Cezar Down to Four

Individuality is a marketing ploy. Very,very few people make decisions driven by what you would call individuality. Most people make decisions based on a number of factors, such as social norms, beliefs about the outcome of the decision, and peripheral preferences such as weather, prestige, proximity, relationships, etc. Of these social norms are probably the strongest for a high school kid. Believe me, I am raising one. Even the ones who believe they are being individuals, are most often just following the norms of a specific social clique.

Today the norms in basketball are not about going and starting something of you own. They are about joining up with the best players and winning on the biggest stages. Ask LaBron, Carmello, and Bosh about this. For that matter, in a few years ask Howard, Durant, and Mr. Dunk Champ about it.
For the most part your right but we all can make generalities and think its right. Every kid is different and none of us know what they are thinking.
IMO the Big 10 is a pretty big stage and I think Basabe is player and a winner.
I agree completely about the system. And all great systems get developed over time and start somewhere. Also, it only takes one player to be the catalyst to bring the other guys. Wade is case in point, he wasn't ripping things up in Miami, post Shaq. But I don't think he would have stayed there if the other guys didn't come. He would have been getting passes from Rose.

Now, does Cezar look at Basabe and see him as that guy? Is there another recruit who Cezar sees himself as a future too backcourt? Is Iowa as a big a stage as his other offers, and does he have better relationships with Iowa's coaches and players, maybe. But he isn't going to make the decision based on "individuality."
99 out of 100 kids with an offer from KU, UNC, or Duke will take it over an offer from just about anyone else. Those programs are the center of attention year round and are always in the pre season top 10. Does a kid want to roll the dice that Iowa can it rolling or does he take the sure thing and go Sweet 16 U?
You don't know that. You may be right but you don't know that.

Actually, I do know that. If by "knowing" you mean the body of available research on persuasion and decision making. The vast body of research has not found any evidence for an individuality variable in decision making. Now people do have judgements based on how they perceive social norms, i.e., I might like the idea of being "counter-culture." But I will still need a counter-culture to assimilate into or develop around me. A good resource to consider the development of counter-culture is Dick Hebdige's book "Style."
Actually, I do know that. If by "knowing" you mean the body of available research on persuasion and decision making. The vast body of research has not found any evidence for an individuality variable in decision making. Now people do have judgements based on how they perceive social norms, i.e., I might like the idea of being "counter-culture." But I will still need a counter-culture to assimilate into or develop around me. A good resource to consider the development of counter-culture is Dick Hebdige's book "Style."

I guess it just is the way you look at it. Each choice is an INDIVIDUAL decision. Just because 10 other people would make the same choice, doesn't mean that each makes that choice for the same reason. Some can come to the same conclusion through different routes. Just because you have some stats that day that people are influenced by things around them, I don't see how that leads to the conclusion that nobody has individuality?
I guess it just is the way you look at it. Each choice is an INDIVIDUAL decision. Just because 10 other people would make the same choice, doesn't mean that each makes that choice for the same reason. Some can come to the same conclusion through different routes. Just because you have some stats that day that people are influenced by things around them, I don't see how that leads to the conclusion that nobody has individuality?

If by individuality you mean the biological and social factors that make up the individual experience constituting a sense of identity, then people have "individuality." For instance, D Marble grew up the son of a Hawkeye legend. Even though the kid played high school ball in Michigan, there was still that social reality. Also, there have been scales designed to measure such social psychological factors as adventurousness, self-control, and defiance.

But "individuality" has just never been proven to be a singular factor apart from more specific biological and social factors. I know as Americans we love to hold on to the ideal of individuality, but it really just seems to be an abstract value term that serves as a good rallying call for marketers who want to attach their goals to a concept that people find attractive, because it provides more of a sense of self-determination than the alternative.

If I buy the $100 jeans or vote for candidate B because I am exerting my sense of individuality, it is more desirable than saying I am buying the jeans to keep up with the Jones's or because my father, friends, or the guy on TV I watch likes candidate B, or because candidate B is on the team I support.
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Are you kidding me? College Basketball recruiting is so shady that grass can't grow under it. College BB coaches make Boxing promoters look ethical for Christ's sake.

Sure college basketball coaches do some shady things. To lump Fran or any other coach in that category without an ounce of evidence is irresponsible.
Sure college basketball coaches do some shady things. To lump Fran or any other coach in that category without an ounce of evidence is irresponsible.

I am lumping them in the catergory of college basketball coaches, I am not accusing anyone individually. It is a dirty business, and anyone in the business, no matter how squeaky clean, is going to look dirty.

If we were talking about politicians I would say the same thing.
If by individuality you mean the biological and social factors that make up the individual experience constituting a sense of identity, then people have "individuality." For instance, D Marble grew up the son of a Hawkeye legend. Even though the kid played high school ball in Michigan, there was still that social reality. Also, there have been scales designed to measure such social psychological factors as adventurousness, self-control, and defiance.

But "individuality" has just never been proven to be a singular factor apart from more specific biological and social factors. I know as Americans we love to hold on to the ideal of individuality, but it really just seems to be an abstract value term that serves as a good rallying call for marketers who want to attach their goals to a concept that people find attractive, because it provides more of a sense of self-determination than the alternative.

If I buy the $100 jeans or vote for candidate B because I am exerting my sense of individuality, it is more desirable than saying I am buying the jeans to keep up with the Jones's or because my father, friends, or the guy on TV I watch likes candidate B, or because candidate B is on the team I support.

Now that the issue of individuality has more or less been clarified, can we explore existentialism? :eek:
I am lumping them in the catergory of college basketball coaches, I am not accusing anyone individually. It is a dirty business, and anyone in the business, no matter how squeaky clean, is going to look dirty.

If we were talking about politicians I would say the same thing.

I dont have a problem with that generalization. The problem I have is with Kaldenberg implying that it is going to take some fishy business to land Cezar.
I am lumping them in the catergory of college basketball coaches, I am not accusing anyone individually. It is a dirty business, and anyone in the business, no matter how squeaky clean, is going to look dirty.

If we were talking about politicians I would say the same thing.

Why stop there?
Fact: there are prostitutes in this world.
Therefore,all women are going to look dirty,no matter how squeaky clean.

Your perceptions do not create reality. Facts are reality.
I don't think, at least in this case, that Fran will have to Noodle this recruit. Cezar was genuinely having a good time before, during, and after the game.
I feel pretty good about our chances as it stands right now (no KU offer). But if Kansas comes calling, I'd knock our chances down from around 60-75% to about 15%. Kids usually don't turn down offers from the blue-blood schools.

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