
I was at the Indiana game and sat behind the Iowa bench with my dad. After one of CJ's runs where he took a pretty good hit on the east sideline, I noticed him not looking comfortable on the sideline when our defense was on the field. He was standing upright with his hands on his hips and kept arching is back backwards like he tweeked his back. I remember telling my dad that CJ looks like he hurt his back on that hit. If I had to guess (and this is my only hope), Kirk and CJ both knew that he wouldn't play at all against Maryland. We all know how conservative Kirk is, so hopefully, he knows we'll need CJ to make a November run and wasn't going to risk CJ aggravating the injury he may have had. This is the only scenario that would make yesterday's events make any sense. If this happens to be true, then Kirk's comments after the game also make more sense, not wanting to come out and say that he was "hurt". Let the bye week heal him up and unleash him on jNW.

Kirk has always said, "things are never quite as good as they seem, and things are never quite as bad as they seem." For his sake, I hope the latter part of that applies to yesterday.

Boy I hope you are right