I’d be curious how this all plays out. Will athletes get part of the loot for ticket sales and concessions? If so, will it somehow get distributed down to the golf teams and equestrian events?
I had an initial thought. Perhaps the NCAA can institute an “option” for athletes. Take the traditional scholarship route, and no money from outside sources. But, opt for taking a chance on outside income, and no scholarship. Pay for it yourself. Pay for food, training, tutors, classes, room/board, clothing, all of it.
perhaps the best thing of all could happen. A true NFL minor league system. At 18 years old, skip college altogether, and start your NFL career. Play for the Cedar Rapids weedkillers. Do the same thing for the NBA. Kids who want to go to college can, and those who don’t, won’t. THAT might eventually even put the collegiate playing field.
I’m just spitballing here. We have 4-5 years to figure it out, and probably 5 more years of litigation .