CBS: Doyel & Dodd want Penn State to pay

Was wondering if those two would ever get on this. They freak out about everything but hadn't seen anything from them on this yet.
"If the NCAA prosecuting Penn State keeps another monster off the streets or makes an administrator value justice more than the football program, it's worth it. A sexual assault scandal at Montana recently cost the AD and football coach their jobs. Maybe that school deserves a letter from Emmert, too."

Nicely put.
Several threads on this. I've always maintained the NCAA would get deeply involved. The letter written in 2011, and some comments made shortly after this thing erupted shouldn't leave anyone surprised that this would be coming.

I'm just sad, even for Joe Pa. It's a sick situation, and all of us on here will keep blogging more about it, for no other reason than it is difficult to digest and understand, and all we can do is keep blogging.

I'm not a parent, so I can't understand in the way a parent can. Even not being a parent, I still have thoughts of doing physical harm to those that allowed this to keep going on, long after it should have been stopped.

Mixed emotions about all those at PSU that had nothing to do with this, but I think the greater good is something close to the death penalty. All brought on by the administration, and it seems, although not as clearly, the head football coach.
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what is reasonable punishment, and is it limited to just football since the AD, President, and a VP were involved?

post-season ban? scholarship reduction? show-cause on former coaches? hard to guess what could happen because it goes far beyond football.
what is reasonable punishment, and is it limited to just football since the AD, President, and a VP were involved?

post-season ban? scholarship reduction? show-cause on former coaches? hard to guess what could happen because it goes far beyond football.

They need the death penalty in my opinion, notwithstanding the collateral damage. This is so much worse than what SMU did, it doesn't even compare.

Anyone who follows the pc board knows I think university admin. is greedier than the greediest businessperson. They will get what they deserve in financial punishment, and decreased donations. Some deserve prosecution. Most likely more than will be prosecuted. This really looks systemic. The present athletes and students, at least the vast majority of them, don't deserve this, but the only way I see to punish PSU necessarily will punish them also.
They need the death penalty in my opinion, notwithstanding the collateral damage. This is so much worse than what SMU did, it doesn't even compare.

Anyone who follows the pc board knows I think university admin. is greedier than the greediest businessperson. They will get what they deserve in financial punishment, and decreased donations. Some deserve prosecution. Most likely more than will be prosecuted. This really looks systemic. The present athletes and students, at least the vast majority of them, don't deserve this, but the only way I see to punish PSU necessarily will punish them also.

i can see where you're coming from, but to cancel their season will never happen. i agree that it is significantly worse than SMU, but it is tricky. i really hope the prosecutors go hard after all involved and don't take any plea deals. people need to go to jail for this. lives were ruined.
My two cents about the NCAA punishing the program. What NCAA rule(s) did they violate during this mess? As far as I know there were no NCAA rules violated and this will make it very difficult for them to punish the program. All the parties involved should be facing state and federal charges for the cover up and should be punished by the law. I imagine there will also be several civil suits against the parties involved for allowing it to continue happening after they allegedly knew about it.
What NCAA rule did they break?

This is long but I hope someone out there reads it. It is the Mission Statement of the NCAA.

Core Purpose:
Our purpose is to govern competition in a fair, safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount.

Core Values:
The Association - through its member institutions, conferences and national office staff - shares a belief in and commitment to:
· The collegiate model of athletics in which students participate as an avocation, balancing their academic, social and athletics experiences.

· The highest levels of integrity and sportsmanship.

· The pursuit of excellence in both academics and athletics.

· The supporting role that intercollegiate athletics plays in the higher education mission and in enhancing the sense of community and strengthening the identity of member institutions.

· An inclusive culture that fosters equitable participation for student-athletes and career opportunities for coaches and administrators from diverse backgrounds.

· Respect for institutional autonomy and philosophical differences.

· Presidential leadership of intercollegiate athletics at the campus, conference and national levels.

The Final core value and the part about safe integration of athletics into higher education, are the most applicable.

There is no rule that says "do not harbor child predators" that does not mean because there is no law against it that it violates the core mission of the organization... This is inherently worse. They violated the trust of that which enables the organization to exist. If people are disgusted with the NCAA then the NCAA will cease to exist. Its like if you work at a company and there is no rule against using the money you make to buy hookers just outside company property. Its just something you know not to do because if your boss sees that you will be fired for violating that which the company stands for...

In short Penn State did not uphold the most important beliefs and values of the NCAA and needs to be dismissed from the organization.
I read it, and no, PSU did not uphold the most important beliefs and values of the NCAA. However, this is way above and beyond what the NCAA is mandated to oversee. The law will take care of the guilty.
Lack of institutional control. The cover up went all the way up to the former PSU President's office. NCAA will act. Friendly bet of $10 anyone?
I read it, and no, PSU did not uphold the most important beliefs and values of the NCAA. However, this is way above and beyond what the NCAA is mandated to oversee. The law will take care of the guilty.

This. People need to get past the death penalty talk. It won't happen for two reasons: 1. The NCAA doesn't dish out the death penalty anymore, and 2. This isn't the NCAA's job to handle, nor should it be.

This has nothing to do with either the players or current coaching staff. The NCAA is supposed to be concerned with maintaining a level playing field (I know, they fail miserably all the time), not with being moral police.
I think this is exactly the job of the NCAA. Lack of institutional control, all the way up to the top, to save a reputation, and an football team. To save a reputation and a football team over the lives of several young men.

I'm sure if this cover up wouldn't have happened, and this had come out sooner, PSU would still be as competitive on the field.

Level playing field indeed. Sounds like something out of a liberal newspaper.
I think this is exactly the job of the NCAA. Lack of institutional control, all the way up to the top, to save a reputation, and an football team. To save a reputation and a football team over the lives of several young men.

I'm sure if this cover up wouldn't have happened, and this had come out sooner, PSU would still be as competitive on the field.

Level playing field indeed. Sounds like something out of a liberal newspaper.

Again, what PSU did was wrong. But it's not what the NCAA governs. There's a reason that the federal government doesn't bother with recruiting violations, pay-for-play, etc. It's not their job to police that. It's the NCAA's job, because it's an ATHLETIC association.

They won't be leveling sanctions on PSU, and they shouldn't. It's not the NCAA's business. It's the Justice Department's, and they're currently handling it.

The NCAA doesn't place sanctions on schools like Florida, or even Iowa and Iowa State, for some of the outrageous arrest numbers they have. It's never discussed as a possibility by the public, either. Because it's not the NCAA's problem.
I'll bet you $10 the NCAA levels sanctions. And unfortunately, the federal government does have a role in anti-trust issues. They've eluded to exactly what you suggest above. They won't do anything, for political reasons, but they could, and if it ever got bad enough, they would.

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