CBS: Doyel & Dodd want Penn State to pay

I'll bet you $10 the NCAA levels sanctions. And unfortunately, the federal government does have a role in anti-trust issues. They've eluded to exactly what you suggest above. They won't do anything, for political reasons, but they could, and if it ever got bad enough, they would.

Anti-trust issues are different than recruiting violations or pay-for-play. The government isn't going to step in and punish Ohio State for its tattoo scandal, or anything like that.

The people involved in the cover-up are going to end up in prison, or at the very least, not being able to get a job in the same field as they have enjoyed up til now (or both). Punishing more innocent people (athletes and coaches who had nothing to do any of this), isn't going to make things right.
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Don't fool yourself. If they could, and they will eventually will, prove NCAA football to be a commercial venture, and if things got bad enough, the Feds would step in.

A football coach from UK argues, unsuccessfully, just that. And it involved NCAA recruiting violations.

It will eventually be argues successfully.

I'm not in favor of it. I'm just a realist.
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This. People need to get past the death penalty talk. It won't happen for two reasons: 1. The NCAA doesn't dish out the death penalty anymore, and 2. This isn't the NCAA's job to handle, nor should it be.

This has nothing to do with either the players or current coaching staff. The NCAA is supposed to be concerned with maintaining a level playing field (I know, they fail miserably all the time), not with being moral police.

If this is not the NCAA's job to handle whose job is it to handle? The board of trustees? Probably, but if they do not impose sanctions then I do believe the NCAA should step in there.

What is the NCAA's job? Because it seems that right now its to screw over everyone in the name of profit and then not give any of that profit to the players.

The people in a position to act did nothing, when that happens those with the ability to act must do so. Wonder who said that? The constitutional founding fathers!
1. If this is not the NCAA's job to handle whose job is it to handle? The board of trustees? Probably, but if they do not impose sanctions then I do believe the NCAA should step in there.

2. What is the NCAA's job? Because it seems that right now its to screw over everyone in the name of profit and then not give any of that profit to the players.

The people in a position to act did nothing, when that happens those with the ability to act must do so. Wonder who said that? The constitutional founding fathers!

1. Um, how about the Department of Justice? And guess what? They've already convicted Sandusky, and are only just getting started on the cover up. The people involved are going to get what's coming to them, and the NCAA doesn't have anything to do with it.

2. Just because the NCAA has failed at it's original mandate doesn't mean they should overstep their bounds. This simply isn't within the NCAA's purview.

I can only read the first segment of that article, but nothing in that segment suggests that this is an NCAA matter. In fact, it pretty clearly spelled out exactly what I've been saying:

The NCAA "coordinates the intercollegiate athletic programs of its members by adopting and promulgating playing rules, standards of amateurism, standards for academic eligibility, regulations concerning recruitment of student athletes, [and] rules governing the size of athletic squads and coaching staffs<elip>." 1 The primary purpose of the NCAA is to maintain intercollegiate athletics as an integral part of a member institution's overall educational program, and "the athlete as an integral part of the student body and, by so doing, retain a clear line of demarcation between intercollegiate athletics and professional sports."
Sandusky wrapped himself in the trappings of an NCAA institution and used those trappings to rape little boys.

EVERYONE who mattered in said institution become aware of his 'lack of integrity' (or whatever you wish to call it) and essentially said keep using the Penn State brand but keep your raping off-campus.

It doesn't sound like lack of institutional control to me. They had a reports of raping little boys go through all of the levels of management it should have. PSU decided that the best way to honor the integrity and values of PSU, the NCAA and the student athletes was to continue letting little boys get raped.

Make no mistake, Penn State football has been branded to be a beacon of what the NCAA was supposed to be. That branding help convince the parents and guardians of these little boys to send their kids to Jerry Sandusky where many of them were raped.
Where is the outrage for the people at the 2nd Mile Charity? They seem to be getting a pass in all this. I think we are jumping the gun on all of this a bit, as we still do not know what Paterno recommended.

Did PSU screw this up- absolutely, but this is such a horrible situation I am sure they would be raked over the coals no matter how they handled this. How was Sandusky allowed to continue to exist in the 2nd Mile after the investigation in 1998? Why is no one asking that question? IMO what they did or failed to do is 100x worse than anything Penn State did or failed to do. This creep set up a charity to give himself access to disadvantaged children and take advantage of them in horrible, horrible ways. I hope there is a "miscommunication" in the prison system and this ******* is left in the general population for an hour or two.
I think this is exactly the job of the NCAA. Lack of institutional control, all the way up to the top, to save a reputation, and an football team. To save a reputation and a football team over the lives of several young men.

I'm sure if this cover up wouldn't have happened, and this had come out sooner, PSU would still be as competitive on the field.

Level playing field indeed. Sounds like something out of a liberal newspaper.

