schools would have come out with a statement & kept their coaches. They could have said "We appreciate coach Claey's support for the players on his team in this difficult situation, blah blah blah......". The guy won 9 games in his second year.

I don't see it that way. Having spent part of my career at a major university, it surprises me that they stood up. It is so easy to do what the donors want. That IS the way that major universities work. There is so much corruption and cronyism at any major public university. I think it was fear of what happened at Mizzou, PSU, Baylor and so on. Seems the major donors would have been in favor of keeping him. Universities don't naturally stand up and do the right thing. They do the political thing, both in opinion and money flow. This guy was an idiot to jump right in as he did. Or at least that's what would have happened in the past. To see University Presidents be more scared of consequences as opposed to pressure is rather refreshing.

I do wonder what Iowa's protocol is on team ethics and standards in this type of situation. Certainly they talk about doing the right thing which is where the players screwed up on several accounts.

It will be interesting to see how things play out with the police department.