This is going to be one of the most interesting things to happen to college sports, maybe ever.
Here's the thing that (as far as I can tell) has not been mentioned:
Ponder this hypothetical situation for a bit:
Say this becomes a real thing and players do actually start getting paid. The amounts and who gets what don;t matter for this argument.
At that point they become actual employees of their school. They could then in theory form a frickin' union if half + one choose to do so and go through collective bargaining with their school for pay and benefits. Lord knows the GD NLRB would love to help that process along.
The teams could also potentially strike against their school, forfeiting a game over whatever issue they wanted to. DON'T THINK IT COULDN'T HAPPEN.
The potential disruption would be a disaster that would ruin college sports.
I don't care what needs to happen, but this paying players thing needs to be nipped in the bud.