Canzeri Practicing

here's my two cents from working in the PT field:

i have only seen one surgeon okay an athlete to return to sport in less than 6 months. and she re-tore her ACL. honestly i have met and heard several well respected surgeons say that the ligament isn't fully healed until 9 months to a year and that it is foolish to think otherwise. i am shocked that he got medical clearance to return to practice, let alone pads.

What about the newer treatments that are out there, have you had a client receive those types of treatments?? Like what Stanzi had, some type of plasma injections. That treament was to significantly help with healing times on injuries. Maybe Canzeri is/was receiving those?
I'll just state again that I've only seen one athlete return to play before 6 months and they re-tore it. Just saying. And for those who need a little info on ACL rehab check this out.Its a quick little summary -
What if it was a really really tiny tear?

the size of the tear is completely irrelevant. in surgery the ligament is completely replaced with another part of your body.
here's my two cents from working in the PT field:i have only seen one surgeon okay an athlete to return to sport in less than 6 months. and she re-tore her ACL. honestly i have met and heard several well respected surgeons say that the ligament isn't fully healed until 9 months to a year and that it is foolish to think otherwise. i am shocked that he got medical clearance to return to practice, let alone pads.
What about the newer treatments that are out there, have you had a client receive those types of treatments?? Like what Stanzi had, some type of plasma injections. That treament was to significantly help with healing times on injuries. Maybe Canzeri is/was receiving those?

yeah, or how bout mister myagi treatments.
I doubt Canzeri is anywhere close to playing. However, I do recall Canzeri in an interview saying the doctors have told him he's ahead of schedule. That could be weeks, months ahead, who knows. At the rate we're going with rb's, we may need him towards the end of the year if he can go.
The fact is we are thin at rb...however if he is cleared to play, whether he does or not, he is contributing in many ways.

If he even goes in, the other backs are getting a breather and the defense has to "adjust"...if he is only practicing, he is one more rb pushing the other rbs to step up their game to get pt. I think he plays and contributes with yards and diversion, as i don't see him as a big blocking back. Look for a lot of pt for Rogers, based on ball control and pass blocking.
What if it was a really really tiny tear?

that would be considered a grade 1 sprain (micro-tear) and is non surgical. that is basically what an mild ankle sprain is.

i'm not a surgeon, but i've heard dozens of high level surgeons speak at conferences (some who practiced under James Andrews, the ortho guru) and several of them state the new ACL isn't into maturation stage until 9-12 months at the earliest. doesn't matter how strong they are. ligaments have little to no blood supply and heal at an incredibly slow rate.

the last conference i was at the head surgeon for the US olympic team said he wouldn't clear an athlete to return to sport till at least 9 months. the U of I has great surgeons, but not that great.
What about the newer treatments that are out there, have you had a client receive those types of treatments?? Like what Stanzi had, some type of plasma injections. That treament was to significantly help with healing times on injuries. Maybe Canzeri is/was receiving those?

i have had a couple patients receive autologous blood injections into tendons to speed up healing time. there are some surgeons who give PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections. the main hangup is that there is basically no scientific research on if that stuff is even beneficial. i know one surgeon (head of research at the U of Pitt) who is adamantly against that stuff.

what stanzi had was significantly less of an injury. the ankle is much more stable than the knee and much easier to support through bracing/taping.

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