California Gives NCAA The Middle Finger

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If the Pac-12 pulled out of the NCAA would the Big Ten consider going with them? I thought there was talks of this a few years ago. Basically the Rose Bowl would be their National Championship. The $EC has no reason to leave the NCAA, hell they've been paying their player all along and getting away with it.
I thought the California model was you had to pay a lot extra and maybe lie a lot just to get your kid into a prestigious school.
Havent seen that in a LONG time.

I would ask Boz the following;

If your going to get dismissed from the team and embroil yourself in a twenty year feud with your legendary head coach over a goddamn t-shirt......could you at least get the shirt printer to set the columns properly for your slogan?
My sister on Christmas day gave me his book "The Boz." After I read it, I threw it in the garbage! All he did was insult everyone in it, even Bob Hope when he hosted the All American teams on NBC. I saw tv special a few years ago with Bosworth where he had all his personal stuff in a storage unit. He was going through it and he came across that t-shirt. He said he now really regretted wearing it. I could tell by the look on his face and tone of voice that he meant it.
First, California imposes a travel ban to Iowa (seriously) and now this, indirectly screwing our football teams, all in the span of two weeks. I predict soon they will declare war on Iowa. Get ready.
So California has enough funds to fight the NCAA for years but not enough to clean up the homeless?

First, California imposes a travel ban to Iowa (seriously) and now this, indirectly screwing our football teams, all in the span of two weeks. I predict soon they will declare war on Iowa. Get ready.

After the skullduggery the damned Standford band pulled in the Rose Bowl, I wouldn't complain if sea level rose enough to take out LA and San Fran within the next few months.
My sister on Christmas day gave me his book "The Boz." After I read it, I threw it in the garbage! All he did was insult everyone in it, even Bob Hope when he hosted the All American teams on NBC. I saw tv special a few years ago with Bosworth where he had all his personal stuff in a storage unit. He was going through it and he came across that t-shirt. He said he now really regretted wearing it. I could tell by the look on his face and tone of voice that he meant it.
I still have that book. And I saw that TV show where he went through his storage unit with his son. Might have been a 30 for 30.

The narcissistic, look at me athlete was still a relatively misunderstood phenomenon in the eighties. Even TV was relatively new back then, especially cable channels. Sure you had Muhammad Ali and Pete Rose in professional sports, perhaps World B Free. They were narcissists. Then the Boz came along, followed closely by Prime Time Deion Sanders. Athletes, and the way they were covered, would never be the same.

Everyone knew that Bob Hope hung around show business about twenty years too long. Talk about a narcissist. He considered himself the king of NBC and would occasionally show up on Johnny Carson's tonight show unannounced. Johnny, a quintessential pro if ever there was one, would have to be at his absolute best to keep the show from going off the rails.
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I’d be curious how this all plays out. Will athletes get part of the loot for ticket sales and concessions? If so, will it somehow get distributed down to the golf teams and equestrian events?

I had an initial thought. Perhaps the NCAA can institute an “option” for athletes. Take the traditional scholarship route, and no money from outside sources. But, opt for taking a chance on outside income, and no scholarship. Pay for it yourself. Pay for food, training, tutors, classes, room/board, clothing, all of it.

perhaps the best thing of all could happen. A true NFL minor league system. At 18 years old, skip college altogether, and start your NFL career. Play for the Cedar Rapids weedkillers. Do the same thing for the NBA. Kids who want to go to college can, and those who don’t, won’t. THAT might eventually even put the collegiate playing field.

I’m just spitballing here. We have 4-5 years to figure it out, and probably 5 more years of litigation .
If they can do this in California, it will require the NCAA to allow it nationally. Car dealers in Alabama and Georgia better get their checkbooks out. Thank God T. Boone is dead or Oklahoma State would be an unstoppable force.

Which makes one wonder, who do the Waltons, Bezos, Gates, et. al., root for? And how is Nebraska, with the Buffett presence, not rolling along?
Easiest way for the NCAA to fight it in short term: declare athletes at CA schools ineligible, and notify high schools that kids signing LOIs with CA schools immediately forfeit NCAA eligibility.

Once CA schools turn on lawmakers and Gov. Gav gets run out of Sacramento on a rail, those folks will come to their senses.

As Stanford said when they objected, it's not the worrying about high-profile athletes and money, it's the untenable situation they will be in with Title IX.
This is going to be one of the most interesting things to happen to college sports, maybe ever.
Here's the thing that (as far as I can tell) has not been mentioned:

Ponder this hypothetical situation for a bit:
Say this becomes a real thing and players do actually start getting paid. The amounts and who gets what don;t matter for this argument.
At that point they become actual employees of their school. They could then in theory form a frickin' union if half + one choose to do so and go through collective bargaining with their school for pay and benefits. Lord knows the GD NLRB would love to help that process along.
The teams could also potentially strike against their school, forfeiting a game over whatever issue they wanted to. DON'T THINK IT COULDN'T HAPPEN.
The potential disruption would be a disaster that would ruin college sports.
I don't care what needs to happen, but this paying players thing needs to be nipped in the bud.
I don’t know if I like the direction this is going. What’s next? High school kids hiring agents to find them the right school where they can maximize their earning potential? How does it affect the voting on post season awards like the Heisman? An athlete putting his image out there nationwide can’t possibly hurt his chances of getting other regional voters can it? I think California just opened Pandora’s Box. After all is said and done, amateur athletics is going to be a thing of the past. I know there are the pros and cons of it all, but who profits and who gets left behind? I can see a scenario of the rich getting richer. Where would schools like Iowa end up? This is gonna be big sh*t show before it’s all said and done.
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