While it's certainly a lack on institutional control legally, morally and in many ways, it's not in the definition the NCAA uses.
YOU guys keep talking about the university the people who runs it like its a casual story, you fail to see the whole picture children were sexually assaulted and abused over period of 15 years or longer. Penn state were responsible to report criminal matters involving minors right away. The key word is HUMANE, thats what emails between officers and the coach choose to do, proves that the Penn State and Jerry Standusky are guilty of crimes because they thought sexual matters involved with minors are JUST MINOR IN THEIR MINDS...
I honestly don`t care what NCAA `s punishments are...I don`t care if Jerry Standusky are in prison. Victims are here to grow up with permanent scars and nightmares and PSTD everyday of their life. No amounts of money and punishments would ever make that pains go away .....
Here's a question for those of you that think the NCAA will step in here. If they step in here for the moral and ethical violations that occurred at PSU, should they step in at Arkansas also? He was using university and personal funds to support his mistress, which is ethically wrong, especially in the religious south. Granted, the scope of his indiscretions are nowhere near the scope of what happened at PSU, but it does fall under the very general category of upholding the ethics of the NCAA. Yeah, I'm using the slippery slope argument here unfortunately. As I stated before there is no clear cut, defined rule violation by PSU here. There is perjury, child molestation, cover ups, and plenty of moral wrongdoings, but none of those are defined in the NCAA rulebook, but are covered in civil and criminal law. The LOIC is going to be extremely difficult to prove. The powers in charge all knew what was going on, and they were in control. Their control was completely morally wrong, but they were still in control.

The NCAA may try and penalize PSU due to pressure from the media, but I highly doubt they would be able to get anything to stick if PSU took them to arbitration or into a court room to get an injunction filed. I can definitely see something like that happening. I can also see the NCAA trying to rewrite the rules so if something like this happens in the future there will be something in place for them to punish the offending program.

Mind you, I'm in no way supporting the cover up in the athletic department or what any of the offending parties did. I'm hoping they all get punished to the fullest extent of civil, criminal, and prison law. I would like to see the NCAA be able to hand down some sort of punishment on anybody that was involved, like a lifetime coaching ban. I just can't see them being able to do so with their current rules.

I do not feel that it is right to punish any of the players for things they had no control over, or may have had any knowledge of. Now if players knew about it, and were informed to look the other way, then that's a different story and we go back to the civil, criminal, and prison law.
The stupid, bungling NCAA needs to stay out of this one. This one is a lot bigger than that archaic organization. This case is going to involve further criminal proceedings, huge civil lawsuits, etc. etc. It will involve Pennsylvania government authorities, the federal government, etc. etc. Penn State (and by implication the State of Pennsylvania) will be defending hundreds of millions in lawsuits.

The NCAA needs to shut up and let the courts handle it.
YOU guys keep talking about the university the people who runs it like its a casual story, you fail to see the whole picture children were sexually assaulted and abused over period of 15 years or longer. Penn state were responsible to report criminal matters involving minors right away. The key word is HUMANE, thats what emails between officers and the coach choose to do, proves that the Penn State and Jerry Standusky are guilty of crimes because they thought sexual matters involved with minors are JUST MINOR IN THEIR MINDS...
I honestly don`t care what NCAA `s punishments are...I don`t care if Jerry Standusky are in prison. Victims are here to grow up with permanent scars and nightmares and PSTD everyday of their life. No amounts of money and punishments would ever make that pains go away .....

Oh please, get off your high horse. Everyone understands the disgusting nature of the crimes that took place. This thread is specifically about NCAA sanctions.
YOU guys keep talking about the university the people who runs it like its a casual story, you fail to see the whole picture children were sexually assaulted and abused over period of 15 years or longer. Penn state were responsible to report criminal matters involving minors right away. The key word is HUMANE, thats what emails between officers and the coach choose to do, proves that the Penn State and Jerry Standusky are guilty of crimes because they thought sexual matters involved with minors are JUST MINOR IN THEIR MINDS...
I honestly don`t care what NCAA `s punishments are...I don`t care if Jerry Standusky are in prison. Victims are here to grow up with permanent scars and nightmares and PSTD everyday of their life. No amounts of money and punishments would ever make that pains go away .....
Who's saying that's NOT the case?
Here's a question for those of you that think the NCAA will step in here. If they step in here for the moral and ethical violations that occurred at PSU, should they step in at Arkansas also? He was using university and personal funds to support his mistress,

Arkansas acted when it came to there attention. PSU helped to perpetuate the rape of little boys.
Where is the outrage for the people at the 2nd Mile Charity? They seem to be getting a pass in all this. I think we are jumping the gun on all of this a bit, as we still do not know what Paterno recommended.

Did PSU screw this up- absolutely, but this is such a horrible situation I am sure they would be raked over the coals no matter how they handled this. How was Sandusky allowed to continue to exist in the 2nd Mile after the investigation in 1998? Why is no one asking that question? IMO what they did or failed to do is 100x worse than anything Penn State did or failed to do. This creep set up a charity to give himself access to disadvantaged children and take advantage of them in horrible, horrible ways. I hope there is a "miscommunication" in the prison system and this ******* is left in the general population for an hour or two.

Yea I agree with this…..there are plenty of rotten actions to go around on this deal. Honestly this charity harbored and abetted a know pedophile the way it seems to me…..And I don’t think the NCAA wants anything to do with this and quite frankly the legal system will handle this just fine.
Arkansas acted when it came to there attention. PSU helped to perpetuate the rape of little boys.

But until he crashed his motorcycle with her on it they were unaware of what he was doing and therefore you could say they had lack of institutional control. So while Arkansas acted ethically after they discovered the incident they were still not in control of what was going on before. This is where the lack of any sort of written and documented rules by the NCAA are going to make it difficult.

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